The Fight

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Busy Time

Hello friends.  Are you as busy as me?  This is certainly a busy time of year, and I still have so much to do, but that makes it exciting, right?  I have had some really stupid interruptions of my schedule this month, including a flooded basement, food poisoning (don't ask) and lost packages and mail all over the place.  (Consequence of living at three different addresses this year.)  I seem to spend a whole lot of time running around trying to solve problems--some of which I create for myself.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. . . just explaining.  I am quite used to this crazy life of putting out fires.  Probably too used to it. . .

Anyway, in the midst of all this, I was trying to meet a deadline (well, several) to get a quilt done for McCalls magazine.  I didn't really have a plan, so I just started sewing--and adding things to my design wall, thinking that it would come together.  I knew that it wasn't looking very cute, but I pushed ahead, forcing it to be done and be cute. 

Finally I had to admit that it really was very ugly, and that I simply could not send it to any magazine, or even publish it myself.  So I scrapped it and started all over.  Does that ever happen to you?

Here is just a peek.  I can't show you the whole project, but I must say, I am so glad I started over.  It really did turn out quite well, and I am happy with it.  I love yo-yos, don't you?

On another good note, and very important, I have to report that we found the baby Jesus.  Perhaps you were not aware that He was missing.  I have been very slow getting around to decorating for Christmas this year.  The most important part, the Nativity, was missing both Mary and the baby.  Emmy and I found them both in Jordan's closet, inside a box, with his missing Sunday shoes.
The shoes (which Jordan sometimes hides-on the off-chance that he might not have to go to church) have been missing for about 3 weeks.  He did have to go to church anyway, and so he has been wearing tennis shoes.  (My mother would NOT approve, but whatever works, right?)

I also have to report that I finally got my Double Dutch pattern written and printed.  It has been weighing on my mind because people were waiting for it, and I was slow.

One reason I am telling you all the things I have accomplished this week is because I have so much more to do, and I need the encouragement.  It is risky, telling you of my many faults, but then I realize that you are probably quite aware since it is quite obvious,  and I might as well admit it.

Here's hoping that I get lots done tomorrow!  And you too!


  1. Sounds a lot like me, to tell you the truth! Good work on getting so much done, keep up the good work!

  2. Oh Jill, you accomplish and conquer so much it amazes me. I swear that underneath that exterior lies a Mrs. Incredible suit! I think that sometimes you forget how inspirational and encouraging you are. You are one of the most genuine people I know, and those "experiences" of yours makes you who you are. It seems to me that when you are in the most challenging situations, you come up with the most beautiful ideas. Keep up the great work, we just can't wait to see the wonderful things you create in the midst of your challenges. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hugs, -Cori

  3. Your double dutch is awesome and I love your new design, can't wait to see it finished.

  4. I love your Double Dutch pattern. I was lucky enough to win a copy of your book Home Sweet Quilt and I love it!! Joyeux Noel! Hugs Linda x

  5. It is heartening to hear that I'm not the only one who is muddling along, dealing with frustrations that sometimes spring from some scatterbrained thing I did. Reading your note made me feel like we're all in this together, which is encouraging. When I see the beauty you create in the midst of all the real life complications, it gives me the boost to get up from the computer and create something lovely in our home, too.

  6. perserverence! you've got it! like your bits and pieces with the yoyo's and your double dutch is a double delight!

  7. You amaze me Jill! I love looking at your blog and seeing the MANY amazing things you have accomplished. There is a reason why Christmas is magical because somehow everything manages to get done. Keep up the beautiful work. Merry Christmas!

  8. You are amazing. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas
