The Fight

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another Mess

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days.  I have been sooooo busy writing patterns for all the projects I took to Market.  Some of them just barely got finished in time, let alone written!  So this is the lovely "pattern writting mess
which just automatically happens when I have a looming deadline:
Scary, I know.  I can only show you the counter top, but believe me, the rest of the room matches.

Aside:  I just noticed at least two large drink lids in the mess.  I thought I threw several away before I took the picture! I don't even remember how many diet Cokes I've had in the last 3 days. 

I know I could probably be faster if I stopped to clean up, (so Mom was right) but I just can't seem to take the time to do it.  
 Look at all those little tiny scraps of paper that I draw on, try to find to scan, then loose, then accidentally delete, then have to redraw.  I know... I really need an intervention.

On a good note, though, today I got this package of ribbons that I ordered at Market.  (I think I show these to you every time I come home from a Market, so sorry for the redundancy.) That's enough to cheer anyone up!  I'm never sure why I order them, but they always seem to get used up on something! 

Anyway, I have been at it, it seems like 24/7.  But I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel now, and soon I will be shipping all those orders from Market.  If you are waiting,  PLEASE be patient.  I can only go as fast as I can go!