The Fight

Sunday, December 1, 2013

It's A Party!

The Henry Glass designers are having a party over on the HG Blog all this week.  You will want to stop by because there is some holiday fun there!  Today is my day to be featured, so you can go there to read a little about me and even enter to win prizes.  For the Blog Party, I am giving away not one, but TWO fabric bundles--one here on my blog and one on the HG Blog.  So you have a good chance of winning a whole bunch of fat quarters from my Poppy Patio collection. To enter here, just leave me a comment on this post.

Visit the Jillily Studio Facebook page for another chance to win.  Just "LIKE" the page and leave a comment there and you will be entered.

Now let's get to the fun stuff!  I wanted to have a few decorations up to make my post a little bit festive, but I am no way near done.  I don't like to decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving, so I just got started.  We went and cut a tree on Friday, and put it up on Saturday.  It took me all day to decorate it, not that it is so great, just that I am so slow.  UP and DOWN that ladder a million times, but it is coming together.  Just as I was finishing up, it started to tip over.  YIKES!! I caught it just in time and had to hold it there until my screams woke up my sleeping husband (it was 1 in the morning) and he came and rescued me!

He tied it to the wall with a lovely yellow rope. (Being as that was all we could find at 1 in the morning.)  He is going to replace that rope with a nice silver wire, but I think the yellow rope is quite interesting, don't you?

I love winter and the beautiful snow and ice. It is just so pretty.  So my tree has a few icicles and snowflakes on it.  Many of you know that our family always cuts and hangs paper snowflakes from the ceiling.  (See a post about how to do it here.)  This tradition started at our wedding--Dec 17 is our anniversary, and our reception was at my home.  We covered the whole entire ceiling of our home with hanging paper snowflakes.  It was magical.  Thirty seven years later I am still married to the same wonderful man, who occasionally rescues me from falling Christmas trees and such.

Well, I don't have that done yet, but we have started cutting them, and I will get them up this week.  My grandkids cut a few snowflakes last week, and we cut a few more Sunday night.  I have a stack or two ready to hang, and I will show you a picture when I get them up.

 I wanted to explain why it takes me so long to get the Christmas decor up.  Many of you know my mischievous son, Jordan, who is 29 now, but has only the mental capacity of a two year old.  JoJo LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Christmas!  And he loves decorating for it!  He thinks if he decorates for Christmas, it must be time for Christmas!  And that means all the family will come and we will have a big party.
So all year long, JoJo is trying to decorate for Christmas.  We have hidden, and locked and strapped and employed every device you can imagine to try to keep the decorations from him.  But he is a crafty little elf, and he finds a way.  So when I really do want to get out the Christmas stuff, he has-- let's say, rearranged it a bit.  It is quite a trick finding all the parts and pieces.

Saturday, when he saw that I was finally doing it, he got busy, too.  He did the front porch for me.  It is quite festive, and he was very proud of himself.  I may have to rearrange a bit so our guest can get in the  front door, but that's just the way it is around here!

I hope this post gets you in a festive Christmas mood.  I'm sorry it is not more quilt related (Hey, I did starch and iron all those snowflakes, that should count) but the fabric I am giving away--it truly is quilt related, and you could win it!  Don't forget to leave me a comment here and for a second chance, on Facebook.

Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you, since Christmas is coming, I am putting several gift items on my website on sale starting today for the next week.  The Patchwork Place 2014 Calendar, and both of my books are 20% off.  Click here to go right to my shop page.

Head on over to the Henry Glass blog and join the Party!


  1. thanks for the fun giveaway! you're tree is just beautiful!

  2. Your tree looks fabulous - yellow rope included!
    Thanks for a fabulous giveaway!

  3. Beautiful tree and fabric both! Merry Christmas.
    Mary ANn

  4. A mystery quilt giveaway! What fun! I love your tree!

  5. Your tree is amazing! Thank you for the giveaway. I just love Henry Glass fabric

  6. Beautiful Christmas tree. May your holidays be blessed.

  7. Your tree is beautiful! Your son's love of Christmas is a good reminder to us all to appreciate the JOY in the holidays. The stack of fabrics looks wonderful, thanks for the chance to win.

  8. Oh your tree is glorious. Thank you for sharing the photos of your tree. Also thank you for a wonderful giveaway.

  9. What a beautiful Christmas tree! And I love your snowflake tradition. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  10. I love the paper snowflake idea. That would be great for the holiday gathering. Having everyone make one every year to hang from the ceiling next year. Thanks for the idea!

  11. Thank you for this chance....your tree is gorgeous; as are the snowflakes..Merry Christmas

  12. your tree is beautiful.

    I would love to win some of that wonderful fabric. Thanks for a chance. Happy holidays to you and yours and be sure and show us your finished decorating.

  13. Thanks for sharing your pictures and a chance at the fabric bundle. Your tree is lovely and what a fun story you shared with us.

  14. Your tree is beautiful. Mine never looks anything like that. Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. I enjoy reading your posts quilt related or not. Jo Jo did a great job. What a blessing to have an angel in your midst all year long, have a wonderful Christmas Season.

  16. Getting ready for a Christmas Bazaar this weekend, and I have not even begun to decorate for Christmas. And I'm hosting a party on the 12th - can you say YIKES!!! Love your tree and also the porch decor :)

  17. Oh and I thought the yellow rope was a funky design element :')
    Beautiful tree and I love what your son did with the porch.

  18. Your tree is gorgeous! The lights reflected in the windows adds so much sparkle. My husband uses wire to tie our tree, I never know what color it will be.

  19. I haven't even started decorating! You and JoJo did a wonderful job on yours; it looks great. Thanks for the giveaway.

  20. Thanks for a chance at this lovely give away! Your tree is beautiful.

  21. your tree is gorgeous. your son did a fine job decorating. Christmas is an exciting time.

  22. Christmas is a magical time for everyone! Love the snowflakes and the tradition!

  23. That tree is absolutely GORGEOUS! I can see why JoJo loves Christmas - you make it a very festive and beautiful occasion, Jill.

  24. Thanks for sharing your family fun! The tree is beautiful even w/ the yellow rope and your sons decorating sweet! Thanks!

  25. Love your decorations. Thanks for the opportunity. That fabric looks great.

  26. I love a lot of lights on my tree too but I will admit that I don't stay up all night decorating it. Your son must make you feel like it's Christmas all year long.

  27. I love your tree. Thanks for sharing this wonderful giveaway.

  28. Your tree and décor are lovely. Loved reading about your son. I too have a adult son who is 20 that is special needs that lives with us. And I am always slow to get everything done too... But it all works out eventually. I am truly blessed blessed to have him and be able to care for my Connor.

  29. I love the front porch decorations! Thanks for the chance at a fabulous giveaway.

  30. Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous fabric. Your tree is gorgeous and I love your sweet way of describing Jordan's decorations on the front porch. Obviously, you're an awesome Mom as well.

  31. Your tree is amazingly beautiful! Making all the snow flakes and hanging them from the ceiling is a fun idea. You really have a lovely assortment & they are so pretty! It's a good thing that your husband heard you and came running with his yellow rope! It would be a terrible shame for your tree to fall over. Glad that JoJo can decorate now! I really like your Poppy Patio fabrics! Great giveaway, thanks!

  32. What a beautiful tree, and what a wonderful son. Congratulations on being given one of God's special spirits.

  33. Thank you for sharing!! The Poppy Patio collection is lovely.

  34. Thank you for the chance to win some beautiful fabric. I LOVE the snowflakes.

  35. Thank you for this great giveaway!

  36. Such pretty fabric! I hope santa thinks I have been good this year and pulls my name and number!

  37. Love the decorations even with the yellow rope. I love that your son sees Christmas as the best time of year because he gets to see all his extended family at one time. He knows what's important. His decorating skills rank right up there with what mine are sometimes. Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful fabric.

  38. Your tree is gorgeous -- I love all the lights. I agree with JoJo about Christmas, it should be every day!

  39. Your Christmas Decorations Are Beautiful. I Love Making Snowflakes Too.

  40. Loving your tree! So pretty, and I am glad you were able to save it! Thank you for the chance to win.

  41. Lovely decorations. Thanks for the chance at such beautiful fabric.

  42. your tree is amazingly beautiful!!! I wish I could do that with my tree. I can't wait to see all the snowflakes too. Merry Christmas!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. What a beautiful tree. I was a difficult child too, so I can relate to your story. Have a wonderful Christmas: Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  45. Your tree is the reflection of the lights in the windows. Thanks for the giveaway...would love to win your fabric!

  46. such pretty fabric! thank you so much for a wonderful giveaway! hope you had a happy thanksgiving and a wonderful christmas.

  47. Thanks for the chance to win some of your yummy fabric. Merry Christmas!

  48. Your tree is so beautiful. I love the porch, JoJo did a good job, but I see how you may have to do a touch up. Thanks you for sharing and Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  49. Great tree. Cute son, he's got the right idea. I love to see my family too.

  50. What a beautiful spot for a beautiful tree! Thanks for the giveaway

  51. I'm haven't taken down my Thanksgiving decorations yet and you have your beautiful tree up already. I need to get busy!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  52. The paper snowflake idea is so much fun. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  53. It's a gorgeous tree! I think the yellow rope adds an "interesting" touch. :-)

  54. It's a gorgeous tree! I think the yellow rope adds an "interesting" touch. :-)

  55. Your tree is beautiful. The nice thing about decorating early is that it seems to make the season last just a bit longer.

  56. Gorgeous tree! So very festive in a soft, warm way. Enjoyed the interview at Henry Glass site.

  57. Love your story. Merry Christmas to you and your family, and especially your son Jordan. Christmas is such a magical time of the year, I'm not surprised that he wants to decorate all year long. Love your fabric and especially the way it is packaged. Thanks.

  58. Your tree is absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing your story about Jo Jo and the great give-away.

  59. The tree is beautiful! Want to come do mine?

  60. Hi,love your Holly Pillow!
    Thanks for sharing some sweet fabrics!

  61. Love the decorations. As we hauled out our tree this weekend , my husband noted that it was the 40th anniversary of our tree. It still looks ok, especially in low Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  62. Your decorations are beautiful. I hope to get started decorating this week. Thanks for the chane to win some of your pretty Abril.

  63. Glad I am not the only one that has had a tree fall over!! Mine happened while sleeping and next morning there is the tree laying on the carpet!! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

  64. Your tree is absolutely beautiful and your blog did put me in the mood. Thank you!

  65. Jill, I love learning more things about you. I love your work and love to read your blog.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas season...

  66. Looking at your lovely tree, I really wish a magical elf would put mine up for me!

  67. I loved JoJo's decorations. Caught the door thing right away and enjoyed that he tried. God bless and keep him.

  68. Mmmmmmm.... the Christmas tree sure looks pretty!
    Have fun finishing 'trimming the house'!

  69. Your tree is beautiful even with a yellow rope!! I love your tradition of hanging snow flakes!

  70. Your tree is beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  71. Wow, that is such a beautiful tree, great job! Thanks for the giveaway.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  72. I wish my tree would look half as nice as yours. Thanks for the giveaway.

  73. I think your tree looks lovely. And you're way ahead of me! I just lugged all the boxes out of the basement. =)

  74. I loved the tree and loved your story! ...and of course, I love the fabric!!!

  75. I loved your decorating tale. How nice that your son enjoys helping. Your tree is beautiful. I quit decorating a few years ago-I miss it but not all the work.

  76. Beautiful tree. I haven't done any decorating yet.

  77. The tree is gorgeous. Yellow rope and all! One year, we didn't even have rope, and hubby extension cord! Oh, brother!! LOL

  78. I enjoyed your post and your son's love of Christmas. We can all learn from him.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  79. Your tree is lovely. I have to hide mine in a separate part of the house so the cats don't destroy it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  80. Wonderful giveaway and beautiful decorations! Thanks so much for both.

  81. What a beautiful home, beautiful tree, and beautiful fabric! Thanks so much for sharing all this Christmas joy!

  82. Lovely home, lovely tree and I still can't find the yellow rope.

    I'm LIKED your facebook page btw.

    Your Poppy fabric line is absolutely beautiful. I've seen so many lovely things made up with that fabric.


  83. Great tree, even with the yellow rope! And I like how JoJo did the porch!

  84. Beautiful tree! Beautiful home! No wonder JoJo loves Christmas so much.
    He sees it with the true heart of a child and knows that it's family that's really important. Christmas blessings to all of you.

  85. Beautiful Tree!! Thanks for the chance to win beautiful fabric :)

  86. I love your christmas tree and especially the story of the yellow rope!! :-D And I LOVE your son's decorating of the porch: so sweet!! And I also LOVE your fabric!!! Have a wonderful week!!!

  87. Love your story about decorating. I shall have to make some paper snowflakes too.

  88. Your tree is lovely. I think Jo Jo did a great job decorating and I know everyone will appreciate his kind heart and effort in all he did. Merry Christmas Jo Jo, it will be here soon.

  89. Your tree is beautiful. I am just getting started with my decorating. I did get out my wreath and my Christmas dishes today.

  90. I am going to do my decorating this weekend. Your tree is so pretty.

  91. Your living room is awesome! Love the windows. Thanks for sharing your fabric with us! Love your snowflake tradition! Awesome!

  92. Love your tree. Before I downsized I also had the big windows and a 12 ft. tree. I also tied mine because the cats liked to go half way up and look out at you. Christmas is also my time of year. Love decorating> The fabric giveaway is beautiful. Thanks

  93. Your tree is gorgeous! Our tree is always decorated with all colors but now I think I'm going to have to change that. Thanks for a chance to win the beautiful fabric.

  94. Your tree is so beautiful. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  95. Hurray for husbands who come to our rescue at 1 AM! Your tree looks magical and I love the idea of the hanging snowflakes. I look forward to that picture. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  96. Your decorations are beautiful! Lovey fabric too!

  97. Gorgeous trees, Jill. I love all of the lights and sparkle!

  98. I love your decorations.No wonder your son loves Christmas with all the beautiful lights and decorations.

  99. Love your son's work on the porch! Thanks for the chance to win!

  100. Love the tree, couldn't find the rope until the second picture. Love the fabrics, so beautiful.

  101. I'm loving that tree and all its decorations. Goes so nicely in the corner of that room. Wishing you and your family a fabulous Christmas!

  102. Thanks for the great giveaway. Your tree is gorgeous.

  103. I had an artificial tree that tipped over a couple years ago. The rope works. I had to use a piece of PVC pipe to stabilize the trunk to fit in my Metal Stand that is supposed to be used for a Real Tree. We just celebrate our 37th. We got some Christmas lights & bulbs for one of our gifts. I put Snowflakes up one year when it didn't snow.

  104. I love the eye popping festive colors! It makes you feel cheery and at home! Thanks for a chance, your tree was very beautiful too!

  105. Paper snowflakes are fun to make with the kids! I also like to make crocheted snowflakes to hang on the tree.

  106. Your tree is beautiful. We put ours up Saturday and I am still working on decorating it. I have almost the same story about the Christmas tree falling over one year only I was adding water to it. My son heard me yelling for help and came downstairs but we did eventually go wake up my husband. We tied our tree up also until we could fix it the next day. It hasn't happened since because we bought a better stand and make sure it is in there properly before we start decorating.

  107. I LOVE that tree and all the shimmery lights! And, oh boy, would I love to win your giveaway. I have the pattern you mentioned, so that would be fun! I enjoyed this post about your son, too.

  108. awesome tree! love the decorations! thanx for the chance to win some of your fabulous fabric.

  109. It's looking a lot like Christmas at Jill's house, your tree is gorgeous!!! Thanks for the chance to play with some 'Poppy Patio' fabrics...sEw beautiful and vibrant. Happy stitching, Pauline

  110. I think JoJo has the right idea! It should be Christmas all year, we should carry the spirit of Christmas all year. :) Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  111. Pretty tree! I still need to get my decorations up!

  112. Love, love, love your decorating story - have a similar one myself except my husband wasn't at home. :) JoJo did a great job if you ask me and I bet he was so excited...what a doll. blessings, marlene

  113. Definitely like and on Facebook! :) blessings, marlene

  114. Your tree is magnificent!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  115. Your tree looks lovely. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  116. Your tree is gorgeous! We usually have a rope also :-)) because my husband and son always have to have a BIG tree! Enjoyed your post :-)

  117. Oh Jill, I love your tree. Everything you do is beautiful.
    Have a wonderful holiday.
    Aunt Susie

  118. Oh, WOW! How did you get the effect of twinkling lights on your tree? I looked at the close-ups, and it looks like you've got clear snowflakes and clear icicles and a few red berries, etc. I'm guessing the clear stuff, along with the "translucent" fabric garland (what kind of fabric is that, or is it fat ribbon?) is creating the glimmer. Whatever it is, it looks magical. Wow! I love it!

  119. My heart is warmed by you sharing JoJo's decorating. :) I wish I could meet your mischievous son! May you have a blessed Christmas!

  120. thank you for sharing your wonderful tree. Have a happy holiday

  121. Your tree is absolutely beautiful. Makes me want to put mine up, but I have been lazy and haven't even started decorating. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. I really like the fabrics.

  122. Your tree is so gorgeous and your son did a lovely job on the outside decorations.i have nothing up yet but next weekend. I love your new Poppy fabric it is so lovely and I love poppies.
    Have a wonderful Xmas .

  123. I've had one of those tree mishaps before. No fun at all! Glad you were rescued and didn't end up on top of the tree. Yikes!

  124. I love this post. :) Your tree is absolutely beautiful - yellow rope and all. ;D I'm going straight over to your post about hanging the snowflakes after this. And I just love JoJo's enthusiasm, as much of a challenge as that must be - fun share!

  125. Your tree is gorgeous! My DH tied ours to the wall with bright green fishing line last year.

  126. It looks like Christmas is a lot of fun at your house. Love the snowflakes and the tree as well as the porch. Have a merry Christmas and happy new year!

  127. Wow! you are in the Christmas spirit. Love all your decorations, especially the snowflakes. Merry Christmas. Happy Quilter:) Email

  128. My husband decorates every room of our house. Now that our children are grown, I have been quietly donating some of our decorations to Goodwill every year. In the beginning, he didn't notice, but this year he finally wised up. I had to promise not to give anything else away. I may have to stoop to dropping some things on the floor in hopes that they will break.
