The Fight

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Road Report

I was able to attend Road to California a few weeks ago.  It was wonderful to get out and see so many wonderful quilters and quilts!  My sisters went with me to help in the booth and they were awesome! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of all of us together.   I guess we were just too busy.  That's a good thing.

Here I am with Margaret and Judy.  Another sister, Susan was also there, but I guess she was taking the picture!  Anyway, we had a great time together.  Aren't sisters awesome?!

The booth was very simple, but showed the quilts well.  I didn't hang my awning or lay any fancy floor as usual.  Hopefully people could still tell it was a Jillily booth.

I took some fabric to sell yardage and it went really well.  I came home and had to order more!

We kept the demo area of the booth busy with lots of quilters learning about bias tape and Appli-Glue and Poke-A-Dots.  I love teaching the demos, but it is exhausting!  Good thing Margaret was there--she's a pro!

Susan was busy running the check-out counter with Judy.  Our booth was in the "Pavillion," or tent.  It is an additional area attached to the convention center.  It was a great spot, but on Saturday we had quite the wind storm, and some booths were knocked down.  Ours was very windy and all the quilts were blowing in and out--it kind of looked like we were on a ship!  Because of the wind noise and flickering lights, I think some of our customers stayed inside that day, but it was still fine.  We're sorry if we missed you!  We didn't blow over after all.

I wanted to show you two new projects I just introduced at Road.  The first one is called "Checkmate."  It is a small table topper or wall hanging in red white and black.  There is just a tiny bit of applique to add to the design.

The next one is called "Tangled Daisies."  This little runner is made up in the green colorway, but I think it would also be fun done in the reds or blues of Park Drive.  Don't you?

I am amazed that I was able to go and do a big show like that and stay well and not get too tired!  I have been so blessed!  I am home and busy working on new projects for upcoming fun stuff.  I have started scheduling workshops again for 2016.  If your guild needs a speaker or teacher, I would love to come!


  1. I was there and your booth looked magnificent!! Aren't you lucky to have such wonderful sisters coming to your aid! You were like a well oiled machine!! Wishing you all the best!

  2. I'm glad you felt well enough to go to Road to CA. Yea for Sisters! I heard it was a great show. Love your new designs.

  3. You look great! So happy that you have your strength back and were able to go to Road and have sister time too. Always a fan!
