The Fight

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


My blog has had a face-lift.  It needed it.  My friend Samm, over at Stash Manicure fixed it all up and I am so happy with the new look.  It even matches my website, which is really nice.  Thanks Samm!

I have a post over at Stash Manicure today, so go check it out.  (There are prizes involved!)
Go read my post and make a comment so you can be a winner!  You will need to be a follower here too, so I can enter you in the drawing.

My post over there was getting so looooong.  So here's a few things I didn't have room to use in my post about applique.  (I guess this post will be a Post Script-Post.)
Here's one block all glue basted together.  None of the pieces are sewn yet.  It just shows how I glue everything in the block, even if they overlap, at once.  That way I don't waste stitches underneath or behind where they are not needed.  Plus I can layout the whole design and be all ready to stitch.

This fun quilt (A WALK IN THE PARK) has some large applique pieces and lots of stems and vines.  They really do fill up the space.  Without the applique it is a pretty simple quilt made with traditional hour glass blocks.  The applique takes it to another level.

Now to change the subject, I want to put in a plug for one of my favorite quilt magazines.  Quilter's Home is not just a collection of patterns.  It is a quilting lifestyle magazine.  Lots of fun to read, and very informative.  Give it a try, I think you will like it!
 This issue just came in the mail, and look at what is on page 29!  Weird, they have my picture there on a page titled, "What the pros think." 
I can say from experience that this is just a little intimidating.  I would hardly consider myself a quilting "pro"--since I mostly am  just pretending I know what I am doing!  But...technically the definition of PRO is  "engaging in an activity mainly as a paid occupation rather than as a passtime."

Weeellll, I don't know.  There is an awful lot of time being passsed around here in the quilting mode!

Don't forget to enter to win the prizes.  I may include a copy of the magazine, too!


  1. Great applique technique, definitely want to give it a try.

  2. I love your new blog header- day! And your applique certainly adds zing to the hour glass quilt!

  3. What a FUN blog you have Jill!!! I am so glad to have discovered it. I love the definition of Pro. I'm so glad you posted on Stash Manicure so I could discover you.

  4. Your applique technique looks great. I love the idea of the Poke-A-Dots. Thanks for the great tips!

  5. I agree Samm did a great job with your blog, the header looks really great.

  6. Jill your blog is so beautiful. I became a follower and I put your blog on my side bar. Thank you for the chance to win.

  7. I've just come over from Stash Manicure. I enjoyed reading through your blog. Your quilts are lovely. I'm now a new follower of yours!

  8. A loyal follower and the blog is spectacular. Great information about applique - keep encouraging us and inspiring me. Judy C

  9. I have always loved that you combine applique with piecing in your quilts. That, and the beautiful colours, is what makes them stand out. I'm determined to finish Trellis soon, so it won't become a Christmas quilt, lol.

  10. Jill ~ You are a "PRO" in my book and I am happy that someone is finally letting it out!
    Love your way to applique... I will give that a try! Your quilt designs are always so KILLER CUTE!
    Your "new" blog look is fabulous... that Samm is so amazing at what she does. I am off to see you over at Stash Manicure!
    ~ Hugs ~

  11. Oh... I almost forgot! Be sure to come on over to my blog...
    and see my "Sew Cherry Giveway" featuring some of that yummy "Sew Cherry" fabric!

  12. Congratulations on getting into a magazine. I really like the quilt.
    I have signed up to be a follower.

  13. Improving my applique is on my summer to do list. Thanks for the great tutorial on stash manicure.

  14. I love the new look! Those quilts are beautiful, too!

  15. Lovely new look Jill! Thanks for the great tute on applique. I will have to try your method sometime.

  16. I became a follower today. I use the same method to prepare my applique' pieces.

  17. Ok, following you now. When you glue all those together do they ever come un-glued? Like it would be just like me to do all the glueing for the whole quilt at once. But it might take me like a year to get the hand-sewing all finished. How well does it hold up?
    I am sure hoping to win over on the other blog...I am in a 'learning mode' of my quilting life again. Ready to try new things! I am sick of machine applique.

  18. Your qpplique is amazing! Love your new look.

  19. I'm already a follower. How fun to be featured in Quilter's Home. My Zumba instructor (a fabulous art quilter) was featured last issue. I was so excited that someone I knew "in the flesh" was in a national magazine.

  20. Oh, I'm so glad that I follow you already! I came over after reading the post at Stash, and got even more good info to inspire me to try! Hope I can win over there! Thanks for the chance, and your marvelous instructions and photos!
    Jacque in SC

  21. Your quilts are so beautiful!! Thanks so much for the applique techniques -- I love to applique, and this method looks so much easier than what I normally do. I am a new follower.

  22. I do follow your blog. Hmm, just tried to post. I would like to try your glue and dots. I agree, applique can add so much to a quilt. - can't seem to post with google today

  23. Love your new look! Thank you for the tips. I love the look of applique and seem to have little time to do it.

  24. Love the new look.. The applique block is sweet. Your quilts are beautiful.

  25. Mme Samm works her magic again. Luved your 'winning' booth in SLC. You definitely are creative. Looking forward to trying your applique technique. I'm a follower of both your blog and Stash Manicure's. Thanks for the chance to win.

  26. I will give your method of applique a try. I have not tried it with four layers of freezer paper. I find the freezer paper edges, even with two layers, tends to roll over.

  27. Thanks for the information about theapplique technique you use. I will try the glue baste method.

  28. It looks beautiful!! She is an amazing woman!

  29. Love your new LOOK ! I am a follower, and I have shopped at your store, great stuff, Thanks

  30. I just came from Stash Manicure. Thanks for all of the great applique info. The blog looks great Samm did a great job and always your quilts are so beautiful.

  31. Thanks so much, Jill. i really like the way you integrate applique and patchwork-something that I haven't yet tried. You are inspiring so many quilters today. thanks.

  32. Thank you for sharing your applique technique the Jillyway!! I will definitely try it out because I love the look of applique. I have signed up to follow you and I know already that I will be inspired with your future posts!

  33. I love your applique. Are you teaching any classes this summer in utah?

  34. The new look is wonderful! And as I said over at Stash Manicure I will be trying out your applique style soon!

  35. Just read your post on Stash. Great technique. I have tried applique with no success. Time to try again! You make it look so easy. Having the right tools would make a difference, so please count me in on the draw. I just signed up here to be a follower.

  36. love the technique, will have to give it a try and I need to look for the poke a dots to save the fingers ... thanks for the give away

  37. thanks for the wonderful applique tutorial! i am now a follower!
    Cindy in Mississippi

  38. I am a follower and loved your tutorial at Stash Manicure!

  39. Thank you for sharing your applique glue-basting technique. I think this will be so much nicer than using pins. The poke-a-dots look great. I want to try the appli-glue fine tip archival glue as well, as seen over on stashmanicure, your post led me here.

  40. Thanks for the great tutorial on applique! Now I have another use for my 1 liter jug of starch and roll of freezer paper. Badda bing badda boom.
    While I am a follower of your blog, I would love it if there were a subscribe button so I would get your posts in my inbox! :)
    Oh, and yes, you ARE a pro!

  41. I loved reading your article in Stash Manicure! I've just become a follower...Believe me, I need all the inspiration I can get!! Have a blessed day!

  42. I saw your post oon Stash Manicure. I love your applique technique. I have struggles in the past only using one layer of freezer paper and end up foling over the paper along with the fabric. I also signed up to be a follower on your blog.

  43. Yay for you on the new look! Very pretty and very cool to match your applique flower post when posting your new look ;) You quilt is beautiful!!

  44. I have used the freezer paper, but not the glue baste and love the idea. Also haven't seen the dots. Do you use a Mariner's needle to applique with and I was also taught to use silk thread. I didn't like it at all because it is so thin, I kept losing it!

  45. I'm a new follower! I am SO going to try applique with your tutorial help. I've been talking about starting for a year now, but I would love to use your technique and your tools. And oh my goodness, your quilt market booth was fabulous!!

  46. I'm so glad I found your interesting blog through Stash Manicure. I have subscribed to your post and will be a follower. I love how you did your applique and will try that the next time my project has applique in it.

  47. Love your blog and would love to win!
    Thanks for the chance,

  48. Definitely have to try this... glad I found your blog!

  49. love the new look :) laurie

  50. Always make time to read your blog each day. Your applique post today on Stash Manicure was full of good instructions. Thanks.

  51. Love your blogs new look - it's fresh and inviting - and so Jill! Your applique is beautiful and I need to spend more time just doing it. And, as you mention, it takes a quilt to a whole new level.

  52. cette courte pointe est superbe !!!!!!
    félicitations très joli travail
    bises de Régina

  53. Of course I left a comment on Mme Samm's page, and yep! I am a follower both there and here ;^}
    The look your blog has now surely is fresh, and I look forward to my issue of Quilters'Home 8^}
    Some day you might find me there as well - that's one of my goals for this life I am living now!
    Love from Amsterdam, Irene

  54. Thank-you thank-you. I have never done applique and only 4 quilts ever. Who new it could be so easy.

  55. I love the look of your re-designed blog. I am currently hiding in my office at work catching up on your blog. I work with all men, so thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me some girl time! Can't wait for your new fabric line to come out in stores!

  56. great tutorial. I'm now a follower. Hope I'm not too late for the drawing.

  57. Hi Jill, I love your fabrics. You blog is very inspiring and fun too!

  58. Love appliqué and yes I love the way you do it. I recently ordered your poke-a-dots and I love them!!!!
    Would love to win all these great tools.
