The Fight

Friday, November 28, 2014


Welcome back to the blog hop following your Thanksgiving break.  I hope you had a wonderful (and yummy) holiday.  Today is my day to give away some prizes!

We have been visiting with many of my Henry Glass designer friends on the  
blog hop.  I am so excited about this, because, well, it was kind of my idea-- along with my fellow designers--we all wanted a way to be able to help out the Hurricane Sandy victims.  These things take time--and we are finally ready!  All the proceeds from this book go to the American Red Cross, and that is AWESOME!

When we are so blessed, it is nice to be able to give back!

The book turned out even better than I had imagined.  I got my copies just the other day, and I couldn't stop reading it--cover to cover!  It is full of wonderful information and projects, and the design process for each designer.

I especially love the pages about choosing fabrics for a project.

The other designers have really outdone themselves with these projects!  You will be so happy with the great variety and number of projects in this book.  I am in love with several of them!

My project in the book is called  BREEZY.  It is my usual mix of pieced blocks with an appliqué touch.  I love how this photo turned out, so fresh and clean!  The crisp white and black with soft greens and blues have such a play together.

As many of you know, I love black, and use it often in my projects.  I love the high contrast and definition it gives to a project.  Given the timing of putting a book out, this quilt used a collection of mine several lines ago, called Beyond the Gate.  It's fun to see it again now that the fabric is mostly gone.

Don't  you love pulling together fabrics for a project?  Tell me about how you start choosing fabrics in the comments below, and you can win prizes!   Martingale and Henry Glass will award a free ebook and fabric bundle to a lucky winner.
(This bundle is from Beth Logan's Good Morning Sunshine collection)

Then, I want to give away a prize, too.  I can't wait to hear from you, so I will also pick a winner to win a bundle from each of my new collections, 

I know you will be able to do something wonderful with them!!!!

Oh, and by the way, visit my website this weekend for our Black Friday - Cyber Monday sale on kits!!!
Sale starts at 10 am Friday MST.


  1. First I look at who is the quilt or project for and choose a fabric of there favorite color. Then I bring in fabric that would look wonderful with that piece. I am also drawn to a pattern from seeing a sample quilt and will try to pull similar fabrics and colors from that sample. So I guess I am guilty of loving kits!

  2. It looks like a wonderful book and your quilt is fabulous! Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I try to start with 1-2 main colours and then add from there to either complement or contrast. Love your quilts. Thanks so much for sharing

  4. Being a beginner I am not confident enough to pick fabrics for a quilt. I use alot of precuts tho. BY using those in my quilts I am learning alot about mixing and matching color and prints and am gaining my confidence of picking colors and prints

  5. Picking just the right fabrics can be a chore. Buying fabric bundles help to simplify the process. Creating the quilt in EQ allows me to see if my fabric placement needs to be adjusted.

  6. I tend to start with a yummy fabric and start from there. Once I fall in love with one it is just fun to start pulling the rest. Thanks for doing the hop and Thanks Henry Glass.

  7. I usually start with one focal fabric and then pull others from that print. Thanks for a chance - I I've all the helping aids I can get and one can never have too much fabric.

  8. I start with one fabric then start pulling in other pieces to see what goes and what stays.

  9. I start with a fabric that just strikes me then I buy the rest of the line. I am not good at picking fabric, so if a kit is available I buy that. I usually take my mom or sister and as they help they know they may have found a fabric if I say "well I don't hate it"

  10. This looks like a great book! I usually start with one fabric that I really like, and then start pulling fabrics to go with it. If I'm making something for a particular person, I always use fabrics that person will like.

  11. I start by finding one fabric that I really love and go from there.

  12. I start by looking at who or what the project is for, and then pick colours and prints based on what that person likes or what would be suitable.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  13. Sometimes I become totally captivated by a fabric and that becomes the genesis for a quilt or some type of quilting project. Other times I pick out a pattern and think of the recipient of the quilt, and select colors that they would like. There is certainly no lack of inspiration with the quilting fabrics that are available today!

  14. I start a fabric that has a lot of different colors in it and pull the colors from that. Thanks!

  15. I find a really great focal print and choose fabrics from that palette. I'm not very adventurous with mixing prints, so it's usually a focal fabric and then a bunch of blenders.

  16. I choose fabrics based on who will be getting the quilt, incorporating their favorite colors and personality. I also love precuts, making the process easier.

  17. I choose fabrics based on who will be getting the quilt, incorporating their favorite colors and personality. I also love precuts, making the process easier.

  18. I know it sounds really weird but I dream about quilts. I start seeing the pattern and colors come together. Sometimes I will dream of the same quilt several times with small variations until I finally settle on one.

  19. Obrigado pela oportunidade!!!
    Amo misturar tecidos e colocar cores fortes!!!!

  20. I start with a certain look - scrappy, autumn, winter or spring & pastel & go from there. My quilts are never from just one fabric line. I love putting black in my quilts too!

  21. Black appropriate that you love black and used it in this quilt!! Thank you for the book idea and using the proceeds for the Red Cross. There is a double-edged sword here because there are some of us out here in blogland that struggle with fabric choices and the book sounds like a great resource for us, too. If I have to choose just 3-4 fabrics, I do ok. But...if I have to choose more, then it's best if I just use a designer's collection - that's much more relaxing and I can be sure it's going to all match. I love your quilts and the applique always makes them stand out.

  22. I usually draw the quilt in EQ7, choosing the main color & then the secondary colors. Then I start pulling lots of fabrics from my stash. I move them around, testing how they play/contrast with each other, pulling some out, adding some in. While I'm doing that, I'm taking pictures to view them on my computer. Thanks.

  23. I often choose fabrics from a collection because they coordinate well and if I need a little more 'swish' I will add fabric from another collection.

  24. I start with the inspiration for my quilt, be it a holiday quilt or a quilt for a specific person and then choose the color scheme and then audition fabrics, as I have a significant stash. I usually end up buying more fabrics to complete the quilt, which is one reason my stash is so large. I love your combination of piecework and applique on quilts. I have done several quilts like that, and hope to do more.

  25. I often have a theme in mind for a quilt and then start to look out for fabric which underlines my idea. Or it is a project for a specific person, than I try to find out what the person loves and this determines my fabric choices. Inbetween I love to buy fabric which I just love myself and add it to my stash until the day comes for the right project.
    I also love your quilt in the book. Wonderful and fresh!

  26. I usually pick the fabric after I have found a pattern I want to do. I look at my stash first to see what I can gather from there, then move on to "procuring" fabrics from shops. Sometimes it takes a lot of "procuring" other times I have what I need on hand.

    Sandy A

  27. I'm a scrap quilter and have been thinking about trying something a little more coordinated. Thanks!

  28. Picking fabrics is either using a focal fabric and choosing from that or a fabric line. Sometimes, I just do scrappy and fly by the seat of my pants:) Love your quilt, and agree the picture is wonderful - looks line it is waving in the breeze.

  29. It depends on who or what the quilt is for then I start pulling fabrics from my stash with that in mind. If I don't have enough fabric from my stash, then the hunt begins to find other fabrics that will work well in the design. This can sometimes take a long time but I get there eventually. I'm pretty picky about the fabrics I use together. :o)

  30. most times i actually start with fabric colors similar to the pattern and then i star changing it up with other fabrics from my stash to make it my own

  31. OK let's be honest...there are so many WONDERFUL lines of fabric out there... put together for US by you talented artists! Why spoil a good thing! You've heard of the the saying 'why re-invent the wheel'!!:o)) So lately I buy from fabric lines and things ALWAYS turn out great! Thanks so much for a chance to win your amazing Give Away!!
    Happy holidays!

  32. I usually choose a focus fabric and then pull in others to coordinate, but sometimes I just see fabrics that I like and can visualize together and start putting together a project. It kind of depends on who its for. I will also buy precuts of a line and then work in fabrics from my stash to use them up.

  33. I love scrappy quilts, so I bring out all my tubs of fabrics, spread them all out, pick out what seems to work together and then as I start piecing, I edit out those that don't appear to fit. It makes a big mess, but it works for me!

  34. I absolutely love your quilt! You used all of my favorite colors. I too love the drama of black in quilts. When I start on a new quilt it is almost always because I saw a focus fabric I loved. Then I go through my stash to see what I have that will go with it. Sometimes (okay, often) I go to a fabric store (okay, more than one) to see if there is something wonderful I can use.

  35. I decide what colors I want and then lay them out in a large fan on the floor. I love scrappy, so I pull a lot of pieces. Then I stand back a ways and see if anything stands out in a bad way. But you do need a lot of contrast to make it interesting, like you using black. Love your quilts! Thanks!

  36. I usually start with a pattern or idea, and then go to my stash and look for fabric in a colorway that I am thinking of. From these fabrics, I choose a focal fabric and then choose my colors from the colors from that. Looks like a great book and thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  37. Your quilt is wonderful! I always choose a feature fabric and go from there. Thanks for the chance on your wonderful giveawayl

  38. I usually start by picking a fabric I absolutely love - then find other good fabrics to blend with it. Or, I love fat quarter bundles - great way to build a stash, and great way to start a project! The book looks great and goes to a great project.

  39. Your quilts are beautiful. When I plan to start a new quilt, I start with colour. Then, where do I want to use the quilt? Who is it for? So many things to take into consideration. Thanks for the chance to win.

  40. With pattern in hand, i visit my local or on my travels, a quilt shop, to support those shops and purchase quality fabric! Then i choose one fabric for my pattern and try to get as much as i can from that fabric line. lOVE henry glass fabric and designers!

  41. Selecting fabrics takes a while - unless I am just using the scraps on the floor near my machine for a small project!

    First I find a piece of fabric or a postcard/photo that I like, then i pull fabrics from my stadh that work well with it in roughly the same proportions as the colours in the Inspiration piece.
    I leave them spread over a chair in the living room and remove any that 'jar' over a couple of days and add others that I prefer.
    Then I start cutting and sewing.If I need more fabric I try to find it in my stash or my friends' stashes.

    My method works for me!

  42. My start is with a fabric i love, and then adding and subtracting others to either co-ordinate or accentuate it.

  43. I usually start with one or two colors that know the recipient likes, then I pull other colors and I lay them out on a table and look at them for a few days. Sometimes changing fabrics out and adding others. Peahen I'm happy with the mix of colors I find a pattern I like and go from there. Thanks for the great giveaway, I love your fabrics and your quilt in the book.

  44. I find one certain fabric that I love the color and print, and then I find matching and contrasting fabrics. or I go with a collection that is already beautiful! You designers do so well making it easy for me! :) Thanks so much for this giveaway! crossing my fingers that I win your bundle!

  45. I make mostly scrappy quilts. I include a lot of the favorite colors my recipient enjoys.

  46. I choose pattern & fabrics by who I am planning to give quilt or project to. I love getting Bundles..due to all goin' perfectly together...(I have hard time choosing thru assorted fabrics lol) Or I just pick great print & add from there...

  47. I use different methods depending on type of quilt and if it might be a gift. I love RED so always have red somewhere. Methods used are scrappy, or finding a focal print and using colors from the print or studying the pattern photo but at times it can be a challenge!!


  48. I start with the pattern and see how I would like to see it done by me....then I go into my little stash and pick the fabrics that stand out for me...then I go from there.

  49. Sometimes I pick a pattern, which oftentimes just calls for certain colors, then look for fabrics. Other times I find a fabric that jumps out to me and I build a quilt around it.

  50. I love the way you design quilts and your choices of fabrics and colors. I do struggle with choosing colors sometimes. But once everything is decided, I love the processing of creating the quilt. Thanks for giveaway opportunity!

  51. Usually what happens is I'll see a fabric at a quilt shop that just jumps off the shelf and says "take me home!" Sometimes, I'll purchase a few coordinating fabrics from the same line, but often I'll shop my stash and also be on the lookout for possibilities whenever I'm in a local quilt shop. And isn't it a delight when it all comes together?!

  52. I usually start picking fabrics by picking a fabric that has my favorite colors in it and then choose fabric to go with that. I love your quilt.

  53. I love to start my fabric choices with a fat quarter bundle, then add or subtract fabrics as needed.

  54. That quilt is fabulous!!!
    I pick fabric by sight. Laying fabric out together to see how it looks. I am pretty much a beginner so it is just what pleases my eye.
    The books looks great and that material...YUMMY!

  55. I choose one I love and then find other fabrics to go with it.

  56. I do love contrast too, so I lay out the number of fabrics I will need and see how they will all look together. Love the fabrics in the book, the black with blue and white is stunning.

  57. I love your quilt in the new book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  58. I just get what appeals to me at the moment, usually staying within a fabric line so everything coordinates well. Often using a similar color palette as whatever the pattern is shown in, as I'm not a very good abstract thinker and have trouble visualizing things.

  59. I start with a fabric that excites me, from my stash or from a local shop or on line. I imagine how it can be used in my pattern, and then dig deeper into my stash or visit nearby quilt shops to round out the fabrics for my project!

  60. I usually start with a pattern. Then check my stash and buy if I need.

  61. If it is for a gift, I am usually thinking of the person for whom I'm making the quilt, and what they love. Then I pull some fabric from my stash, then often surprise myself by finding another fabric that plays well with it but which I wouldn't have chosen right off. Then, with my preconceptions knocked off their foundations, the fun begins!

  62. If I like the colors in the pattern, I go to my stash to see if I have something that looks like that. If it for a specific person (baby quilt)I try to coordinate with their theme of the baby's room.

  63. I love your quilt you contributed for the book. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  64. Fabulous quilt!
    I choose one fabric first and then fit the other fabrics around it

  65. I choose fabrics thinking at who is the project and what it`s his/her fav color and that will be the focal fabric color and then pull others from that print to match them.My favorite background is white.

  66. When I see a pattern I like, I look at the fabric that the designer used. I look through my stash and see if I have something comparable, and then I usually see something else that I really like and want to use. That starts the search for my own colors! But I need that kick to start me.

  67. I start with a pattern, then make it my own with fabric choices and quilting

  68. I'm kind of a 'fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants' gal. I like a fabric enough to use it, and then dig around until I find others I like. I don't like sticking with a certain line, I like to mix it up. Thanks for the fun!

  69. I usually choose a fabric in a color and design that I want to dominate. then I pull fabrics from my stash to compliment.

  70. Yes, fabric is fun to pull together and ogle over. Usually, the designer gives a clue to the colors and values for a project, so I follow that lead. If I have a collection, I try to use it together and not break it up.

  71. Mostly I just audition fabric by placing them either on my cutting table or the design wall. I've been told I do pretty good with choosing colors. Also you can't go wrong with a fat quarter bundle or layer cake. Thanks for the fun, and I like how the blues and greens play together in your lovely quilt.

  72. Quite often, the fabric picks the project for me. I see a few fabrics that I love and then start looking for something to make with them. I love your quilt and can't wait to see that book. Thanks for the chance to win.,

  73. Fabulous fabrics! I usually start with a fabric I LOVE - then I pull fabrics of all the colours in that LOVE fabric - then I find the range of large and small prints or solids that I want for the project until I have all that I need.

    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

  74. I often just look for a focus fabric that I think will work for the pattern and then choose coordinates from there.

  75. I generally by fabrics just because I like the look of them and then wonder what in the world I will be making and what fabrics would work well together. Lately I have been setting aside some patterns that I want to use in the future and now I am trying to collect fabrics to go with the patterns. Perhaps that will work better.
    Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  76. Usually I just buy fabrics from a collection, so much easier that way.

  77. I seem to always include red of some sort in my quilt. Then, I work from there. A lot of times, I will choose a line of fabric because I'm sure the fabrics go together well.

  78. I just start pulling fabrics from my stash....then start adding or subtracting as needed. I tell my husband that I'm playing in my sandbox! Love your quilt!

  79. I am fairly new to the quilting world and have loved using fat quarter bundles and other precuts so far. I have started to choose fabrics for projects by finding a fabric I really like and finding others to go with it usually recruiting the help of my favorite quilt shop owner before making a final decision.

  80. I usually try to pull fabrics that are similar to the original quilt because I usually love what the pattern designer has done. If I'm improving though I just gaze at my collection that I have out on shelves and start pulling what "speaks to me". :)

  81. Usually I see a pattern and start digging through my stash and then buy the necessary pieces to complement the project.

  82. I love your use of black in "Beyond the Gates"! I am new to your work and reading of your using black in your designs, I am interested in seeing more! Black has been escaping my thoughts of quilt designs. And it is amazingly inspiring!

  83. It depends if the quilt is for someone specific, I like to know their colors, and if modern or traditional. If I am just making a quilt for the fun of it, I go through my patterns, then start pulling out fabric possibilities.

  84. I love the kits so I don't have to select the fabrics.

  85. wow your quilt is gorgeous. I so love the colors on white. I like starting with one fabric that would be my focal point and adding to that. This is one of the best/most fun parts.

  86. First I think about who I am making it for, if they have color preferences, then I pull all of those colors out, or if it is for me, I think of what my favorite color is for the day, like yesterday I started a new project and my color of the day was coral, I added some black and gold and I am going with it! I love playing with colors and picking them out, that is my favorite part!

  87. Wonderful giveaway. I really like using black in quilts also. Your quilt is gorgeous.

  88. This book looks like such a treat! I could really use advice in choosing fabrics. The last few quilts I've made using scraps just didn't have the "pop" I like to see! Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity and giveaway!!

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. I decide what colours I want to use in the project and then find a fabric that has these colours in it. Then I start putting other fabrics on the table that seem to work with it.
    wlinda_ca at yahoo dot com

  91. I usually start with a fabric line that I like, go find a pattern that I think will fit that line,(or maybe it will inspire me to make a pattern to fit it) and then add to it where needed. I went ahead and bought the book since I found it at a quilt store last weekend: I love your quilt that is in it (isn't it the one that was on a bed last year at your open house? I loved it then and have been waiting for the pattern!) :-) It is a great book and there are several projects that I want to do in it. Have a great weekend: hope some of your kids are still around for you to enjoy for a few more days. Hugs, H

  92. I usually make a quilt using the person who will receive the quilts favorite color and then go from there.

  93. HI, I make a lot of scrappy quilts so I kinda mix colors+designs,but in a particular quilt I usually decide on a dark,a light,a tiny design.Love all your designs+color choices> they are favorites of mine!Thanks for a great giveaway too!

  94. I usually start with one fabric and then start looking for others that will play nicely with it. I love to mix and match and do loads of fussy cutting/printing.

  95. I usually think about the person I'm giving a project to. Perhaps what room it may end up in or what the person's favorite color is. Gorgeous fabric :)

  96. I usually find a focus fabric that has numerous colors in it and start pulling fabrics in those colors.

  97. I must admit I'm a beginner and am still learning how things go together, I have a fear of putting wrong colors together so I stick with matching and neutrals, if that makes sense. dawnm1993 at gmail dot com

  98. As a new quilter I am not very good at picking fabrics so I leave it up to the very talented designers and use collections. Thank you!

  99. I look for a few fabric that are in the same line and build from their - adding mare colors or patterns as needed

  100. I find a main fabric then pull colors out of it. Sometimes I just throw things together and it works! I try not to overthink or over stress about what I'm doing! It should be fun!

  101. I first find a pattern I like, then go through my stash and typically try and find something similar and away I go. I'm trying to use what I have and not purchase anything new but truth be told I'm not doing to good a job Lol.

  102. I like to make scrappy quilts and I like to win prizes!

  103. many times I start with a fabric I will use in the border then pull colors from there .... other times I just like a certain fabric and build around it.

  104. I am a beginner and I like to stay with a specific line. I figure the designers, like yourself, do all the work to coordinate the fabrics so why should I deviate from the path. Most of the time I love all the fabrics together and that is what caught my eye in the first place. I do add in a solid but that's about it at this point. I love the precuts as well. :)

  105. I choose fabrics based on who will be receiving the quilt-favorite colors, or something that will go well with the colors in their room. I use fabric bundles but add to them as needed to highlight the quilt pattern. I like a mix of prints and solids in most quilts.
    Thanks for the giveaway, the fabric bundles are wonderful!

  106. I mostly start out pulling my favorite fabrics to see if they will work. If not, I just continue to dig or try some out by randomly choosing or fabric as close to a pattern that I have if I don't want to change it too much. I really need to organize my fabric better. Thanks for the giveaway, it is definitely appreciated!

  107. I start by choosing a fabric that I like and think will look great for my project. Then I pull lots of fabrics to go with that piece. Thank you so much for your giveaway.

  108. I decide first on the project, and then the feel that I want to convey. I then start pulling fabric that match the feel.

  109. Beautiful fabrics and book!! Thank you for the opportunity to win them! I can start with a pattern I want to make, go to my stash and figure out what will work or start with a fabric, hunt for a pattern and coordinating fabric or figure out a pattern that will work with the chosen colors of the person the quilt is for.

  110. Love your new fabrics and your book looks to be one that I could make a quilt from every pattern. When it comes to deciding on fabric I work backwards. First I decide what color I want as a focal fabric and go from there. Once I've pulled what I think is enough I decide on a pattern.

  111. As I choose fabrics to use in a pattern, I like to mix fabrics that I have had in my stash for a long time with newer acquisitions. I think that this will add to the timeless nature of what I create.

  112. I really enjoy using black in my projects too. It makes it look so classy and dimensional. It shows up as so unexpected, but so stunning! I would certainly put your fabric bundle to good use....with a little added black!

  113. I usually start with a fabric that has caught my eye for a particular person or project. If I am ordering it, often buy from the line so I know the colors will coordinate. But if I am in a shop I like to walk around and pick my own fabrics.

  114. I start pulling fabrics based pn who the quilt is for.

  115. I love the colors in your new fabrics. I usually start with a fabric I love and hope it will be used the most or in bigger pieces. Then choose some coordinating colors.sometimes I change my mind completely. So it can be a totally different quilt. Always fun.

  116. I love using precuts...I guess it's the safety of not having to coordinate fabrics. Thank you for hosting this giveaway...and especially for designing such beautiful fabrics! blessings, marlene

  117. When planning a new quilt, i either start with a focus fabric that I love or I might try a color scheme of an interesting quilt pictured in a magazine. It's so exciting to put fabrics together for a new quilt!

  118. I love the picture of your Breeze quilt! I'm definitely going to get the book so I can make the Breeze quilt! Would love to win some of your fabrics to put in the quilt!

  119. I'm a real wimp when it comes to picking fabrics! I usually go strictly with what the pattern shows or I bring my husband so he can help me... my youngest as well who has amazing color choices. I'm learning! Maybe one day I'll do it all by myself! ha ha!

  120. I usually get an idea in my mind of what I want the finished project to be like, and start from that. It often changes along the way, but usually not by much.

  121. Usually I pick my fabric for the person I'm making the quilt for. Sometimes I like the Fabric in a pattern & try to go with that or something similar. Love your Breezy Quilt. Thanks for the chance to win this great book and fabrics :)
    Debby E
    samtaylorcjsmimi (at) yahoo (dot) com

  122. I mostly make quilts for other people, so I essentially keep my ears open for their likes and dislikes and listen for their favorite colors or for the color room where they'd likely use the quilt..and then I pick a fat quarter bundle with all the fabrics selected for me in the best colorway for my giftee.:)
    I'd love to win your fabric bundle!!!

  123. "Jams and Jellies"- it's such a great name! And of course it would make a great quilt!

  124. How I choose fabrics is knowing who I am making the item for. If I know that I usually know favorite colors, if they like novelties or classics. You get a feel for that by looking around their house and see what they wear on a normal or dress up basis. I don't always pick sets of fabrics originally made to go together either. I will add in something from my stash if I feel it goes right and adds the correct flair needed. Lauralee Hensley
    lfhpueblo (at) msn (dot) com

  125. I just go to the quilt shop and start looking at fabric til the right one pops out and says HERE, HERE LOOK AT ME!!!
    Love this book and your quilt...

  126. Love the name. I pick a basic central fabric and then all the other colors go out from there. Unless of course the designers do all the work for me and bundle it up already matched.

  127. Depends on the project. Sometimes I buy a few pieces that I love,

  128. One of my first quilting teachers told her students to start with a fabric that they "dearly love" then add other fabrics with colors in the main print. Thanks for the giveaway(s)!

  129. Love your quilt, it's beautiful! Sometimes I start a quilt by picking a focus fabric and then pull fabrics to go with. Sometimes I want a quilt in certain colors and go from there.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  130. Would love your new book! It looks very interesting. Diana

  131. First I look at who I'm making the quilt for and ask for their favourite colours. Then I'll choose a focus fabric and let that sit where I can see it for a while and add or take away other fabrics until I have the perfect mix. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  132. I start with a print that has colors I want to use in the quilt. Keeping the scale sized for the unfinished blocks. Then I select other fabrics to work with the focus print. I challenge myself to use different tones so the quilt can sparkle when finished.

  133. I love your fabric collections, and your quilt! I usually go to a coordinated collection to choose fabrics for a quilt, and then perhaps throw in a couple coordinating things from my stash. Thanks for the chance to win!

  134. This new book looks wonderful! Lots of ideas and fabrics to choose from!
    I love the Park Drive and Jellies fabrics. I love floral fabrics! Thank you for these giveaways!

  135. First I decide whether I want bright, muted, pastel, neutrals, etc. Then I select the first fabric I see that fits that category. Then I pick fabrics one by one that look good with the first till I have the number of fabrics needed. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  136. Love your fabrics and creations. I have been told I have a good eye for color and love to see what I can come up with when I decide on a pattern. Fight on!

  137. I start with a "lead" fabric and add other colors/blenders as I go! Thx

  138. I can't wait to add this book to my collection! I love your designs.

  139. I think we were born as sisters of different mothers???? I love your happy fabric. It makes me smile everytime I see your fabric. I have a couple of your kits tucked away till after christmas!....can't wait to start them! your in my prayers as well.........

  140. I start with the "focus" fabric and pull others from there. Many many times, I don't end up using the focus fabric at all. Hope your doing well!

  141. I inherited a love of scrappy quilting because that is how my two grandmothers quilted. I love to look at their work now and remember their aprons and dresses from a little piece of a block.

  142. Love those bundles and the book looks like another "must have". Hope you are doing well. Prayers for you...

  143. I usually see a pattern I like part of, create a new pattern I love and then figure out a color palette. Sometimes the colors fall together and I can grab fabric from my stash. Other times I use part stash, part new fabric.

  144. Pulling fabrics takes me the longest and it's not exactly my favorite part. I take pictures of the pulls in black and white to see if they flow or something sticks out too much.

    I didn't know about proceeds going to the red cross, that's great!

  145. God didn't handout to me any artistic abilities o choose fabrics or to mix and match colors. But what he did give me was the ability to order a kit with fabrics all put together like your beautifulkits on your website so pretty!!��

  146. When choosing fabrics for a project, I often go with a collection, and pick from there. Then I know that the fabrics will complement each other.

  147. I don't have a set way to get started choosing fabrics. Sometimes I have colors in mind or a certain print that has caught my eye or sometimes I have a pattern chosen and look for fabrics that would work with the pattern. Sometimes I will start with a layer cake or some other pre-cut but I usually add lots of other fabrics to make it my own mix.

  148. Being a beginner at this, I try to look through quilting magazines or websites to find color combinations that I like together. Then, I try to find similar combinations at my local fabric stores. I'd love to win one of your fabric bundles! Thanks for the chance to do just that!

  149. I first start with the colors and then I look at the designs in the fabrics and see what I can put together.

  150. I have a hard time choosing fabrics, but am working on it. wish I had the artistic ability that so many have.

    Barb Murdock

  151. Love the fabric giveaway and the quilts are gorgeous!!!!!!

  152. I pick my pattern first and then pull the fabric out till I like the color way. But then there are times when I have put some fabric together and I have to find the pattern for that group. Nancy P.

  153. ❤️❤️❤️ I always fall in love first, with a fabric, a quilt pattern, a block, or a theme. We'll live together a little while and hold auditions for more companions from time to time. Then events ensue! ❤️❤️❤️

  154. I start with one fabric that I love and then pull in colours that are in that fabric. I also will buy fat quarter bundles from a line. Thank you for the chance to win. Your quilts are gorgeous.

  155. I start with a fabric or a pair of fabrics and then add from there.

  156. I don't trust myself when it comes to mixing fabrics across manufacturers, I'm a big chicken! I'll find a collection that I like and use that. Thanks for the give away! jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com

  157. I have a habit of leaning toward black, red and white. I've been trying to expand a little out of my comfort zone.

  158. I am trying to expand my horizons....I try to find a fabric I cannot live without, then I add blenders and coordinating fabrics.

  159. Your quilt is just gorgeous!
    I choose my fabrics from inspiration. I'm very new to quilting, so I get easily overwhelmed at the fabric shop!

  160. I decide what I want the "feel" of the quilt to be--modern or traditional, crisp or soft, bright or pastel. Then I pick a print in that style, and pull out blenders, small-scale prints, and solids to match it. I stand back and look at the selection, remove any that are jarring, and that's it!

  161. I usually try to choose fabris close to the pattern if I like that look otherwise I go by a certain colour theme . Thanks for the chance .

  162. I like fabric bundles and then swap out a fabric if I see something I think will go with it better. Can't wait to get your book!

  163. Sometimes I start with a fabric that catches my attention. Pull fabrics to complement then work on a quilt idea. Sometimes I do the opposite. See a quilt and pull fabrics to make my rendition of it.


  164. I usually select fabrics from a fabric collection, but I have started selecting fabrics for a scrappy quilt and enjoying it very much!


  165. Picking fabrics is my least favorite thing to do in the quilting process. I usually try to follow the pictures of what fabric is used. I love all your quilts and fabric. Thanks for the grea giveaway.

  166. First I try and come up with a few colors for the theme and then try and find fabrics that will coordinate.

  167. It totally depends on the type of quilt I will be sewing to determine the colors and fabric choices. If it is a baby quilt, I will usually ask the colors, theme of nursery.
    Lately, I have been making a lot of "scrappy" quilts. It's great to use up some of my fabric scraps, and still come out with something beautiful!
    Love the looks of your new fabrics!

  168. I choose the fabric for the person I am making the quilt for.

  169. I have a hard time j ust picking a whole collection, I usually pick 3or 4 pieces I like and then build with other similar colors/prints. I think I have mental block to making the same quilt as the designer, or other quilter, so I want it to be "my own". weird, I know...

  170. Love these fabrics. Thanks for the opportunity to win

  171. Hi Jan, I always start pulling my fabrics together once I have the pattern. I think that is essential to start off on the right foot. Then I take my pattern with me to the store. I at least have an idea what the main colour is then head for that isle in the store. If at anytime I get stuck I have my trusty store owner on hand to help too! She is a beauty and her picks are often spot on!!! Love her so much that I making her a small thank you gift this christmas.

  172. Such an amazing array of giveaways...thanks so much for the opportunity. Making selections from them would be wonderful. Best wishes.

  173. Putting together colors and patterns is one of my very favorite things to do! It has to "feel" right and it just makes me so happy to get the right combo.
    hiwendyhi at yahoo dot com

  174. The book looks great! thank you for the giveaways and helping others! I usually start with two main colors for the project at hand and add from there. thank you again!

  175. I have not been able to pull fabrics together for a project. I have to either purchase a bundle, or buy a kit. I am okay with that. I have made a few quilt tops that, I chose the fabric for and they are hidden away. Thanks for the generous giveaway. Your work is simply stunning.

  176. I start picking fabrics by finding one delicious fabric with two or three colors that I adore. I build on this color combination by finding fabrics that blend or add texture and contrast. I have two or three sets of fabric that I have pulled, but finding just the right project for the fabrics isnthe hard part for me.

  177. I find a pattern I want to make, and try to pick the fabrics from my stash. I often make it scrappy.

  178. Sometimes the fabric speaks to me. Sometimes the project idea comes first and I check my stash for the perfect fabric. Then I "audition" those fabrics until I find the best combination.

  179. Your quilt is gorgeous! Picking fabrics for a project is the hardest and most stressful part for me. It's hard for me to visualize what I want. ☺️

  180. Your quilt is beautiful! Would love a chance to read through the book.:)

  181. I love bright colors like orange, paired w/turquoise. SO I take them on a trip outside in the sunshine and start pulling 4-6 coordinating or contrasting prints, along w/my pattern. Start laying those out together in various ways and then when I find it pleasing, snap a pic w/camera or phone cam.

  182. It really depends on who the quilt is for - I usually start with one favorite or focal fabric and the rest just seems to fall in place. I love your new line, Jams & Jellies - would to use in a scrappy quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.

  183. I usually start with a fabric I really like and then add others to compliment it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  184. I usually pick a starter fabric and add to it by bringing out the colors with different prints.

  185. The purpose of the quilt and who its for are a factor, then I guess I just start pulling colors I like that I think that will work well together. Thank you!

  186. So far I have mostly used precuts and then just added a solid background fabric which is usually white. I do want to make a quilt using black as a background as I agree with you about the contrast and definition.

  187. I mostly use pre cut collections and add solids to them as needed. I like to pick fabrics and themes that will please the person that receives it!

  188. Congratulations on another informative & inspiring book, Jill. I finished your free pillow pattern of the Christmas houses by Dec 1 !!.....and sent wishes of love & healing with every stitch from our house to yours. If I were as techy as you, I'd attach a photo!

  189. I love your books and patterns. I am looking for some red and yellow you still have some available? Like I said....your colors are my colors!! Hope you are feeling ok...prayers still goving up for you...... Love them alllll!!


  190. I most often start with an inspirational piece or print of fabric that pairs nicely with the pattern I'm sewing...and then play about with a variety of complimentary fabrics in my stash until I find that perfect match! Thanks so much for the chance at these lovely fabrics!

  191. what a cute name for the fabrics!!! Love love love your quilt!

  192. Looks like a great book Jill, and of course your fabric is beautiful!

  193. I often have a color scheme in mind, and will see what looks good together. Sometimes I will make a couple of practice blocks. or sketch it out in EQ to see how I think things look together. What a great book!

  194. I often try to match the look of someone's tutorial. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  195. I start with one color I know the person would like and then I start adding other colors and designs to match. I love this part of the quilting process!
