The Fight

Monday, April 4, 2011

Never Forgetting

It's been a bit since I last posted.  I hope you have all been busy quilting away while I was gone.  I was gone to Family Pieces quilt retreat--the best time of the year.  My family quilt retreat is something we all look forward to.  The best part is being with the people I love and sharing some time and fabric and creativity with them.  For some of them, it is the only time all year we see each other, so it is an important event.

This year our theme was NEVER FORGETTING.  It is a phrase from the letter my great-grandmother wrote to her daughter---"from your never forgetting mother..."  We focused on that this year because we also used the fabric which features her letter,  Elizabeth's Letters in our projects.
Here's a picture of the cute envelope my niece made to put all our registration stuff in.  We each got an envelope with our project book, instructions, meal plan and assignments, and prizes.  I absolutely love the necklace they included.  It featured photos of my mom and other ancestors and some beads from one of her pieces of jewelry.

Check out the "stamps" on the cover of our retreat book.  Lots of family photos and a few "galloping horses."  (That has become a motto at retreat:  "If you can't see it from a galloping horse, it doesn't matter."  Referring to mistakes we make, corners we cut off, seams that don't meet, etc.)
In the next few days I will post more photos of the retreat and the projects we worked on.  I can't wait the share it with you.
I have a guest post at Stash Manicure today, so you will want to check that out because there is a prize drawing involved.  I will announce the winners here on this blog, so visit both blogs this week and we will choose a winner on Thursday.


  1. HI Jilly

    I read your post on Stash Manicure & thought that the quilt retreat was amazing. I don't have that many people in my extended family. Thanks for writing so candidly and sharing your inspirations.
    I decided you are worth reading, so I am following now.

  2. Hi Jill!
    I loved the fabric you used in your Cathedral Window Pillow tutorial. I also enjoyed your daughter's 'Hugs & Kisses' Valentine quilt. That's included in your book, right? That would be a great addition to my library.

  3. Great post Jill. I would love to go to a retreat like that - looks like fun. I've been following you for a while now and always enjoy your blog.

  4. Thank you for the beautiful cathedral windows done in "Elizabeth's Letter's" fabric tutorial! I would love to attend a quilting retreat and I think the family "Always Remember" book and 'envelope' is fabulous!!! Who made all those for your family?!? What a sweetheart! I'm going to purchase your book!!

  5. This is so neat Jill. I love how your family gets together once a year. looking forward to reading more of your weekend.

  6. You are so lucky to have so much family to be involved doing something you love. It is fun reading about the family time.

  7. Just signed up to follow. I looked around your pages a bit and things look pretty interesting. So your stuck with me now whether you sign the adoption papers or not.

    Mary Ann

  8. I think it's cool that you get together like that. What fun you must have had. I am a follower. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. Loved your Stash Manicure post and will not only following this blog, but posted to facebook. Love your blog!

  10. I can see that talent runs in the family! That envelope sure is wonderful! I've had Cathedral Windows on my "list" forever... What started out as a quilt at one time turned into a pillow because of squaring problems.. perhaps your idea of a template at the beginning will help my dream come true.. a whole cathedral windows quilt!

  11. I read your post on Stash Manicure and I'm a new follower of your blog. Love your fabrics!

  12. What wonderful memories you are creating. I just wish one other person in my family like to quilt, take up some of the responsibility. Can't wait to see your pictures and read your story. Judy C

  13. I sure did enjoy your posting on Stash Manicure this morning, thanks very much. I am for sure going to make some of those Cathedral Windows and I have added your blog to my favorites, so am anxious to read your future postings.

  14. Hi! I'm here from Stash Manicure, where I really enjoyed your post with super instructions! I already follow you, and would love to have a copy of your book, and the notions, too. (I've been wanting to try the dots!)
    Love the line about the galloping horses!
    Jacque in SC

  15. Thanks to Madam Samm, I have discovered your blog and became a follower.
    It is a delightful place to visit.

  16. I'm a new follower of your blog although I've been a frequent reader! I don't know why I haven't clicked the follow buttob before now. I'm also one of the lucky bloggers to have Madame Samm design my blog! We are a lucky group of gals, don't you think??? I absolutely LOVE your family quilt retreat and am thinking of how I can pull one together for my family! I'm the ONLY one who quilts so that's a probelm. How did you get everyone into stitching??
    Gmama Jane
    P.S. I would love to win your give away!!

  17. "Never Forgetting" made me smile with the memoriy of my 2 Grandmas. Your Cathedral Window tutorial at Stash Manicure today was presented with clear and easy to follow pictures and explanation. Thank you for it.

  18. What a great concept, a family quilting retreat. It just wouldn't work in my family since I believe I'm the only quilter. I am trying hard to get my nieces interested. As each of them entered high school we had a quilt weekend where they made their first quilts. Now that they are all adults, I think I have one hooked but she doesn't seem to have the concept down yet of how to juggle time with work and family.

  19. Thanks for the great tutorial, I can't wait to try it. I love the idea of a family retreat, I wish more of my family sewed. Thanks for the opportunity, Terri in BC

  20. I'm intrigued by your family retreat. Can't wait to see more pics and read about what you all do. It's pretty amazing that family members are willing to fly to get there. That's a special gift you have. :)

  21. Just popped over from SM and love that tutorial for Cathedral Windows. I can't wait to give it a try. I also loved the bag with the fabrics from Elizabeth Letters... I think I now need to make this one.

  22. Your post on stashmanicure was very enjoyable to read -- especially the retreat and the Cathedral Window tutorial. I've visited your blog many times. Thanks for the giveaway too.

  23. How lucky for your and your family that you all share similar interests! I've always wanted to try the Cathedral Window and am inspired to try your method. The pillow is a nice small project! I will now go and signup to be a follower. Can't wait to see your future projects!

  24. I just finished reading your blog on Stash Manicure. I love the Cathedral Windows and hope to make my own project with them very soon! Your method looks more simple than one I saw in a book! I started following your blog today and would love to be chosen for your giveaway!

  25. Hejsan (Hello) Jill!

    I've been following along on Stash Manicure and loved your post! I love the fact that you got your family together and have a quilt retreat and really appreciate you telling us all about it. It looked like a lot of fun! I've been wanting to try Cathedral Windows for a long time but have been a bit hesitant but you made it look so easy, thank you for that! Would love to read about what you got up to in your book, "Stitched Together"...many happy returns of the day!


    Lynette Linköping, Sweden

  26. I read your post on Stash Manicure and now I cannot see the pics from the retreat. I wish I was part of your family so that I could attend this retreat. After reading you book several time I decided that I would get one of my own started with some friends of mine. My mom is the only one that would be interested in this so it will be her and I and lots of friends. I am already a follower, but would still love to win. Keeping fingers crossed.

  27. I just happened along your blog and love the phrase "if you can't see it from a galloping horse, it doesn't matter." I so need to remember that!!

    I look forward to looking around and reading more. :-)
