The Fight

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 6 -- Jolly Holiday Party

OK, today I made Zupfe bread, and I want to share the recipe with you, but it is in the oven, and I won't have time to put in all the pictures today, so I will post all about it tomorrow.  Make sure you come back to see this yummy bread.  (It has been my experience that all quilters love to eat, therefore, it is completely appropriate for a quilting blog.)

Meanwhile, it is still a Henry Glass party, so today you get to visit THREE designers! 

First there's Dana of Lazy Daisy Cottage.  She is so much fun! You will be inspired by her, I'm sure.  We have had some wacky times together at Quilt Market!  I'll have to tell you about it some time.
 Next there's Renae Allen.  I haven't met Renae yet (at least not that I recall, but it is getting harder to recall because there is only so much storage left) but I know she is an awesome designer, so check out what she has to share.
Last today, we have the Buggy Barn gals,  Janet and Pam.  Of course you know who they are, they are practically legends in the quilt world!  So hop on over and see what's up at the barn.

OK, that all here today.  Off you go to see all my design friends, but be sure to come back tomorrow for some bread!


  1. Jill, I can't wait for your bread! Oooo, can smell it already. Thanks for hosting my Henry Glass Jolly Holiday Party! Kd ~

  2. Have so enjoyed the blog hop. Thanks for being a part of it.
