The Fight

Monday, October 21, 2013

Burned Chicken or Did You See the Open House?

The other day I was working away, with a big long list of things to get done.  I realized that I probably wouldn't have time to fix dinner, so I threw some chicken in the crock pot to simmer all day.  Crock pots are nice that way--put a few ingredients in it in the morning, and voila, dinner at night. So I worked away, all day and into the night.  Then I finally went to bed.  In the morning I wondered what that smell was.  My husband said he thought he could smell coffee.  (Which is weird, because we don't drink coffee.)
When I came down to the kitchen, I found my chicken.
It was done.    

Then, the next day I went to the UPS store to ship some boxes, and I had no idea where they were going.  I had to drive all the way back home to get the labels.

There is more.  But in the interest of not embarrassing me any more, or boring you any more, I will just leave it up to your imagination.  Suffice it to say that I have been very busy, and a tiny bit pre-occupied.  I heard that you can only think of 7 things at once, and apparently, I have had 8 or more things on my mind.

the front porch
So this kind of explains why I haven't posted for a while.  I am getting ready for Market in a big way.  I have much to do in a little time, but it is finally coming together.  So I thought I should take a quick break and write this post.  I have been wanting to tell you all about the Open House--but I have been going in 20 directions ever since then.  Here are some pictures of our fun day.

Things were hoppin' in the studio
the quilt on the design wall is finally done, and it is soooo cute.  I will post more about it later.
I was doing an applique demo in the family room

Upstairs we had Christmas in the laundry room
Randy's office isn't very "quilty" so I added a historical quilt to his desk.
In the front room I had all the PDQ projects displayed
We even put quilts outside:

Downstairs in the family room I had bright cheery quilts and the guest designers.  They each had a display area and were there greeting quilters and teaching their methods.  

Susan Davis of Aunt Susie's House

Barbara Jones of QuiltSoup
Janet Platt of Quick Points Rulers

Maika Christensen of A Quilted Marvel
So many wonderful quilters stopped by to see us this year.  If you did not make it, I hope you will plan to come next year.  For those of you who live far away, I promised to have a prize drawing after the Open House.  All you need to do to enter is 
1.  Become a "follower" of this blog
2.  leave a comment here and 
3.  "Like" my facebook page:
The quilt on this bed was a family 'round robin' project.
One bedroom  had a blue and black theme.  Even the crib in this room featured a blue and black quilt.

I will choose a winner when I get back from Market.  I will post some pictures while I am at Market, so follow along!!  I can't wait to show you all the fun stuff I have for Market.


  1. I totally get your crock pot adventure, I forget I'm cooking all the time! I was able to come to your open house last year and I loved it. I wasn't able to come this year because we moved to Kentucky for work, but it looked so fun. I follow your blog and liked you on facebook. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. I am a follower and leaving a comment, but I do not have Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Would have loved to come to the open house, but live too far away. Enjoyed the pictures of it though.

  4. BTW: I am already a follower of your blog and don't do facebook. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Missed the last two Open Houses, but I plan on coming up next year. Just love all your quilts. Want to learn how to applique the JILLY way. Look forward to reading your blog. thanks for the chance to win. I follow your blog and liked you on facebook

  6. Oooh, I so wish I could have been there! Love the picture of the quilts in your home. I follow your blog via my rss feed on Bloglines. (But I don't have facebook.)

  7. I enjoyed your open house. Have fun at quilt market.

  8. Your quilts are gorgeous. I'd loved to have been there.

  9. I am a follower of your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Oh my! Burned chicken can be hard to clean up. Hope the crock pot survived! :P I wish I could have been at the open house but it is way too far for me to come! Thank you for including us in the fun!

    Sandy A

  11. I wish I lived close enough to come; everything looks amazing! You have a very beautiful house :)

  12. Oh my goodness your quilt displays are just beautiful ! Have a wonderful time at Market - I hope to be there too one day! Karen on Keuka

  13. I follow your beautiful blog and am headed over to FB to like you now. Thanks for all your lovely inspiration.

  14. Thanks for posting pics of your open house. It looked like so much fun. Your quilts always look so happy and festive!

  15. I can relate to the chicken incident. Looks like a great open house, wish I were closer to be able to attend in person. Thanks for sharing your quilty life on your blog. I hope life slows down a bit for you.

  16. I found something I nuked in the microwave - two days later, lol! Good to know about the 7-Things-In-Your-Head-At-One-Time Rule. I'll have to remember not insert the eighth! Love your bed quilts! Have a great time at Market.

  17. Wish I was closer and could make it to your open house. Your home is lovely, as are all the quilts.

  18. I am a long time follower of your blog. I'm now using Feedly as my reader.

  19. Having trouble contemplating how you can forget that you already made supper. Of course when I do a potroast in the slow cooker I put it out on the deck. I cannot stand the smell all day in the house. But still, to forget that you a;ready made supper and make it again. Never.
    I am a follower and I liked you on Facebook.

  20. Oh, dear. I've done the post office thing - got all the way there and left the addresses at home. But on the up side, your open house was beautiful! So many gorgeous quilts but I have to comment on the green one hanging from the arbor in the garden - what a lovely way to display it!

    I follow your blog and liked you on FB. =)

  21. Oh the crockpot story sounds like something a few of us may have done before I'm sure. Years ago I found the hard way that you do not add as much liquid as you would when baking a meal in the oven. I came home from work to find a flood of liquid all over the countertops and down the fronts of them, as well as onto the floor. The cat was enjoying that which has spilled onto the floor however so she was thrilled. LOL

    I am already a follower of your blog as well as have previously liked your Facebook page.

    Your home is just beautiful and the outside patio/grilling area is just gorgeous. The open house looks like it was just awesome.

  22. I am a follower of your blog and love it .I wish I could have been at that open house It looks like so much fun. I already follow you on facebook too. Thanks for the chance to win.

  23. Wow--the open house looks fabulous! I am a follower and have liked you on FB--hope market goes great!!

  24. Hope to be at your open house next year! Loved seeing the pics from this year's fun day! I am a follower of your blog and fb page!

  25. I am a follower and I liked you on facebook. Would love to come to your open house, didn't work this year - School had started and days off are carefully monitored.

  26. Already follow your blog, and already liked you on FB

  27. What a wonderful event (the open house, not the burnt chicken). I wish I could have been there. Maybe next year I'll be able to travel up. North. Have fun in Houston!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Your open house looked like a lot of fun. I wish I lived closer so I could attend.

  30. I am a follower of your blog.

  31. I "liked" your Facebook page. I will look forward to your posts from Quilt Market. Have fun!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.


  34. HAPPY TO FOLLOW YOU ON FB! ( linda.douglas.35)


  36. Oh, I wish I lived near enough to come to the open house. I will just have to be content with your pictures.
    I'm a follower and I liked you on Facebook.

  37. The open house looks like it was wonderful! Wish I could have gone.

  38. I would love to go to one of your open houses. I hope to someday be in Utah around the time that you are having one so that I can attend. I follow your blog but am not on facebook.

  39. That is crazy busy when you forget you were cooking something & forget to eat it. I would love to come to your open house, but Nebraska is a bit far to travel. Looks like a great time.

  40. I am already a follower & like you on facebook.

  41. Thanks for the tour of your open house. Looks wonderful

  42. I am already a follower of your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. I also already follow you on FB. Love your patterns.

  44. I would love to come to your open house, but am too far away. I follow you by email and Facebook.

  45. Your Open House looks like great fun, I wish I lived close enough to attend. I love the way you display your quilts. I follow your blog via email and I like you on Facebook, too. Thanks for the chance to win.

  46. Love your Open House pics...wish I lived close & could see in person! Awesome! (thanks for sharing pics with us!)

    Understand your busy & crockpot adventure!! Have done a similar adventure...more than once! Arrrgh!!! lol

  47. I follow on bloglovin. I love to read what you are up to and drool all over the beautiful creations you have made. Thanks for the giveaway, your home is beautiful.

  48. Fabulous pictures of your open house - wow, wish I could be there to partake of all the quilty goodness. So many gorgeous quilts...aaahhhhhh.

  49. Your blog arrives in my email and I "like" you on facebook!!

  50. I follow you via email, but don't do Facebook, so no drawing for me. Still, I wanted to comment on your Round Robin quilt--how wonderful! I am starting to talk about that with my extended family of friends, hoping to lay the foundation for a round robin someday.

  51. I already follow your blog, but just now "liked" your facebook page. I was lucky enough to get to come to your open house (I came from Calif), and I totally enjoyed it and had fun seeing all the wonderful quilts and visiting with your relatives too! Good Luck at Market!! Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  52. Your open house is on my calendar for next year! Thanks for sharing your beautiful talent with us.

  53. I loved the pictures and I wish I did not live so far away.

  54. I would love to be in your country at the right time to see your open house. Maybe - one day!

  55. I loved the pictures of your open house and wished I lived closer. Your work is so amazing. I am also very jealous of your back patio!
    cjpike (at) indiana (dot) edu

  56. I am already a follower!!

    cjpike (at) indiana (dot) edu

  57. I liked you on FB!

    cjpike (at) indiana (dot) edu

  58. I love your quilts, the designs are so beautiful.

  59. House is beautiful; quilts definitely make it a home! Looks like open house was a major success; thanks for sharing pics. I'm a follower and will like on facebook.

  60. Your quilts are beautiful! They really enhance your beautiful home!

  61. I can absolutely relate to your experience!! I am a follower and have "Liked" you on face book. Great photos, great idea!!

  62. I love the fresh colors you add to a classic quilt!!! Wish I lived near you, I'd stop by your next open house! But I'm in Cali so I will have to live vicariously through your blog:-) oh and my local quilt shops.
    Hope your time in Huston was a huge success !

  63. The pictures were great -- almost like being there. What beautiful quilts!! I am currently a follower of your blog and just click on facebook.

  64. It was almost like I was there! Thanks for sharing your open house pictures.

  65. Oh I would have loved every minute if I could've been there! Love the quilt on the bed. :-)

  66. I'm a happy follower of your blog~ and love your Henry Glass posts on their blog too! :-)

  67. I love to follow your blog! Love your new lines and enjoyed the Market pictures! thank you ! Your open house looks like so much fun!

  68. I'm so glad it's not just me that has those kind of days. I hope you had a liner in that crock pot to make cleaning it up easier. Sure wish I lived closer or had more time to visit during your open house. Maybe one of these days. I do follow your blog via e-mail and look forward to every post.
