The Fight

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Cutting Mat Wearing Out?

Is your cutting mat wearing out?

When we repeatedly cut along the same line, it does get a little worn out.  So we naturally want to move to a different spot to cut.  For a white I just start and cut one inch farther down the mat.  But after a while, I find myself counting inches and wasting time.  So I mark the new cut lines with a sticker at the intervals I use the most.  Of course, since I am cutting kits and yardage, I use larger measurements--like increments of a yard, such as 1/2 yard, 3/4 yard, etc.  
But when I am cutting for a quilt, I usually am cutting smaller strips and blocks.  (I love small pieces, don't you?)  So when cutting for piecing, always use your ruler to measure, not your mat.  Your ruler is going to be much more accurate.  Place your fabric randomly on your mat to avoid the worn cut lines, and use your ruler to measure.  

That's today's Tuesday Tip.  Have a great day.  Happy Quilting!


  1. Thatbis a great tip, thank you. Actually, that is what I have been trying to do of late, as I have been cutting lots pieces for Lucy Boston and the Insanity Quilt. My mat is getting on in years, and I always seem to cut in the same line.

  2. Great tips.I agree I think I always cut in the same line and use the mat to count the inches.
