The Fight

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Before I share any more from my new studio,  let me say that I feel sooooo blessed to have this space and be able to use it in my creative endeavors.  I am a lucky person!  I hope you will be able to use some of these ideas in your creative space.

Today I want to show you some more of the studio storage and function solutions.  I mentioned my small closet in the last post, so here is a picture.  Like I said, it is a good place to put the ugly stuff so I can keep it out of view.

This is my shipping closet.  I process orders almost daily, and in the past I was running all over the place getting everything I needed to ship an order.  Now I have all the boxes, envelopes, packing stuff, tape, etc. in one place.  I even hung an organizer on the inside of the door to hold my address labels, UPS labels, and the free patterns, cards and info that I put in each order.  I had the shelves in the closet placed high enough that I can fit large boxes and packing paper rolls on the floor.

In my previous sewing rooms, I had a bulletin board with photos and inspirational items to brighten up a wall.  Instead of a bulletin board this time, I decided I wanted to use one of the windows we had used at my daughter's wedding as a display area.  Remember these windows we used on the tables?  I wrote a blog about it --you can go read it if you want.

Anyway, these windows have some good memories, so it makes a fun display for some more memories.  I just tape the photos to the glass, and the wood is so old and porous that I can pin into it if I need to.  It's a very informal space, and I can add anything that inspires me.

My display window is hung up high so I can hang my rulers on the same wall.  (I need to be able to reach them!)  I seem to be missing quite a few rulers in various sizes.  I had a lot of Creative Grids rulers that got lost in the move.  I hope they turn up!   I use Command hooks to hold them so I can move them around when I get different rulers in different sizes. 

I do have a lot of ribbons in my studio and I needed a better way to store and access them.  When they were in a box in my cupboard, I never knew what I had in there.  And it was always a mess of tangles.  So I decided to hang them using a curtain rod.  
 It turns out that curtain rods can be too large in diameter to get most of the ribbon spools on.  So I found these really thin (and cheap--only $1.98) cafe curtain rods at IKEA.  They are only about 3/8" or so in diameter. 

They were too long to fit in the space I had, so I used my pipe cutter to cut a bit off each.  You could use a hack saw, I guess, but I have this pipe cutter in my booth set-up box for when I go to shows.  Very handy (and easy)  tool.

Here's what the finished ribbon display looks like.  I have a little shelf above the ribbons to hold my collection of pin cushions.  I guess I could add another row of ribbons if I need to. 
 I use this counter space for putting kits together and the ribbon goes on each kit.  My granddaughter calls it her "Bow-tique"(ala Minnie Mouse) --because she chooses a ribbon for her hair every time she's here.  Back to the counter space.... when I was planning the room, I looked around at the space I was in, and determined that the main thing I needed was MORE SURFACE AREA!  I had stuff piled up everywhere, several projects deep because I only had my cutting table and a small sewing desk.  So that is why I have put in more surface area.  For me, it was more important than cabinets.
(My red stools are leftover from a booth, too.)

Next I want to show you my pressing station.  I love crisply pressed blocks and I have several really good irons.  Consequently, I had the electrician add a dedicated outlet so that if I have friends over and we have lots of irons plugged in, we won't need to keep re-setting the breaker.  (This is the voice of experience.)

I ran out of room for books on my shelves, because I need them all for fabric.  So I decided to use the space that would be under an ironing board for book storage.  I went searching for cheap and roomy solution.  I ended up with a kitchen cabinet without the doors.  $36 at IKEA.  It was easy to put together, and holds all my books with room for more.  (I guess I need to buy more books!)

I added locking casters to the bottom of the cabinet, so I can roll it around if I want it closer to my sewing station.

Then I made my ironing surface.  I bought a 24" x 48" board--it is a high quality particle board.  Then I drilled small holes all over it to let the steam escape.  If you don't use steam, you can eliminate this step, but I LOVE steam. 

 I screwed some "legs" to the ironing surface before I upholstered it.  I wanted it taller, and I needed it to be up off the top of the cabinet. 

I used flat 100% cotton batting (two layers) and 100% cotton canvas twill for the top.  I stapled the fabric all the way around.  If I need to change the cover, I can just take this cover off and staple on a new one. 

To help keep my ironing surface clean, I iron a layer of freezer paper to it, and just peel it off when it gets soiled or burned.

 I used industrial strength Velcro to attach the legs to the top of the cabinet.  Now I have a finished ironing surface that is mobile!  And I can even take it off the cabinet if I want to take it to a retreat or use it somewhere else.  
It is tall enough, and has enough overhang that I can pull up a stool if I want to sit.  That's a nice large pressing area.  I think I will mount a small shelf on the right wall to set my iron and spray starch on so they don't take up any room on the surface.  I am really happy with my economy ironing station!

That's all for now.  I have one more post to finish up the studio tour.  See you soon.


  1. Ok, tell me what you are using to hang that quilt behind your ironing board? I love it!

    p.s. I also love the ironing board... I may have to make a trip to ikea and lowes this weekend :)

  2. Студия классная! Порядок идеальный! А такой можно только мечтать.

  3. Oh Jill it is absolutely stunning..i have black and white tiles in my house and I love them..the combination of the reds and black and white and light...absolutely stunning...I can't even imagine what such an organized loving place will do to your creativity...welcome home

  4. Looking great but I think I would just put the ironing supplies in a cute basket on the shelf with your books. Just an idea.

  5. Love your new studio!! Just gorgeous!! Ever time I see your Cherries Jubilee I drool! When You wrote about it I pulled out all my magazines to see if I had that issue but of course didn't!! Are you going to re-release it? ...And if so...when??

  6. Paulette,
    The pattern for Cherries Jubilee is still available on my website. I can send you one any time!

  7. I love reading about peoples storage ideas. Thanks for sharing yours. I like the window - inspiration board idea.

  8. I am in love with your pressing station. I will be showing the picture to my husband. AND there is an IKEA not too far from me.

  9. Your room looks so great - lucky you with all the space :-)

  10. Amazing and functional all at the same time,I love it!

  11. I just found this post via Pinterest and I'd love to make a rolling ironing table like this. But I can't seem to find the kitchen cabinet on IKEA's website. Can you guide me to it? And are the casters from IKEA also? Thanks! Can't wait to make this!
