The Fight

Friday, September 7, 2012

Mark Your Calendar

Have you saved the date yet?  I'm hoping to make this an annual event, so grab your girlfriends, sisters, cousins, daughters, etc and start a new tradition!

You won't want to miss the treats,

or prizes.
Or the demos:


 Bias Tape lettering,

Curved piecing,

Home machine quilting,

Scalloped borders,

And Yo-Yos.

Whew.  Now that's a LOT of demos! 

I wish all my quilty friends lived close enough to join us, but I know that some of you are far away.  So don't worry, I will tell you all about it and we'll have a special drawing for prizes just for quilters who live outside of Utah! 

Mark your calendar now -- Sept 27.


  1. Congratulations - I know you must be really excited. Wish I lived closer (those pretzels look really yummy!!) but I'm in Maryland, lol.

  2. May your show and open house be a huge success. I wish I lived close enough to visit but I have enjoyed all the pictures on your blog. Blessings Sandra

  3. Sounds like a whole lot of fun, wish I was visiting the beautiful state of Utah again. I would love to see your studio, watch the demos, snack on those yummy pretzels and get a signed copy of Home Sweet Quilts. Hoping you have a fabulous day, I'll be following from Michigan! Pauline

  4. I will be there! can't wait and I am really looking forward to seeing your new book.

  5. thanx for thinking of us 'outsiders' ... your demos are techniques and methods i'm interested in and appreciate the opportunity to see them. congrats on hyour new book and have fun with your open house.

  6. Sounds so fun...Wish I could be there and see your studio, snack on the pretzels well everything like the Quilt n Queen said, but I will not be following from Michigan I will be following from Souther Utah. Do wish I could come up and see it all..Can't wait to see your new book..CONGRATS on all you have done..Will keep following...
