The Fight

Monday, September 23, 2013

Now, breathe.

Well, the Open House is over, and I can settle down and get back to business.  There is always a lot to do.  Market is coming up and I don't have samples made yet (or designed yet.) and there is this little book deadline too for a HG Designer Collection.   So I have a few irons in the fire, and some I can't tell you about yet.  
But look what came in the the mail . . . . .

What could it be??

The 2014 Calendar?!  From Martingale?!  Hey, that is my quilt on the cover!  I never thought I would have a cover quilt.  How awesome.  I am so blessed!

The back of the calendar shows all the fun quilts for each month.  My quilt, "Overture," from my Home Sweet Quilt book, is September's selection.  The calendar comes with a full pattern booklet for all the quilts featured.  What a fun way to pass the year!

The Open House was a huge success.  We had so many visitors and they were hopping to get to all the demos and see all the quilts.  I am planning next year's already.  It is always fun for me to meet the quilters that follow me and use my products.  What a treat!  I hope if you have not been able to come to the Open House before, that you can find a way to get here next time.  I will be posting about it in the spring so you can make plans.   I will show you some pictures of the event in the next few posts, so stay tuned!

...and be sure to get your 2014 Calendar ordered!!
They are available on my website.


  1. Congrats on the Calendar Cover! It's gorgeous! I love that the patterns are included with the calendars.

  2. How much fun is that?? Congratulations on being a cover girl!!

  3. I got to come to the open house and it was wonderful!! (Spent way too much!) :-D I love that I was able to get your whole fat quarter bundle for just $45. I'm making your FQ bundle quilt that is on the website. I think you and HG have it right: don't make a line so big that it costs over $100 to get a FQ bundle! So fun to talk with the other designers too! Your niece is so sweet and does such wonderful work: I'm in awe of her talent! And the calendar looks so fun too: Your quilt is PERFECT for the front! I'm off the stroll through you web site now: I know what calendar I'm getting for next year! :-P Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  4. Jill, we had so much fun at the open house. It was worth the time spent to drive all the way out there! I enjoyed all the tutorials and tips very much.

  5. Super awesome. Looks like a beautiful calendar.

