The Fight

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Home from Road

Well I finally made it home from Road to California.  That's where I was last week and I really had a fun time, but I was sure tired when it was all over!  This year I decided to fly, even though it is technically close enough to drive.  There are advantages and disadvantages of each.  So I gave it a try.  I had to send much of my merchandise ahead, and even so, we had 8 (Yes, I said EIGHT) suitcases to check.  Large suitcases.

That can be a challenge just getting from the car to the gate, especially if you are alone.  This year, since I didn't have anyone scheduled to come help me in my booth,  I thought I would be alone again, like last year.  But at the last minute, my good friend, Janet Platt (of QuickPoints Rulers) agreed to join me and do a few demos in my booth.  (Yeah, Janet!!!)

I was so glad to have her with me.  She is like a burst of sunshine.  My booth was a hoppin' and she was a talkin'!  Each day she spent some time in my booth, and some time over in our good friend Barbara Jones' (of QuiltSoup) booth.  It was a good arrangement!

The booth went together quickly and turned out quite nice.  Not much you can do with such a small space, but it served it's purpose.  That little tiny table on the left was the demo table, and it was only about half as big as we needed, but we muddled through.  When Janet was not doing a QuickPoints Ruler demo, I was busy doing an Appli-Glue demo, or some technique from one of my patterns.

On the other side of the booth, in the back corner was my money station.  That teeny tiny table covered with  "Around the Town" was my check out counter.  I signed books and took money, and sometimes got stuck back in the corner.  Looking at it here it looks kind of messy, and let me assure you---it WAS!  I never could seem to find a place for everything and get organized.  Oh well.

It's interesting to see what pattern or design has the most interest.  Every show is different.  This time, my newest quilts, Serenity and Secret Garden were right up there, along with an older pattern for ice cream cone pin cushions!

The best part of going to a show for me is seeing all of my quilty friends.  Those of you who stop by the booth each time and tell me what you are working on--it is just so fun to see you.  I am starting to recognize many of you who I see every year, and I appreciate you stopping by to say hello.

Janet Platt of QuickPoints Rulers, Dana Brooks of My Lazy Daisy, Barbara Jones of QuiltSoup, Kim Diehl--famous Author of the Simple series of quilt books, and Me.
Some of my favorite people are other designers from the Henry Glass team.  Here we are the last night.  (Yes, I do look like I have been in a major wrestling match, but after all, this is the end of the day.)  We went to dinner every night--and laughed till dessert.  We may be stuck in our classes or booths all day and not get any thing to eat, but we make up for it at night!  (After all, I certainly don't LOOK like I am starving.)  I feel honored to be with these talented ladies.

I loved seeing all the interest in my book, and I signed so many that we sold out.  I have more here at the Studio if you still need to get your copy.  ; )  Home Sweet Quilt continues to do well, and I feel very blessed.   If you bought my book and made something from one of the patterns, I would love to see it.  In fact, I would love to give a prize to someone.  So send me photos, and I will choose a winner!  Email photos to 
I am off to teach at a retreat tomorrow in Cedar City. I better go do some laundry!


  1. Your booth was really very nice and very popular. I barely could get into the booth to see anything or see the demos. Thank you for sharing your pictures. Your work and your designs are super great.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  2. Love your booth, looks like a really good time. That is a load of suitcases.

  3. Your booth was wonderful and I enjoyed meeting you. I'm looking forward to receiving my copy of your newest book and probably should have snatched up that last kit of Scattered Sunshine!
