The Fight

Monday, May 16, 2011

Post Market Post (or I WON! )

Well, Market has come and gone.  It was a whirlwind.  My booth turned out soooo cute.  It's amazing what you can do with a few supplies from Home Depot and some duct tape!  I had in mind that I wanted to create an old fashioned ice cream parlour--well actually, a sorbet parlor.  (Since my new fabric line is called Sorbet Garden.)   So (true to form) the night before set up I was sewing a pink and white striped awning.  I had my daughter recover the stools in the same fabric.  We were scrambling to get it all done in time, but we finally made it.  I was so excited to learn that my booth was given the CREATIVITY AWARD!  Here's a few pics.
 I had some great helpers getting all of this set up and working in the booth.  Tori (sister-in-law) came all the way from Arizona and helped me haul in all the pieces!  David and Andrea came by to help out, too.
I'll show you some of the fun details in my Sorbet Shop.  Notice the floor sticker in this photo.  I had it made with pink and white stripes in the background.
On the counter behind the glass sneeze guard I displayed all the "flavors" of sorbet in the line.  The bottom edge of the glass says "Sorbet Garden"  &  "Jillily Studio."
We actually did have REAL sorbet in the freezer, and we served up little cones to all our customers.  That will remind them to look for  "Sorbet Garden" when they are searching for the next fun fabric line

 I had glass jars filled with fruits to make the sorbet!

 And some jars were filled with Appli-Glue and Poke-A-Dots. . .
Check out these cones.  No calories here.  And they are quick and easy to make--a fun little pin cushion to display in your sewing room or give as a gift. (One of my new patterns)
The pay phone is ready for you to call and place your order.
My sister Margaret is checking to see if the phone works.  She spent two days at that little table demonstrating my notions. 
 Can you see the cute banner above the hutch?  My niece Lacey made it for me, and she even came and helped me set up and scooped sorbet cones for a day.  Judy and Amy (my sister and niece) were here helping too, and I didn't even get a picture of them, but they worked hard.  It's great to have a big family!

The "Menu" functions as a brochure--showing all of my products from patterns and notions to fabrics.

When you  are ready to check out, an old fashioned cash register can ring you up!

At the counter you can see the sweets and treats displayed.  There is one of my new quilts hanging on the wall behind the sorbet.  That's "Crossroads" on the left, (made with Sorbet Garden fabrics) and the new "Petal Pushers" on the right.
 Maika (my niece) quilted Petal Pushers for me, and she can serve cones, too!  (Multi-talented)
 Look who showed up in my booth.  The very famous and wonderful Eleanor Burns!  What an honor to have her here! 
 She and I were talking when the Quilts, Inc people showed up to give me the booth prize for CREATIVITY.  I got a big ribbon and a plaque.  (Gee, the last time I got a plaque it had something to do with swimming---quite a change.)

(Sorry, I think I am in the middle of a sentence when this picture was taken.)  My niece Amy (different niece) was scooping that day.  Thanks for all your help, Amy!

That's me and Karen, my art director from Henry Glass.  She is the one who makes all my designs come to life on fabric.

 By the end of the show, more family showed up to help bring this all home.
Standing behind the counter is Talia and her fiance, Riley, then my dear hubby, Randy, and daughter-in law Erin.  Margaret and Maika are on the stools and me leaning on the counter.  I have so much support from my wonderful family, and I hope they all know how much I appreciate all their help!

We had a great Market.  Our booth was packed most of the time.  Sometimes there was a long line for cones!  (Food is always a draw.)  We met so many wonderful people and wrote lots of orders.  I think the fabric sold well, too.  So that's all for this Market, and we'll do it all again in 6 months.

I have some more photos of Market I will share with you in a few days.


  1. Congrats - Jill, you are so very creative, and took your theme to the max with all the extra details! Loved visiting your booth!!

  2. Congratulations on winning an award for your incredibly beautiful booth! The only thing nicer than your booth is that wonderful family of yours!

  3. i saw your booth on one of the facebook sites, i think it was Fons and Porter. Love your look and it is so recognizable.

  4. Your story, pictures and designs were a real treat! I read every word and enjoyed every picture :) Wonderful to have family help ... your quilts are wonderful! Love Crossroads!! Cool that Ms. Burns was there when you received your well deserved plaque (that didn't have a thing to do with swimming!) Beautiful and thank you for the sharing!!

  5. Great job on the booth! You deserved the creativity award. So cute!

  6. You deserved to win! Your booth was fabulous, and so was the sorbet. Thanks for all your hard work. All the creativity is what makes market so great and helps us to recharge our creative batteries.

  7. You deserve the award! What a beautiful booth. Wish I could have been there!!

  8. Congratulations! I heard about your cute booth from some Facebook posts. I'm glad you showed photos. It is very creative!

  9. Congratulations, Jill! I wish I could have seen it in person - it looks spectacular~

    All of the blogs I followed featuring market had pictures and/or mentioned your booth!

  10. Jill, it was great meeting you at q.m.! I love your new SORBET line of fabric and your booth was amazing-a well deserved win indeed! And how wonderful to have such willing and able helpers! Congrats!

  11. Welcome back home! I'm glad you had a great time. Your booth is SO cute!! And your new line looks lovely too.

  12. A well deserved creativity award! That is just the cutest, most well thought out booth I've ever seen :) Way to go!

  13. I could only be there thru pictures form blogs. But your booth has my vote for creativity.The award is well deserved. It has nostagia,an warmth. Who wouldn't want to come visit you?
    Glad you had a great time at market. I can't wait to see more.

  14. I would have loved to have seen your booth in person - thank you so much for sharing all the pictures for those of us who no longer travel. We keep in touch with the quilting world through you and your creativity. Judy C sends her best.

  15. Drats - I left out all the congratulations I was also sending your way. What a deserved award. Judy C

  16. I thought your booth was fabulous! And the little mango ice cream cone was half bad either. Congrats on winning!

  17. Everything was gorgeous!! This sis my favorite booth to date!! Congrats on the award... totally deserved. I hope one of these I can find a way to join you at market and help out :)

    p.s. so excited for sorbet garden to come out!

  18. Your booth and product is amazing and so inspirational. Congrats on the win. You definitely deserve it. The best to you on your new line! ~Molly

    (got here via Brenda Pinnick fb post)

  19. Congrats! What a beautiful booth, you deserved to win! I love the real sorbet too, what a fabulous touch!

  20. What an incredibly creative booth - no wonder you won that ribbon. Congratulations!!! Looks like you had a ball and it's great that so many members of your family were on hand to share in the success.

  21. So adorable you certainly should have won the award for creativity . Your quilts are so bright and pretty. Good job done by all

  22. Your booth was absolutely beautiful! It definitely deserved the most creative award - congratulations! I love the colors of your new line of fabric. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  23. Maika was great, thx for the cone!!! Loved your booth Jill :) Congrats on the plaque and ribbon, you deserved it with that adorable booth.

  24. A VERY WELL DESERVED award! How fun for those who were able to stop by and visit your booth!


  25. soooo much fun working with you and seeing the pictures. Can't wait for Houston!

  26. Jill- It's a good thing you have so much work for all of us to do since we couldn't stand being left out of it! I'm so proud of you for winning the prize, you really really deserved it!!!

  27. Not surprising for one moment ...your booth -your collection is lick smacking good. Very proud of you JILL no easy task but you made it all look like it was a visit at your local parlor with a twist...the sweetness of YOU!

  28. What an amazing booth - of course you got most creative! After stopping by, I can hardly wait to get your "Sorbet Garden" line in...

  29. What a beautiful booth. Eleanor Burns, how exciting. I would love to meet her. What a great honor. The award is so cool!

  30. It was a blast helping in your booth! I am so glad I maried into this family. One of the best perks ev-er! Your booth was adorable. Everything about it was fun. Even Micheal Jackson. You forgot that photo! I hope it is coming.

  31. Thanks for the comment, you are so sweet. Your booth was so cute! I was happy to be your neighbor!

  32. Oh wow Jill. That booth is amazing and the fabrics look yummy. Congratulations on your win. It looks like you had a great time.

  33. I have just found your blog and love what you do, your booth looked just wonderful, amazing loved it.
    Well done
