The Fight

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


At the family quilt retreat this year we did a simple little zig zag quilt.  It was lots of fun, and quick to do.  My daughter-in-law finished binding hers last weekend.  She made a baby quilt for her sister. 

 Isn't it darling?  She put soft minky on the back--perfect for a baby quilt!

Speaking of family, here we all are on Easter Sunday.  What a good looking bunch!  And they are sweet, too.  We had a great weekend together.

All the GRANDS together.  Those cute cousins have matching outfits because Grandma couldn't resist.  (And then I  just had to get Emmy a little princess dress, after all, she is the only girl!)

Moving along, I have been busy with my next two fabric lines.  One is almost ready, I have the strike-offs now, and the other is just starting the process.  I think you will like them.  At least I hope so.  I will show them in the next post.

Our house is coming along, but slowly.  At least it seems slow when you are living with most of your stuff in storage.  I bet I've forgotten half of the things I own.  I was just thinking the other day that I should file some of this business stuff, only to remember that I own a file cabinet, but it is no where to be found.  Sigh.  (Note to self:  File later.)

One great thing I have been so looking forward to is the new studio.  They have framed in all the shelves and the window seat:
 Just imagine these shelves stocked with fabric bolts and baskets.  And a cute cushion on the window seat surrounded by handmade pillows!  (Inside the seat is a great storage area for batting.  Just the right size, and out of sight.)

The  studio is really not that big--but it certainly is bigger than where I am now!  And it will all be laid out just perfectly with a spot for everything and plenty of surface area to work.  On the opposite end of the room is my office alcove.  I will now be able to keep the business area and the creative area separate.  This is where my NEW file drawers will be--and I'm sure I will have a lot of filing to do.

Be sure to check back soon, I am going to show you my new fabric.


  1. Hi Jill, I can't wait to see your studio when it's all done! I'm sure it will be beautiful. You have a lovely family.

  2. Hi Jill. can't wait to see your new fabric line..And your new studio looks super...Can't wait to see it when it is done...
