The Fight

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Snow, Flowers and Kits

Last weekend we made a quick trip up to the Tetons.  It was still winter up there.  But the views are to die for.  We took JoJo on a trip so he could stay in a hotel.

He loves to pack a suitcase and go to a hotel so he can swim in the hot tub, get ice from the machine in the hall, and eat waffles in the lobby.  He has all the "hotel basics" down!  He has had his suitcase packed for several weeks, waiting to go on a trip.  Randy and I both travel for work, and it is hard on JoJo to be left behind with his suitcase ready.

So we planned a quick little trip just for him.  But I loved it!! I loved the beautiful scenery and the no-rush drive, through places I don't see often.  It was a simple thing, so very memorable.

I do love winter, and the snow.  It is so pretty and covers up all of the dirt and weeds when we are tired of summer.  But I am getting tired of it now.  I found these flowers at the grocery store, and I had to have them.  They guarantee that spring will eventually come.  It already has, somewhere, and it must be just around the corner here...

They are so cheerful.  Just makes me smile.

So I am getting ready to leave on another trip.  This time to St. George, (where Spring has already come) for a quilt show there this weekend.  If you are in the area, do stop by and see me at the Gems of the Desert Quilt Show.  I have been busy cutting kits to get ready.

It seems like every surface in my studio is covered with some sort of project in some stage of done-ness.
I guess that is a sign that either I am very busy or very disorganized.  Or maybe both.  Or maybe I feel busy because I am so disorganize.  Yup.  That's it.

1 comment:

  1. Come on down to St. George....we're all ready for you. 75degrees today!
