The Fight

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Technical Difficulties

My website is still down!!!! Yikes!  I hope all the new contacts I made at Market haven't given up on me!  I don't think there could have been a worse time to have the site down.  Oh well, it is what it is and so I will just have to work harder to get my customers back again.  The old site went down, and the new one is ready but waiting for the right codes or something for the URL.  It is all Greek to me.

In addition to that, I am still having trouble uploading my photos from Market, but I was able to get these two to work.  Don't you just love technology?!
These are my two new patterns.


 This 18" pillow pattern uses my new line, Beyond the Gate.  It is even cuter in real life, as most things are.  I won't be getting fabric until September, so I used the strike-offs, but I think it turned out great.  That gray (grey?)  is going to look so great with my new gray chairs!  I am really loving gray right now.  It is so crisp and sharp.  It has a classy look, don't you think?  (The color gray, not the pillow.)

I did finish the binding on this, but took the photo before it was done.  The quilting is so dense that it really makes the piecing stand out--it looks great!  (Thanks, Maika.)  I love red and yellow together.  In the garden they look great too, don't you think?

I can't wait to have a garden again.  This temporary living space is starting to bug me.  I can't wait for the new house to be done.  One good thing about having everything in storage is that when I finally move in, it will make my old things seem new again.  I am looking forward to that!  I have been trying to be patient, but it is getting near the end, so consequently, time goes slower and seems to drag on.  We have been delayed many times, and I am so ready to be done.

Hey, maybe the lack of website now will make the new website seem even better.  I think these two situations may be metaphors of each other.  So I guess I will continue to look on the bright side and see only the positive that can result from a crappy situation.  (Easier said than done.)

Have a great day.


  1. Oh Jill, these patterns are lovely. I can't wait to see the whole range.
    Well done & I hope your computer problems are sorted soon.

  2. yes, the pillow has a classy look! love it, the new fabrics and the bird!

  3. I absolutely adore your pillow and your new line of fabric. This is one I shall have to buy.

  4. Yes, that is good to look on the bright side of things.
    Your pillow and quilt are just beautiful.

  5. I love it. And I love the quilting. The quilting really makes this sing.
