The Fight

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BEWARE the Ides of March

Just to be sure, I am not going to the theatre today.  Or the Senate for that matter.  How did it get to be the middle of March so soon???

Why just yesterday it was January, and I had plans for the new year--just as soon as I get caught up on a few things, I will start them.  Then here we are in March---the THIRD month and I am still trying to catch up.  Do you ever feel like life is just racing by?

Especially in the quilt world--where we can get so many ideas and plans in our heads, but the execution of such plans is much more slow and deliberate.  It is precisely because of this fact that I try to enjoy the process of creating a quilt as much or more than the completion.  That's when we are motivated to - design this block or use a little of that color, or add some applique and so on.  That's where the creation happens--where the joy is for me.

How about you?  Do you enjoy the journey or the destination?


  1. I never thought about quilting this way, but yes I do enjoy the "journey!" I just started a quilt this weekend and definitely agree that it's the most creative time :)
    Happy St. Patrick's Day early!

  2. OH!! I am so glad that you posted that comment! I try to live by the saying, "the journey is more important than the destination" and, maybe because i have SEW VERY MANY PIPs, I rationalize that this saying applies to all my crafting/quilting too!


  3. Definitely - I enjoy the journey! I hand quilt all of my projects, so I truly enjoy and savor the pathway even more than reaching the destination!
    Jacque in SC

  4. That is a hard one to answer. There is so much joy in the creating for me. I do love the completion journey too, when you make that quilty sandwich, something magical happens. The puffy part of the quilt captures my heart. Quilting is in and of itself pure joy for me from start to finish. Thank you for posting this thought today. As I hurry through all my plans as deadlines approach, it is nice to have someone say "STOP, and enjoy your journey!" Hugs to you Jill, -Cori

  5. I start with a patern and during the journey it changes several times till it is exact what I want but dit not know at the start,
    That's why I love quilting.

  6. Too much attention to detail in the planning can spoil the journey - whether through everyday life or the birth of a quilt, I definitely enjoy both. Each day is a new journey and I love today.
