The Fight

Saturday, October 20, 2012


We're winding down to the close of this little adventure.  Hope you have had a good time.  I have some amazingly talented and wonderful blog friends, don't I?

I want to thank you so much for coming on the tour.  I really appreciate your support!!  So I have a surprise for you--keep reading.

Today's host is Henry Glass Fabrics.  I love being a fabric designer with HG!  They are all so good to me, and they produce the most beautiful quilting fabric on the planet!

After you visit the HG blog, come back here to sign up for the grand prize!  (see below)

Remember my latest collection which just barely came out??  Beyond the Gate fabrics are starting to show up in stores now, so ask your LQS to get some in for you!

Want to win the grand prize?  First, sign up to be one of my followers.  Next, visit all the stops on the tour, then leave me a comment here about the BLOOK TOUR.  I want to know if you found some new blogs from the tour, and was this helpful / fun / interesting to you.  What did you like/not like about it?

The GRAND PRIZE consists of my book, Home Sweet Quilt, a bundle of Beyond the Gate fabrics, a thread collection of Everyday Colors from Aurifil Threads, and a Jilliy Studio applique kit--with Appli-Glue, Poke-A-Dots, needles, brush, tailor's awl, etc!

That's quilty stuff worth over $150!  I sure hope you win!  But if you are not the lucky one, you know where you can get all that stuff!  Make sure you check back to see if you won, because I will need your email.  I will choose a winner on Tuesday, so you only have two days.  (I have to make it fast because I am leaving for Market this week!)


  1. I'll go first! I've really enjoyed this blook tour- I have found some new blogs! Loved the post where the writer gave her blog over to her two sons! Very funny! Oh, I am a follower too!

  2. I've had great fun on the tour! I visited everyone - except HG who isn't up yet! I found some new to me blogs and everyone was so welcoming - Thank you!

  3. I see your going to be on the Designer Showcase at Henry Glass. What a fun time this will be for you. I love their fabrics and your new line is perfect to boot. I only knew Madame Samm so this blook tour was tons of fun for me. I even got hungry looking at the caramel and chocolate covered pears (which my husband says I have to make for him!). Yes, I found some new blogs that I've bookmarked to go back to and I'm already a follower!

  4. Loved seeing glimpses of your beautiful quilts from the book, and learning that you teach so well in the book, that is very important to me as a beginning quilter. I think we saw some of the same quilts over and over again, it would have been nicer if each quilter featured a separate quilt, because each time I was jonsing to see a new quilt from the book and then would see the same ones over and over again. I want to see MORE from the book LOL. Eager beaver here.

  5. Loved the tour and the display of your quilts at your open house. I met some new blogs, Cory, Amber, Jacquilynn. All very nice comments on your book. I'm a faithful follower. Thanks for the book tour.

  6. It was a great blook tour! I enjoyed seeing all of the blogs. Some I knew and some were new to me. Thanks for the tour. Your book is beautiful!

  7. I'm a Follower. I've really enjoyed this Hop. Everyone was new to me and I really enjoyed reading about everyones views and ideas.

  8. Loved the blook tour. I've found some new blogs to me. Loved everyone's take on your wonderful work. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a happy follower!

  9. Awesome tour. Loved all the blogs. Found a few new friends (already followed a few). Great Idea. I hope more book writers do a blog tour.

  10. I have been a follower of your blog for sometime and have really enjoyed the Blook tour! It was fun to revisit some of the quilts from your Beyond the Gate virtual tour and see them in new and different ways. I have added a few new blogs to my list of fav's as well....the Noble wife especially looks inspring!! Thanks for the fun and inspirational week...

  11. I follow your blog. I loved the Blook tour and visited each stop. A few of the blogs were new to me which was great -- always fun to find a new source of inspiration. I enjoyed seeing photos of and reading about the projects from the book. I also noticed that your fellow bloggers had lots of great things to say about you and your book. Thanks!

  12. I really have to tell you I enjoyed this blook tour. Most everyone told us something different about the book which was really good and showed us some of their favorites which is nice to hear. I visited some"new" to me blogs and "followed" some. The only thing I have to say that I did not like, since you asked, was the fact I did not win any blook...Thanks again for having this tour I really enjoyed it and I am a follower...

  13. I loved the blog tour. I read favorite blogs before work and definitely enjoyed seeing your bright and lovely quilts each morning. I have been a follower for some time of your blog, the Henry Glass blog and quite a few of the sponsors participating in this blog hop. I found a couple of new blogs I will go back to. I visited with everyone on the tour. Doing so was quite enjoyable.

    Your quilts are amazing!

  14. I really enjoyed the tour, and visited all the stops. I found several blogs that I have not visited before. I am now a follower, and must say that I admire your beautiful quilts!

  15. I loved your Blook tour. I found some fun and interesting new blogs to follow. The quilts in your book are beautiful and I look forward to making some of them.

  16. I`ve enjoyed the book tour and love your quilts layout at your open house.I found new blogs.
    Of course,I`m a happy follower.Thanks for the book tour!

  17. What fun this has been. I have enjoyed so much receiving your posts and getting to be a part of your achievements is a pleasure. Visiting your friends blogs was helpful and fun. Thanks for letting us all be a part of your world. When I put your name on my quilt label to identify the pattern it is with a sense of pride to acknowledge you to my posterity. Thanks again. Jeanne

  18. This book tour has been a lot a fun. What is good about it is we get to "see" the book before we buy.I love all the quilts I have seen and know I will be making them.I enjoy your blog and already belong to others on the tour and also joined a couple that I didn't

  19. I really enjoyed your blook tour. It was nice to "hear" the affection people have for you--the personal touch was apparent. One aspect that I thought was great was the glimpses we got of the quilts in your book. That convinced me to move your book from my Wish List to my Amazon cart. (Now I'm waiting to see if I'll be a lucky winner before I press "purchase".)

  20. The blook tour was a first for me. I especially appreciated the respectful and caring comments made by your blog friends. Your book is a "must buy" because your bright, airy, contenporary quilts sing to me. Job well done by everyone involved!

  21. I've certainly signed up to follow your blog. I've enjoyed the hop as it has shown me some new and wonderful blogs.

  22. Hi Jill,
    I have enjoyed your blook tour (LOVE the name!) and have found a couple of new to me blogs to follow. Now to find time in the day to make all the new projects I have added to my list! :)

    Thanks again for a great tour!
    Sandy A

  23. Your blook tour was great fun and I looked forward to it each day! I'm a follower of yours and the other Henry Glass designers. I like your gorgeous fabrics and my favorite is the big yellow flowers on the red background. Its a real "show-stopper"!

  24. This tour was great fun and I found a lot of new blogs to follow Everyone is so talented. I love your book and it was interesting to hear all of the comments about the book on the different blogs. They sure make me want this book! Thanks for the tour.

  25. Love the HG Blog because I can find my favorites all in one place. Wish I could have made it to your open house, but will be content with your beautiful new book!

  26. I have really enjoyed every stop along the way on this Blook Tour! :-) It has been fun to meet new friends and to get to see bits from your new book. I just LOVE quilting books, and one thing that always draws me to look at and buy, is the photography in the book.
    Home Sweet Quilt is one of the prettiest books that I've seen!! The quilts, and the way that they've been photographed, are just beautiful!!! And, they are all projects that I can see myself actually making some day, so not only is the book **PRETTY**, but it's one that would be used, too!!! :-) Win, Win! Thanks so much for the chance to win this awesome prize!! I am keeping my fingers crossed! ;-)

  27. I have been "following" your blog for a while but now I am an official follower. I loved checking out the other blogs and I did find some new ones. Thank you so much for the fun time and the chance to win!

  28. Great Blook tour. Your quilts are lovely and look so pretty in your home. I have visited all of the stops on the the tour, some were new and some I follow all the time. I've followed your blog for a while now and enjoy find a new post from you on my reading list. Thanks for the chance on you awesome giveaway.

  29. I have enjoyed all the post on this book tour. They all did a wonderful job of presenting your book. I cant wait to see if I win a copy of this fabulous book and if i dont it is on my to buy list. I love the way you displayed your quilts and I have been inspired from all the posts about it. Your color choices are wonderful. I am a follower of yours. I visted and revisted all the people on the tour. Thanks for the chance at such a wonderful gift.

  30. What in inspiring tour! I am so in love with your quilts and your beautiful house! Thank you for going to all this work! Lovely

  31. I have so enjoyed your blog tour. Several of the blogs I already follow but it is always fun to read new blogs. Your book looks fabulous and it will definitely be on my list of books to buy if I don't win a copy.

  32. Thank you for the tour. I loved seeing your beautiful home and gorgeous quilts. I enjoyed all the blogs especially Linda Lum DeBono's sons, so cute and entertaining. Your book is wonderful. Congratulations and thank you for the generous giveaway.

  33. I'm already a follower! This has been so much fun - and I found some new blogs! Thank you so much for the giveaways!

  34. The block tour was so much fun! I am fairly new to this and have learned so much. I am a follower and love your book. Wow what a great giveaway!
    jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  35. I am a follower and I have subscribed to you wonderful blog. This was a great blog tour. I found a lot of interesting and fun blogs, fabric, people. I liked that the tour did not extend over a long time period. This has been good and most interesting. Thank you for the chances to win.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

  36. I really enjoyed the blook tour and your book is now on my shopping list. I found one new blog, Cori Blunt's Creativity Amongst Chaos. Thanks for a chance in your great giveaway.

  37. I have really enjoyed the book tour but I have enjoyed seeing your new book and fabric more. I loved the blog written by the bloggers two sons a lot - it was very inventive and cute but not more than I would love to win your book. I am a follower via email and a follower follower if you get my drift. Please pick me.

  38. I enjoyed the Blook Tour and I found a couple of new blogs. I loved seeing pictures of your quilts and the way you displayed them in your home. I didn't really see anything I didn't like during the tour. The tour was helpful, because i was able to see the types of quilts included in your book. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize.

  39. a great book tour :) love the reviews and patterns. thanx for the chances to win a copy of your book and the great prize.

  40. I do follow you! I visited everyone~ had to do a little catch up today, but I so enjoyed every stop! I love how your reviewers each loved something different about your book. And I must say, applique has always intimidated me and I am intrigued by your method after reading Amber's review. Thank you for the great tour!

  41. I've really enjoyed this blook tour. There are so many beautiful projects in your book. I don't know which is my favourite one. I visited everyone and really enjoyed the review done by Linda Lum Debono's sons. I am a follower of your lovely blog. Thanks for the chance.

  42. I have been a following along since the first day! I love so many things about this book!

  43. This has been such a fun blog book tour, Jill. I love the colors and designs in your new book. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

  44. I did visit each blog and saw some blogs I have not been to before. I enjoyed seeing all the photos of your lovely quilts.
    I am a follower of your blog. Thanks for the giveaway. Have fun at market.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I already GFC follow your blog. I have visited all of the blook tour stops. The one new-to-me blog was creativity amongst chaos. I really enjoyed all the various photos of your quilts from the book, and the discussion of those quilts on the blogs. Humor is always fun, such as Linda's boys doing the review and Madame Samm is delightful. You did a great job of announcing the blook tour with posts around blogland and most had the posts up at a convenient time for me EDST. Of course, your quilts are awesome so I just wanted to keep visiting and reading. Now, this will be a memorable blook tour if I am so fortunate as to win as a b'day gift.

  47. Congratulations on your book! the tour was fun and I loved Big A and Little A take on it and The Nobles wifes - I love her blog too. Creativity Among Chaos was a new fun blog to get introducted too! thank you very much!

  48. I really enjoyed the blog tour and always like finding new blogs to follow. The book is really beautiful - inspiring in design and color selections. More please!

  49. Hi I have really enjoyed this book tour and I have to say that most of the blogs I was already a member of but did see a couple of new ones. I loved seeing all of the beautiful quilts in your book and sure hope that I win one or I will have to buy one. I am of course one of your follower's and have been for quite a while. I hope that you are loving your fabulous new home and gorgeous sewing room I am so envious. Blessings Sandra

  50. I follow with Google Friend Connect and Google Reader. I enjoyed the Blook Tour lots. I liked that - mostly - every blogger showed me something new in your book or atleast highlighted it. My favorite thing about the tour was seeing your projects - it has made me want to do every one!! Yes, I did add on a couple of more blogs including Henry Glass. Loved your display of quilts in your home; thank you for allowing us to share in this very special way. That's a fantastic giveaway!

  51. I do follow your blog. Loved your house tour and all your gorgeous quilts. Found some new blogs to follow on the 'blook tour' and keeping my fingers crossed that I might be a lucky winner. Thanks so much!

  52. I've been following the Blook Tour faithfully! I did enjoy several new blogs and was surprised that I already follow several of your friends. Small quilty world:)

  53. This the first blook tour I have been on...lots of fun! My favorite part was going to sites I had not been before. Quilters can't get enough of reading what others are doing. Isn't the Internet great! I have your book and love it. I follow you and look forward to your post.

  54. I have had fun jumping to all the different blogs on your tour. I have a couple new ones to follow, I already follow you. My favorite post was the one with the two little boys. So cute. Thank you for a chance to win your beautiful book.

  55. I have visited all of the blogs. I found some really inspiring blogs and will follow some of them. I really enjoyed this Blook Tour. Your book is sew pretty and I have gotten some really neat color combinations. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your book. I hope you have another book coming soon!

  56. I'm a follower. Love the book tour. I hope I'm the lucky winner :)

  57. Found more Blogs and idea! THANKS can't wait for fabric

  58. Jill,
    I enjoyed the Blook took. Your designs are fun and fresh. I have been admiring your work for a while. I am familiar with all of the ladies who particpated. :) Thanks for a chance to win the grand prize. Janita

  59. I have thoroughly enjoyed tje book tour! Thank-you so much!!
    Yep found a few blogs that I'm adding to my following list and I did find them all very helpful and interesting and fun. There wasn't anything I didn't like about the book tour,
    I think!! it was all very nicely done!! Thank-you so much for the awesome prizes Jill!!

  60. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful prize, I loved the tour and find new for me blogs. I am a follower .

  61. Thank you so much. I hope you have fun at Quilt Market!! Loved the Tour.

  62. I've really enjoyed to blog tour, I'm blown away by your book. Currently it's showing as £1525 on Amazon UK... I'm hoping that price comes down as I need this book!

  63. Loved everyday of the Blook tour! Found a couple of new blogs to follow such as The Noble Wife and Pam Kitty Morning! Loved all the pictures and of course the give ways. Can't wait to start creating something with your new fabric line!

    Have fun at Market!

  64. I have enjoyed this tour and have visited all the stops. Such interesting takes on the books with everyone's favorites. Love your new fabric collection - I'll be sure to look for it, although I'd love to win it. Enjoy market!

  65. Good morning! Love the idea of the "Blook Tour"! I can't tour right this minute (ahem, at the office!) but will this evening. Love your book and your blog.

  66. This has been a fabulous book tour! I cannot wait to get my hands on this amazing new book!

  67. It was great to see pictures of your wonderful quilts and I signed up for blogs that I wasn't already signed up for. soparkaveataoldotcom

  68. This has been such a fun blook tour. One favorite was the boys doing the blog. I follow you and alot of others that were on the blook tour. Thanks for the chance to win.. Want to try your way of applique..have not done much applique.

  69. I am so happy for your new Book. The Blook tour was fun to go and meet the ladies who sang your praises. There were a few I'd not been to before. The best part was seeing the quilts in a real setting. I want to learn your Easy Applique method. Hope I'm the winner! I'm already a Follower.

  70. Looks like a great book. I did find some new blogs. Thanks for sharing your talent and the giveaway. You are so generous. Hope this book is a success for you.

  71. Looks like your book has some great projects. Thanks for sharing your talents and the giveaway. You are very generous. Hope your book is a success.

  72. The Blook Tour was a hoot! Loved all the pictures from your new book - WOW ! Those projects are stunning. I'm a follower and I think I'm hooked too!

  73. I'm a follower and love your blog. Loved the tour......I did find some new blogs to follow and really enjoyed seeing the quilts on display. Got my creative juices flowing! Thanks so much!

  74. This tour has been so fun. I loved finding new blogs and entering to win a copy of the book at each site. I was able to come to the open house with my mom and we loved it. I especially loved the demos in the basement and I'll be trying out some of the things I learned there. Thanks!
    Jody H.
    (follower: psychdog)

  75. I'm a follower and I enjoyed the book tour. It was fun seeing the projects on the different blogs. Thanks!

  76. Jill I am the one who traveled all the way from Kansas to your openhouse. Your quilts are amazing. I have visited each of the blogs for the blook tour and I have been inspired and even signed up to follow a couple of them. Your pictures from the open house are beautiful, but I really wish everyone could have been there in person. I loved each of your demos and loved seeing the way you use your quilts to decorate. I would love to win so I can have your book to help me remember the techniques that were taught in your demos. I think your color scheme is much the same as mine. RED is my favorite color and I have used it in most of the rooms in my home. I can't wait for your next book.

  77. The tour has been tons of fun! Your book looks fabulous. It's wonderful to see what's inside the beautiful cover. I would have a problem deciding which design to do first. Seeing all the projects is definitely helpful!!

  78. Blook tours are my new favorite way to pass time and find out what's new. I love the new fabric line.

  79. Loved every day of the Blook Tour! I did find some new designers and enjoyed visiting the ones that I already follow. Hope you do this again for your next book!

  80. I am a follower and I've loved the blook tour. I will visit those blogs again.

  81. I really enjoyed seeing what is in the book. Previews like this let me know if the book has projects I'd like to make. I found a few blogs I hadn't visited before which is always fun. I'm glad I'm a follower.

  82. The book is many inspiring projects!

  83. I loved the book tour. Thoroughly enjoyed finding new blogs filled with creativity and inspiration.


  85. Hi. In answer to your question, yes, I did find new blogs to visit (including yours!) while journeying on your blook tour. I originally found out about your marvelous book from a blog that I regularly (constantly) visit - A Little Bit Biased, but from that point, went to lots of new blogs. I really did enjoy visiting these new places, because blogs tend to be the source of inspiration for my quilting. I'm really looking forward to seeing your new book! Good luck with it!

  86. I am a follower. I really enjoyed the hop. It was fun to see projects and to find new blogs to join. Thanks for the wonderful give away.

  87. I did find some new blogs to follow from your tour which made me want to move into your lovely home with you. That sounds kind of like a stalker, doesn't it. Your book & fabrics are lovely & I can't wait to get some of my own to play with.
