Come and check out the new things from Jillily Studio and spend the day with other quilters. There will be demos, giveaways and prizes, treats and fun!
15083 Bugle Ridge Drive
Herriman, Utah 84096
August 26th, 2016
10 AM - 4 PM
Also stay tuned for new Red Windows Workshops where you can come to my studio in small groups to learn quilting tips and tricks!
wish I could be there but I`m so far away._Sure you will have faun and great day and if it`s possible, sharing photos.
I wish I could be there but I too, live across the country. Your home is just beautiful and I really love how you decorated it. It's just so lovely!!! I love your quilts but if you ever write an interior decorating book I will be the first in line to buy it!!!! (Hint, hint ;))
Oh my gosh just beautiful
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