Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow--Fake and Real

Well, the "Naughty or Nice" blog party is over--all that is left is to choose the winners.  I will choose my blog winner after Henry Glass posts the winners over there.

So I finally did get a few paper snowflakes hung.  I would always like more, but there is a limit to my time, and it could get overwhelming. (More is not always better, some times it is just more.)

Actually, we have had plenty of the real stuff, so that cuts into my available time as well because of all the shoveling that needs to be done!

Speaking of which, a few nights ago I went out to shovel the latest storm off my driveway.  Randy was at work, and I thought it would be nice to have that all done when he got home.  After I had been working a bit, I looked at what I had done.  What I saw described me perfectly:

A little disorganized, short attention span, starting new things before I finish old ones, a bit distracted and undone.


Eventually I did get the whole thing done.  But then it started snowing again.  Oh well.

I have finished my decorating upstairs.  Wreaths on the windows,

  Candy in the jars,

 Nativity sets on the tables,

 (Oh, and by the way--I found these awesome knit pillows at Target.  I love them because they are so large and soft, and they go with my new holly pillow perfectly!  You can't see it here, but they are the same houndstooth pattern as the fabric I used in the pillow!)
Quilts out,

 And a few Christmas touches in the Kitchen:

You may have noticed that I love to use quilts in my decor.  Either on the wall or draped on a chair--even just a placemat, I love seeing the pattern that my quilts offer.  Even just a stack of quilts ready to be put to use on a cold night is a great design element.

I still have the basement to do.  That part is important because it is where Santa will come and leave presents--so I have to put up a tree down there.  All my kids will be staying here for Christmas, and that is the only space big enough for all of us to gather around.  So tomorrow---

JoJo,  can you find all the parts to the tree???


Rosa said...

Snow? In my area, it rarely snows, but these days are very cold.

The decor is fabulous and I like every corner.

Merry Christmas!

Mad about Craft said...

Your house looks so Christmasy!

In the UK it is quite mild & a bit damp at present - no snow!

Anonymous said...

I love your beautiful home! I hope your children know how lucky they are that you work so hard to have your home look so pretty and homey for the holidays! Can I ask, did you use glue dots to hang your snowflakes? Have a wonderful Christmas with your beautiful family!!!

KMSC said...

I love peeking into bloggers' homes to see how they decorate for the holidays. Your home is gorgeous! Happy Holidays!

Farm Quilter said...

Your home is lovely and I love all your Christmas decorations!!! I am jealous of all the beautiful snow outside!!

Tami C said...

Your house looks lovely! It's great seeing all the quilty touches.