I have been so excited to share this new line with you.
will be shown to fabric shops next month and will be in stores in NOVEMBER!! That is not very far away. This fun line is full of reds and yellows, with greens and grays. What a combination. Don't they look great!? I got the strike offs last month and have just been so pleased with them. I have a lot of fun projects designed using these fabrics and can't wait to have bolts of them in my studio.

I can't wait to see all the creative things YOU will do with these fabrics! Just as we start heading into fall and winter we will have these fabrics to brighten our day! Be sure to tell you local quilt shop to get their order in now!
wow...I love it...such wondeful colors...and designs..
Love these fabrics...congrats on the new line!
Just beautiful!!
Wonderful! I love them...you have great color sense!
Wonderful! I love it...you have great color sense!
I LOVE it!!! You are so talented! CanNOT wait to see it in person!!
I love the Quilt!!!!!
One word = B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
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