The Fight

Monday, November 24, 2014

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Hey there,  don't forget about the Henry Glass Blog tour that is going on!  Have you entered to win?  Today you visit  my good friend, Linda Lum DeBono.  Here is the rest of the weeks schedule:

Monday, November 24: Linda Lum DeBono
Tuesday, November 25: Anni Downs 
Wednesday, November 26: Kim Diehl 
Thursday, November 27:  HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Friday, November 28:  Jill Finley--right here!

Just visit each blog and leave a comment.  There are prizes to be won, and lots of fun quilting advice.

OK.  I want to keep this part of my blog about quilting.   (There is a separate page about my cancer journey.)  But today, I just had to show you some photos of my haircut.  They DO involve quilt blocks, eventually, so that is why I need to show you!

My hair has been falling out by the handfuls.  So it was time to cut it--it will all be gone within a few days, so we thought we'd have some fun!

Here's the edgy, artist look.  I AM a designer, after all!

 We had quite a crew working on this important project!

 Good thing Andrea thought to bring some hair chalk!

Then we moved into the super short pixie mode.  Reminded me of my younger, competitive swimming days!
 Everyone took a space to carve a quilt block.   We have an hour-glass block, a windmill, an appliquéd heart and ribbon,

And even an Ohio Star.

 A pinwheel, and the ever important "Y".  Everyone agreed that it is easier to actually sew quilt blocks than to carve them into a head!

In the end I look like something between a rock star and a prisoner of war.  But it's all good.  It will soon be gone and just a memory!

I'm off to buy a wig.  Hope I don't scare anyone.


  1. Oh, honey, what a thing to be going through - you're so blessed to have such an amazing attitude and family support - love those quilt blocks! Might be something to keep in mind even when the hair grows back! Best wishes for a wonderful Holiday together.

  2. A positve attitude will go a long way. You and yours are in my prayers. Happy holidays and best wishes for the days ahead.

  3. Well this sucks! But it sounds like you have your head screwed on right...your attitude is up beat and positive and you have a great network of friends and family to get your through this! Wish you all the VERY best...I'm sending you a huge cyber HUG and lots of positive energy!!I'll be thinking of you!

  4. You have such a great outlook! I will be praying for you and your family.

  5. Hi Jill! Your gonna love getting all that hair off! No more hair on your pillow, in your food, and not to mention it's a bit scary pulling out so much! As an oncology nurse I see so many women buy wigs and never! use them. They're incredibly hot and itchy. Scarfs and hats are beautiful and comfortable so remember to get a few of these too.

  6. Hi Jillily
    please keep up your positve attitude and all my prayers will be with you
    you have a long road ahead but you with your family and friends you will make it and be a stronger person
    Please God
    I just meat you to day and you made me feel better I was feeling very low and now I know there is someone out there who needs my prayers so lets get going you be positve me to pray with a smile

  7. You are such a brave person! And so YOUNG! Blessings and prayers being said for you daily.

    Sandy A

  8. Laughter really is the best of medicines!

  9. Scare us? No way! You are my hero! May God give you strength, healing, grace and may He continue to walk by your side. blessings, marlene

  10. You are my hero too!! Just like the one above me said. What a WONDERFUL attitude you have about such a n emotional process. You are stronger than I could have imagined anyone being in a situation like this. Love you so much!!! Jesse and I wish we could have been there. We are praying for you every day.

  11. Brava for you! Here's to making happy memories in all kinds of circumstances.

  12. Your positive attitude is a blessing to everyone around you and I think it is essential to healing! Prayers for your complete recovery. Actually, you look beautiful with no hair, but I do like those quilt blocks in hair :)

  13. Thanks for sharing this part of your life and making it look like an adventure. So thankful you have family support. And we are all pulling for you too! A quick recovery and positive outcome. Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. What a great smile you have! Sure looked like a great time with family and fiends - lots of laughter and maybe a few tears. I never knew there was hair chalk but what a great idea. Have fun buying your wig, maybe you'll find two. Enclosing a prayer for you.

  15. Kudos to you for embracing all that comes with your journey. Your making memories and doing it with a positive attitude- which is half the battle. Prayers are being lifted up for you and your family. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  16. Have a great Thanksgiving, Praying for you and I love what you let them do to your hair!!!

  17. Estas preciosa y las fotos son muy divertidas y desde quí un gran bravo para ti por la positividad que tienes .Me pareces valiente y seguro que vas a poder con la enfermedad.

    Un fuerte abrazo

  18. Hair or no Hair You are a wonderful and strong woman and with your great positive attitude I am sure you can kick cancers butt :0)

  19. JIll, you have made me cry with your great humor in facing your challenge. What a wonderful example of how to face challenges you are!! And I'm so glad to see you have such loving support from your sweet family!! And I guess the yucky-ness of the treatments will be all worth it if it keeps you in this world to be with your family longer (and blessing us in the quilting community with your beautiful designs!) I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. Hugs and kisses, Helen in Healdsburg

  20. Just dropping in to say hi
    hope this is a good day
    are you able to quilt ?
    why not make a quilt for your self just a laptop one to rap you up in when you need a cuddle when you are better leave it at the hospital for the next person who is not well put your name on back and every person who who gets it will leave there name and a note to the next person think of it as your little bit of hope to all. You are still in my prayers

  21. You are blessed to have such a positive attitude and to be surrounded with friends. you will be in my prayers and I am sending positive energy your way

  22. Love your new doo, love your attitude, love you! I know you'll kick this cancer's a** because that is the amazing woman you are.
