The Fight

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Almost Done

I have been busy finishing up odds and ends for the house.  You would think that when you have a builder that you don't have anything to do, but no.  That is not the case. 

Decide where the sidewalk goes.  Do we want bushes there?
What trim should we use under the hood?
Where will we put that?  Measure that space and see how much room there is. 
Pick out some lighting fixtures.  Exchange fixtures that don't fit.  Pick out more light fixtures.   Change light bulbs to brighter ones. 
Buy storage containers.  Will they fit on the shelves?
Have them change this or that.  (many times)
Whoops.  That's wrong.  Can you fix it?
I think the stain is too light.
Paint trim on mirrors to match.
etc. etc. etc....

Anyway, it is all winding down to the end, and soon I will be able to move out of here.
Guess what this is?

That's a penny tile.  I have been in love with these for a while.  So I used them on my backsplash in the kitchen.  (Fortunately my husband liked them, too.)  Aren't they great?!  I love the mix of old and new.  Things work that way, you know.  What is old becomes new again.
I love the contrast of the shiny subway tiles with the matte finish of the penny rounds.  And the gray grout.
Love it.
They finally hung my pendant lights over the island.  I think that is the main thing I have been waiting to see in this house.  I have had them picked out for a year, and couldn't wait to see them up.  They are kind of industrially retro-y slickish.   Yes, I think that describes them.  At least to me.

Here's how the kitchen is looking now.   It really looks much better in person, but you get the idea.  I can't wait to put my stuff in there and accessorize it!  I love how much room I have around the island, so there can be lots of cooks in the kitchen.  I have always wanted a prep sink, and it will really be a help when we are getting ready for a big feast.  Now I can actually have a baking station, a clean up station, a range/cooking station, and a prep station.  Wow, it is like a dream.  Oh, and don't forget the eating station!  I need to get some stools for the island.  Do you think 3 or 4?  swivel or not?  With a back? What color?  I need your input.

On to the studio.  The studio is one of the slowest areas to get done.  I haven't shown you a picture for a while.  I don't think you've seen my black and white checked floor.  Isn't it fun?  I knew I had to have a checked floor and my builder didn't offer it, but I made them add it to their custom options.  Do you know how many booths I have tiled in black and white checkerboard?!  This is a Jillily item.  And not negotiable.
 They have installed the cabinets, but not the countertops that will sit on top.  I guess that will happen in the next day or so.  I have an "L" shaped sewing counter that sits on these two small cabinets and then goes to the wall and then toward the shelves.  (Follows that blue line on the floor.)  Those shelves will be filled with fabric and books and such.

Looking the other way, you can see two cabinets that will hold up my cutting table island.  The counter against the wall will be for designing and kitting and everything else I need it for.  I think the main thing my studio space needed was surface area.  I don't need a whole lot of room to dance around in, but I do need multiple surfaces to keep various projects on.  (However, I may do some dancing around anyway when I finally get in here.)
 Beyond the main room is a little alcove that will hold my office.  A counter will run under that window and along the adjacent wall.  I have some file drawer cabinets under the counter and one for desky stuff.  My computer will be in there and all my products will be lined up on the shelves (built in on the left wall) ready to be shipped out to my customers.  More cabinets on the wall hold office supplies.  (eventually)  I plan to have my calendar up on one wall, and in my fantasy I am actually really organized and know exactly what is going on.  I guess a new studio can't solve all my problems.  But it is worth dreaming about.

I'll show you more as they finish things up.  Keep watching because I have something else to share with you in a few days!


  1. I love your kitchen! Especially the backsplash. We will be redoing the kitchen as soon as we get the kids out of college (7 more years, in a perfect world). Until then, I look at kitchens online and get ideas.

  2. Your kitchen is beautiful and the studio will be fantastic to work in I am sure.

  3. It looks wonderful, all of it! And as far as barstools, no backs and 4 if they'll fit :)
    I'll stay tuned for the finished photos.

  4. Love it all!!I want to see it in person as soon as your settled :)

  5. How exciting! My two favorite rooms are kitchens and studioffices. Love the kitchen. You have so much creative space in both rooms.

  6. Hi Jill, Your house is absolutely beautiful! How exciting for you. I think 3 stools...with backs, and grey polka-dot cushions. Too cute? Maybe, but that is what I like, beauty with a bit of whimsy. Can't wait to see what you do. Hugs, -Cori

  7. I love it all and I'm super jealous but also super happy for you. You deserve these lovely rooms. If I were building a house this is nearly exactly what I'd be doing.

  8. It's looking great!! I can't wait to see it all finished. and I bet you can't either:)

  9. I noticed that your microwave is up in a cabinet.... but not over the stove.... I do not understand why microwaves are put up high.. over shoulder height... seems dangerous to me. Food is hot when it comes out and over the shoulder height is not real stable. What is the thinking? I ask you as you seem to have been through the whole nine yards.... with all that counter space..... seems some design brain could figure out how to place a microwave counter height and have it look built in....
