The Fight

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Chicago Festival

I am home from Chicago and busy filling orders of things we ran out of.  It is always hard to predict how much of each product to take, and so, I always end up taking orders for something.  Our kits sold very well, and I am grateful that I didn't have to bring them back home!

We met so many wonderful quilters and it was really fun to be in a whole different part of the country.  If you are one of my new acquaintances, sign up to  "Follow" my blog, and you can be eligible for the many free gifties I give away each month or so.

Here is a quick picture of my booth before the day started.  My two daughters, Sarah and Talia were there to help me with set up and sales.  It was AWESOME to have them with me.  Thanks, girls!

Sarah and Talia each brought some of their own quilty crafts to sell.  This wall highlighted them.

 Sarah made some darling quilt-themed signs for your sewing room.  If you want to order one, just drop me an email.  (Soon she will have them up on her Etsy site, but it is not ready yet.)

Talia has an Etsy site that features her hand-made fabric earrings.  You can find them here.  I think they are just so cute!  What quilter couldn't use another way to have fabric around!?

I have been to many quilt shows and festivals, and there are always plenty of beautiful quilts on display.  But this one is one of my all-time favorites!  It is just so awesome!  Made by quilters in Switzerland, the many different blocks feature houses and buildings, and it is so amazing how they all come together, even though they are many different styles and colors.

After the blocks were all done, one quilter set them together, and added the iconic clock tower from the town square in Bern, Switzerland in the center.  I just loved this.  After I read all about it I learned that this quilt was made by a group of quilters in Bern, Switzerland-- that is where my family is from!  Maybe that is why I loved it.

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