The Fight

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Night at the Movies

It's Friday night.  Time for a little diversion.  Go pop some corn and get your soda...time for a few short quilt films.  The first one is Twilight (which I didn't see, so I didn't get it--but I am told the younger quilters will.)  The next one is Ghost Quilt Busters.  ENJOY.

If you are now in a goofy mood, there are more of these silly videos on my website, so go view them all!
Disclaimer:  I have nothing to do with the production of said videos, other than being related to all participants. 

I also want to announce the winners of my drawing over at Stash Manicure.  Thank you all for your kind comments.  I love to hear from you.  Mr. Random Number Generator has choosen:

#65: Wendy
#104: Charity

I am sending each of you a copy of my book, Stitched Together and some Appli-Glue and Poke-A-Dots. But wait....I need your addresses!  So if this is you, send me an email!  (


  1. Oh so funny and how cute that they take part and make these videos for you! Just gorgeous and what a gift for your family!!! Happy stitching!

  2. I know what you are.... a quilter!!
    and "quiltmares"?? Hilarious! These kids are adorable, and pretty game, I must say! Love these! I'm a fan, I admit - keep 'em coming! P.S. Does "Edward" really quilt??

  3. What cute kids! Thanks for sharing your videos -- that was great fun. If only making a quilt could be as easy as that!

  4. I've actually HAD QuiltMares....but I like them.

  5. Nedra, Remember, quiltmares are a medical condition, and should not be treated lightly. Go to your nearest quilt shop and find some medication!

  6. I learned a lot from your new applique blog on Stash Manicure. I have not tried applique but now I have the bug for sure.

    Faye - Beach Angel
