The Fight

Saturday, November 6, 2010

April's Words

A few weeks ago, I shared with you a family tragedy, and how we were making a little quilt as a remembrance.  If you want to read a beautiful post about family,  love,  trials and quilting, visit my nieces blog  HERE and read her post titled, "Never Forgetting." April is a wonderful writer and I think you will agree with me.  She wrote the foreword to my book, and it is probably the best part of it.  (I can design quilts and write patterns, but I CAN NOT write like that!)

I am just so grateful for a wonderful supportive family that bands together for each other when we need it.  And quilting has played a big part in that.  It has brought us together, and helped us to get to know one another. . . And given us a creative outlet that has added to our strength.

I just thought you might like to read this.  Thanks for letting me share, and to April for her wonderful words.


  1. What a wonderful writer April is! I can tell it comes straight from her heart. I am SO sorry for your family's tragic loss. May your grief lessen with time, talk and love.

    Hugs, Karen

  2. Wow, that was amazing. I am so sorry for your families loss. I believe what you already know, you come from a wonderful Heavenly Father that loves you and your family. He and those who have already passed will be with you and your family at this time. I will hold you and yours in my prayers and heart tonight.

  3. Jill, tears in my eyes as I read April's post. Wow. What a strong family you have...and what a blessing to find that strength during this rough time. Prayers and hugs to all of you.

  4. Oh Jill, I'm so very sorry. Your family is amazingly strong and supportive. Everyone should be so blessed to have such a blanket of love in their time of grief. My prayers are with you and yours.
