The Fight

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Jillily Spring Booth

After we set up the HG booth, we went to work on the Jillily booth.   I had not thought too much about it, but I knew I wanted to feature my new fabric line, "Poppy Patio."  So when we were scouting up supplies for the other booth, we ran into some patio pavers that look just like my fabric.  Fun idea.  So we made a patio.

It started when the Home Depot guys were loading 460 pavers into my truck.  I watched the truck bed sink deeper and deeper.

"How much do those weigh?"  I asked.  (Calculators and figuring going on.)

"2130 pounds."  came the reply.

Gulp.  Yikes.  That is a ton of bricks.  Really.

But it did not deter us.  No, never.  We were on a mission!   (I say "we"--and it was a good thing I had some help!!)

The floor going in. . .

The herringbone pattern in the pavers is also seen in the fabrics--it comes in green and black and red.

The finished patio has a trellis entry and trellis ceiling from which we hung patio lights.  The lights were so cute, and they don't really show up in the pictures.

Some of the details around the booth--there is "Zig Zaggy Sundress" on a cute little garden dress form.  I love the flower cart that it is sitting in.  I have had it for years, and I have used it in my booth before.  The rest of the time, it sits on my front porch.

"California Dreamin" can be seen behind the cart.  I hung fewer quilts, and focused on the new patterns this time.

My new fabric collection is featured on this great plant stand.  It looks so perfect there, even if it is really just paper!  (No actual fabric until August.)  There was plenty of room to display my notions and literature and some other quilts on the shelves.

The view from inside my booth looking over toward the Henry Glass booth.  I spent most of the time sitting at my patio table, visiting with my guests.  What a fun relaxing way to do a show!
I'm not sure if I ever showed you the finished "Poppy Fields", but here it is in the booth.  Did you notice that calendar from Martingale--my quilt is on the cover!! I was delighted to find that out.  The calendar is for 2014 and comes out in August.

 Another new pattern is this runner, called "Lotsa Dots."  I love this piece.  It is one of my favorites.  I guess I just really love yo-yos, and this is covered with them.  I used the motifs in the damask print to place the yo-yos.  Very quick and simple.

Well, that about does it for the tour of my booth.  I hope you enjoyed seeing the new patterns, too.  They will be available in July on my website and in your local quilt shop.  

Oh, I also wanted to remind you that my May edition of the PDQ Club (free patterns) is up on the Henry Glass blog.  I love this little project.  It's called "Stuff Your Stuff Bag"  and it really is fun!

It's about time we have a prize give-away.   So if you want to be entered to win, leave a comment here, and ALSO leave one on the Henry Glass blog PDQ post.  That way you will also be entered to win over there, so it doubles you chances of winning!  They are giving away fabric, so I think I will give away a collection of patterns!

Thanks so much for following along with my quilting adventures.  I love to hear your comments and good advice!  Follow Jillily Studio on Facebook, too, for even more quilt-y comments!


  1. The booth is cute and I love the little dress. I'd love to have the chance to enter your draw.


  2. You do such a great job decorating your booth. Total eye candy.

  3. Your booth looks great! I love the concept you came up with. Thanks for the pattern giveaway.

  4. Love California Dreamin. Yellow and orange are my favorites.

  5. I seriously love your fabrics...the little bits of black with the bright colors just makes my heart sing!

  6. I love how everything relates and all pulls together for your booth! I really like the table runner with the yoyo's - very fresh and fun. I can't believe you hauled brick pavers to the market!
    The booth for Henry Glass is really inspired and again everything is coordinated and relates well. Very classy!!

  7. Wow! Your booth looks stunning - I love 'Poppy Fields'
    Thanks for the heads up on the new pattern (and the great giveaway!!)

  8. I've truly enjoyed looking at your photos of Quilt Market. What a lot of work you put into the displays!

  9. I loved your Stuff Bag PDQ pattern. I'm making one for my daughter to take to the beach.

  10. This PDQ pattern is sew cute. I already have it printed and plan to make myself one and one for all my daughter-in-laws. Love your fabrics and patterns. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  11. Love your booth,there are beautiful goodies!

  12. Darling booth! Looks like it was a fun and inspiring market!

  13. Beautiful booth! Gorgeous fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. That little dress is adorable! I can't believe all the work you did for the booth--it looks great and so much fun!

  15. I enjoy seeing your ideas and love the colors in your new line. They bring cheerfulness and light. Thank you for sharing your achievements with us.

  16. OHH paper of your fabric lines - I could see us quilters wanting to get our hands on some of that to wrap gifts and line shelves. Ambitious girls for moving all those bricks but the booth is adorable.

  17. I'm so impressed with your booth, especially the 460 pavers you used as flooring! I never could have done it. Anyway, your new fabrics and patterns are fabulous. And thanks for the giveaway.

  18. I've been wanting a patio made of those pavers! Are you up to putting down another one??? LOL!
    hulseybg at gmail dot come

  19. Everything is beautiful. I love the creativity.

  20. Your Market booth looks so inviting and fun! And I love Poppy Patio! The zig zag dress is so cute - with three sweet little granddaughters, I'll definitely be making one for each of them!

  21. The booth was adorable as usual! I thought about you loading those bricks again at the end of the show. Yikes! See you in Houston!

  22. Love the new fabric, and your clever booth! Thanks for the chance for a prize.

  23. That is a really nice bag and I might be able to figure it out, lol. I can't believe you took all those bricks, but well worth the effort, the booth looks wonderful.


  24. I love the paving stone floor, such an awesome idea. So many beautiful quilts at your booth. Great job.

  25. Your booth was so cute & you had so many clever ideas for decorating it. I will definitely be making the bag for gifts. Thanks so much for the pattern.


  27. Love the booth, so much work, but totally worth the end result. Thanks for the chance to win.

  28. I read in another blog about your pavers. I'm glad you had a vehicle to get it to Portland. Awesome fabrics.

  29. My, you're so creative, energetic, and ambitious in everything you do! Love Poppy Patio in your new patterns. Thanks for sharing quilt market pics showcasing your patio. Thanks for sharing your darling pdq projects.

  30. Thanks for the behind the scenes peek. I've seen lots of Quilt Market pictures of your charming booth and had no clue that the bolts of fabric on the stand were stand-ins for the real thing.

  31. You are an amazing inspiration. Thanks for a chance to win

  32. The booth looks so good, I love the new line.

  33. Love the large poppy fabric! It is so bright and cheery!

    Glad you had help with those pavers. That would have been a lot to unload by yourself!
    Cute booth, btw. :P

    Sandy A

  34. Your booth turned out beautiful and I love the patio theme. My question is what did you do with all the pavers at the end of the show? Your fabrics are always so bright and pretty.

  35. Your booth is beautiful and the fabric is simply gorgeous! I can think of lots of pretty things to make with it! Thanks for sharing!

  36. Wish I could have seen your booth in person! Beautiful job! I like your style. Thanks for sharing.

  37. I love your booth! Simple but very effective.
