The Fight

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Guess what?!  I am the guest blogger over at Sew We Quilt in their Want To Be A Quilter campaign today. There are hundreds of prizes being given away during this campaign.  Leave a comment on my post, and sign up to be a follower of me, here at Jillily Studio.  That will enter you in the drawing for the prizes.

Be sure to go there and read my tutorial on making yo-yos.

 Look what was delivered to my door today.  The most cheerful basket of flowers I have ever seen!  This was a "thank you" from the nice folks in Paris, Michigan.  Those people treated me like a queen--they were sooooo nice! 
Thank YOU, Michigan quilters!  You are awesome.

If you leave a comment on this post or my previous post, (since it was only up for one day), I will count you in the drawing for the prizes.  We are giving away one of my books and a whole bunch of patterns, and Madame Samm has added some stuff to it, too.  Good luck!

I will be posting again later in the WANT TO BE A QUILTER campaign, so I have some other prizes scheduled.  As soon as I get fabric from my next line, Sorbet Garden,

I am sending some to Madame Samm to give away on my next post!!!    Isn't this fun!
Go here to comment on my post at Sew We Quilt.


  1. The sorbet line looks good enough to eat! Sign me up to WIN, I'm a follower in both places.

  2. Not sure if these comments should be for Quilters or Wantobe Quilters. I am a quilter so if I shouldn't be leaving a comment just delete me...well not me just the comment LOL. Sorbet is so pretty. Linda

  3. such beautiful flowers left on your door step.
    the Sorbet is really yummy!
    thanks for the giveaway

  4. Love the Sorbet line the colours are just like summer and yes I am a follower already.
    Love ready your blog.
    Thank for the giveaway.

  5. Ohhh I love your Sorbet line, Im a follower and a fellow quilter. thanks for the great giveaway :)

  6. Ohhh! Sorbet looks so tasty! And I'm a brand new follower, love your work and I'm so glad I found your blog =)

  7. Wow, Jill - this is "Sew" Exciting!! (As Mme. Samm would say!) I love squishy packages in the mail! I'm already a cyber-stalker here and with Stash. Love your cute guest post today - especially the can of corn! I remember seeing little Yo-Yo dolls as a kid, like the one HERE: Do you ever use Clover's little yo-yo makers? I could make yo-yos for hours...

  8. Hi, just read your post over at Wantobe. I am a new follower.

  9. очень красивые цветы и ткани .Спасибо за розыгрыш .

  10. Hi Jill

    Thanks for the yo-yo tutorial. I'm just about to make some to decorate my daughter's clothes. You've saved me googling it. (Just popping over from Madame Samm's Wantobe Quilter campaign.)

    Anne @ Domesblissity

  11. Love how you use the yo-yos on your quilts. Thanks for the tutorial on Stash Manicure!

  12. That fabric is beautiful and would be a fantastic way to start my stash!

  13. Great post over at Sew We Quilt! The colors in your new line are gorgeous!
    So are your flowers! I am a new follower!

  14. Loved the guest spot at Madama Samm's. I am so glad you featured the yo-yo. I just used the yo-yo with a patient at a nursing home I work at as a therapy tool for memory and sequencing. She has since bought a machine and is quilting again with much improvement in her cognition. Thanks for the article. I'm a follower and a wantobequilter.
    Mary Beth

  15. Hi Jill! I am over from Madame Samm's! I am follower #630! ha!

    Love the quilt patterns! Those are so cool! And I love that I have never seen anything similar to them before! Awesome!

    I would love to win some of your fabric so sign me up please! :)

  16. I love your patterns and the new fabric is so fresh and pretty.

  17. I'm a wantobe quilter and your tutorial at Madame Samm's is perfect. Great Lesson Plan!

  18. Loved your tutorial Jill, on those cute yo-yo's. I've never made them before, maybe one day.

    And I LOVE your sorbet line! I have the perfect pattern for it, can't wait to get some!

  19. I have been following Wantobe Quilters for the past few days and am now a follower of Jillily Studio. Thanks for the tutorial on the yo-yo's, they look SUPER easy! Thank you!

  20. Sorbet for the soul - what yummy colors. The flowers were absolutely gorgeous also. I follow you and Stash. Wonderful opportunity and giveaway. Judy C in NC

  21. Thanks for sharing on yo-yo's I see one day making 'em as a take along project......thanks for offering prizes to be had :)

  22. Your fabric is just beautiful I would love to win some goodies. Fan4may at aol dot com

  23. Great job on the yo yo tutorial. I'm new to all this and love that I can reread it as often as needed. Your grands look to be much the same as as our and they are all coming this weekend! Yay!crevi

  24. I am a follower! Love your fabric!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  25. Oh, the new fabric is so pretty.
    I am a quilter so I know not to leave a comment over at sew we quilt. Great tutorial on yo yo making.

  26. Thanks for the tutorial. I've signed up as a follower.

  27. The name fits the fabric perfectly, beautiful. I'm a gfc follower: theresan
    Theresa N

  28. Thanks for your Post over at Madame Samm's. I Love Yo~Yo's too!! I think I was 8yo when my neighbor taught me how to make them, she was making Yo~Yo Clowns at the time, and that was Centuries ago!! Love your Sorbet line, nice and sweet!! Please enter me, I am a Wantobe Quilter. I am following you now too!


  29. I am now a follower here and at Stash. I never thought about yoyo's on quilts before, but you make it look so easy! I love your fabric and would love to win!

  30. What a great prize! Count me in! I've been a follower for while!

  31. Beautiful fabric and lovely blog!
    I'm a newbie follower.

  32. I had never heard of yo-yos.. but then again what do I know about quilts? Not very much. Thank you for your tutorial; you made it seem soo easy. I follow you and would love to win!

  33. Wow I love the sorbet line and your tutorial with Madame Samm...Thanks for adding to our wonderful quilting community....I am a quilter!

  34. I'm a new follower for Madame Samm. I couldn't leave a comment on her page b/c it's not showing your whole post. I love yo-yo's and your tutorial was great!

  35. Wow, people like you simply amaze me! I am a follower of you and Madame Samm!!!

  36. Jill, I am a new follower and I love the color in your quilts. I also love bright colors. I seem to be drawn to them. I really enjoyed the tutorial blog over at Sew We Quilt this morning. I have never made one. I am just learning about quilting and am a Wantobe Quilter. I will definitely be checking out more of your blog posts. Have a blessed day! Thanks for your giveaway!

  37. I am a Wantobe Quilter who noticed you on Stash Manicure today - The displayed quilts were just lovely - I am very excited about our book/patterns - I bet they are wonderful !!!!

    Great name for your fabric line ;)

  38. The Yo-yo turtorial was great! It was the best one I've makes me want to go try! (But that might have to wait till next week!) Thanks!

  39. Sorbet is a perfect name for this collection. I can't wait to touch the real thing--fabric that is. I am a follower and love being inspired by your work.


  40. Good Morning, I am a follower both here and Stash Manicure. I am a Wanttobe Quilter and am sponsored by Wendy @ Why Knot Kwilt. I enjoyed your 'how-to' on your yo-yo circles. Yes, I think your Sorbet line is wonderful! Hope you have a happy day!

  41. I love your site, I check it out every not and then and am now a follower. Love the x's & o's quilt. Came from Stash Manicure, am a Wantobe with Jane's Fabric & Quilts.
    Thank you

  42. I love your site, I check it out every not and then and am now a follower. Love the x's & o's quilt. Came from Stash Manicure, am a Wantobe with Jane's Fabric & Quilts.
    Thank you

  43. I'm a new follower. Thank you :o) (yes, I went there...a smiley EW! sorry)

  44. Coming over from Sew we Quilt! I love your tuts! I also LOVE the quilt, "crossroads". Thanks for participating in the wantobe contest.

  45. I am a follower of you and Stash Manicure. I love your work! That basket of flowers is just spectacular! I think you need to reproduce that in your next quilt :)

  46. Your new fabric line looks delicious. I am a new follower of your blog and thank you for the great tutorial.

  47. I would love to win a book and your patterns! I signed up as a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

  48. Hi Jill I wanted to thank you for sharing how to make yo yo's. I have been wanting to make those for sometime now I had an idea of how but wasn't sure thank you so much. Also I love your fabric line even though at the moment I am not a quilter but a doll make I love using quilt shop fabrics for making their clothes. I am now one of your newest follower's Have a wonderful day
    Peace and Blessings
    Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

  49. brand new follower, and i like it. your grandbabies are cuties. :>)

  50. Love the colors, but you alway have the perfect colors in your quilts! Sign me up I follow both you and Samm.

  51. d tutorial is so is easy n d result is very nice..will try it out soon~thanx again..n i want ur book too n d sorbet..plz~~

  52. beautiful sorbet line! i'm a wantobe quilter and new follower. thanks for the yo-yo tutorial and can i just say that i Love your crossroads quilt.

  53. it was a pleasure to read your tute on yo-yos! my mother used to make yo-yo things back in the forties .... i'm going to see if i can make some of those things.
    you have some gorgeous applique work here on your blog; im going to be one of your new followers.

  54. Yes, lots of fun! And now I want to put yo-yos on something!

  55. I hadn't seen the sorbet line's lovely. Thanks for the fun!

  56. Great blog on yo yos. Your pictures were very helpful. thanks for the great giveaway!

  57. Enjoyed your post on yo-yos at Stash Manicure (I'm now following your blog). I just started making some recently (using a Clover template). Love your new Sorbet Garden line!

  58. Those flowers are so bright and beautiful. I like your new line of fabrics. My kind of colors.

    Thanks for that easy tutorial on yo-yos. Even I feel a bit brave to go ahead and try making one. I am a follower at both places.

  59. I have been wanting to make yo-yo's out of scraps for years...thanks for the lesson and the giveaway :)

  60. I love the new line of fabric. I am already a follower. Thanks for keeping me inspired and busy quilting.

  61. wow! I just love the yo-yo's! I am a wanttobe quilter and I am getting so many fun ideas for when I get the supplies to start working!!

  62. I'm following you after reading your excellent tutorial on Yo yos.

  63. It is fun, and I am so glad to meet you! Sorbet is beautiful, you better believe I'll have my eyes open waiting for that tutorial and giveaway. Thank you for the tutorial today too, great ideas for using yo-yo's! I'm your newest follower.

  64. Love your easy-to-follow Yo-Yo directions!! Thanks for posting!! I read the post this morning on the Wantobe Quilter - Sewwequilt!!

    I'm your newest follower!

    Hugs ~~ Suz

  65. The sorbet line looks so cheerful. I liked your post over at stash manicure about the yoyos. I am just learning how to do them myself and think i need to practice more as mine aren't as nice and round as yours.

  66. Thank you so much for teaching me to make Yo-Yo's always wondered how to make them and now I know. Thank you from a Wantobe!

  67. love yo-yo s but have never made one .... yes i do think that is going to be a goal for this century:) thank you for a great tutorial to get me started! I inherited a bunch of yo- yo s at an estate fabric sale :) :) :) yes I was smiling from ear to ear as I left with my treasure. Love your patterns .I would be delighted to win some. Isn't madame samm such a treasure? I guess that makes you a treasure too since you really know her :) Love being a quilter! it is a beautiful day here in IOWA. bless you for the gift you shared today with me. hope your day is some kind of wonderful!

  68. Loved your tutorial on Wantobe. I'm new here, but I'll be back. Thanks!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  69. I want to be a Follower. Is there a spot, other than to subscribe? Did that.

  70. Just read your post over and sew we quilt. I had no idea what a yo yo was until moments ago. Thank you for teaching me how to make them!!

  71. came over from sew we quilt and am now a follower. Love the yo-yo's

  72. What a cute line of fabric! If I don't win, then I will most definitely ask about it as my local quilt shop! Count me in.

  73. Your quilts are beautiful! Thanks for the give away!

  74. Love your yoyo tutu. I've made a few but none as small as the ones in your pics.

  75. I'm a follower, the Sorbet Garden Fabric is so pretty :) Thanks for the great Yo Yo tutorial.

  76. Thanks for the nice post on Stash Manicure, I want to give yo-yos a try!

  77. I love your fabrics. I saw your yo yo post over on Stash Manicure. I like making and using yo yos, too. Please sign me up for your giveaway. I am a follower. Thanks.

  78. wonderful post at Mme. Samm's today. I had forgotten how great yo-yo's are.

  79. I love the YoYo pattern! You make it look easy. I was already a Follower, but I stopped by today from madam Samm and and I'm a Wantobe Quilter. Oh my goodness, is that Sorbet line beautiful and bright! I love it! Thank You, for being a part of this Fun giveaway. Jo

    P.S. Is that a NEW grandbaby in the photo below this post? aah, Heaven! Nothing like the scent of a newborn baby neck!

  80. I follow your blog -- and stash manicure too. The sorbet collection is gorgeous with all the colors. I am a quilter signed up with Linda at straystitches and came by to say hello after yo-yo-ing around with you over at stash!

  81. Gorgeous fabrics anda wonderful tutorial for yo-yo's may be brave and have a try now

  82. Thanks for tutorial on yo/yos. I am a wantobe quilter and am so excited to read all the wonderful things all of you have to teach us. I am a new follower.

  83. Sorbet...makes my mouth water just looking at it. I'm a Quilter, and not a Wantobe Quilter. This so much fun!

  84. Such clear lovely color in those new fabs. Looks like the bouquet you got...
    I am a follower.

  85. I just adore those yo-yos. One of these days I will do something that requires them. Thanks for the tutorial.

  86. Thanks a bunch for the yo yo instructions. I have always wanted to know how to make them. They are just CUTE. I am a wantobe quilter and can't wait to get started.
    CJ in NC

  87. Love the tutorial. Thank you! I look forward to the Sorbet line - at least to look at since I can never afford those types of fabrics. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and lovely quilts, etc.

  88. Thanks for your tutorial over at Sew We Quilt. Love your blog, here!

  89. Hi Jill I am already a follower and I love your blog. Thanks for the tutorial on yoyo's, I am already a quilter but I just wanted you to know that i enjoyed your posting

  90. Hi Jilly, I am now following you, just wanted to say the yoyo is a great tut! I didn't know what these were me, they were the little gathery, circle thanks for the great tut..liked your posting style..nice, and easy!..perfect for us beginners! Christel

  91. Visiting from SM and I loved your yo-yo tutorial. Lol, great pics for holding the camera with one hand! I'm commenting for my DD12 wantobe quilter as our time zone doesn't coincide very well with across the other side of the world. The Sorbet colours go nicely with your lovely flowers :).

  92. Love the Sorbet as do I love all your fabric lines!! You're one of my favorite! Madame Samm recognizes talent and shines a light on the best in our Quilting world. Fabric designers amaze me because I can't imagine having that sort of talent but very glad that you and other designers have made the world of quilting SEW much more fun! I remember the fabric of the 70's when I got my first sewing machine..A *WHITE* brand and I paid $88 for it in 1974!! I was so proud and wanted so much to sew. MY first attempt was a Neru shirt for #1 probably don't remember those fashion forward items...ACK!!! I couldn't figure out that slit in the front, got my thread tension messed up and didn't pick up sewing for another several years and then only for mending purposes. My fabric choices didn't contribute to any inspiration either. That's why I'm so in love with all the new fabric that you creative designers have given to us. These youg *Wantobes* should be SEW thankful they don't have to sew or quilt with polyester knit. Oh the pain of it all...
    Gmama Jane

  93. New follower, a Want to be Quilter. Thank you!

  94. I am a follower of your blog and also of Stash Manicure. Your sorbet line of fabric are gorgeous colors. I would love to win them.

  95. Love the Sorbet! Thank so much for the YoYo instructions. Grandma taught it to me years ago, and I couldn't remember the entire procedure. I am starting to follow your blog now. So good to have found you.

  96. I love the colors you coordinate for you quilts. I am now a follower and look forward to making my own Yo-Yo's. Thanks for the tut.

  97. What a great blog you have. I've signed up to follow. I've been quilting for a while now and love keeping up with what's going on with other quilters. Sorbet looks great!

  98. thanks for the lesson on those gorgeous yo-yos - I'm going to put some on a baby quilt I'm making as I'm sure they'll make it even more special - and thanks heaps for the giveaway :)

  99. What a great post it was for those of us who love yo-yos! blessings, marlene

  100. Thanks for the tutorial you did on stash manicure. It looks simple enough for a wantobe like me.
    Thanks for giving your fabric, patterns, and time to Madame Samm for the campaign. Without generous givers like you, it would not be possible.
    I am a follower of both you and Stash Manicure.

  101. Your patterns are stunning. I'm so glad I discovered your web site. I'm a Wantobe Quilter, too.

  102. Thanks for a great tutorial!!! I always wondered about those yo-yos....

  103. What lovely colors in your new Sorbet fabric line, Jill! I am a quilter, a follower of the Jillily Studio blog, and I really admire your work. ~Kd

  104. I am already a follower, so I'll go to the other blog and check that one out.

  105. The sorbet line looks awesome, love the colours!

  106. I love sorbet, have since I was a little kid. And your fabric is so vivid, I can taste it in my mouth! Thanks for the opportunity to win. I too am confused who is supposed to be posting here...wantobe's or quilters. I am a quilter and if it is wrong, please disregard.

  107. Hope this isn't too late, just found the blog entry. I'm a new follower, love Sorbet!!

  108. That fabric is gorgeous! Always love your posts, here or at Stash!

  109. Love those yoyos and the sorbet garden fabric!

  110. Love those yoyos and the sorbet garden fabric!

  111. Love all your fabric lines and have become such a fan. I am a follower!! Sorbet is great!
