The Fight

Monday, February 21, 2011


I picked up my sewing machine at the repair shop the other day.  I had to take it in because a broken needle fell down in the bobbin case and I couldn't reach it to get it out.  (That is a whole other story.)  It needed a tune up anyway.  When I took it in I had it in a case and all packed up nice,  but they don't want to keep any superfluous covers or cords, so I left only the machine. When I went back to get it, I didn't have the case with me. 

Please tell me that I am not the only one who buckles their machine in when traveling.  Some people around here think that is so funny.
But it's just normal, right?  After all we try to protect the ones we love, don't we?


  1. I always strap my machine in - I thought everyone did!!

  2. Yep, if it doesn't sit snugly on the floor in the back seat they get strapped in.

  3. YOu are tooo funny.....strap that puppy in there!!

  4. Yes, I've belted mine in before too! Got to keep them safe!

  5. While on the way to a quilting class I was almost in an accident. It dawned on me then, "My machine is worth more than my car, and will the insurance pay for it if in a wreck?" It has been buckled in ever since. My car is paid for. Judy C

  6. I always do that to my sewing machine when I'm taking it for a ride- either to the machine 'doctor' or when we go visiting!

  7. I always buckle my machine in the seat! One wrong turn (I drive pretty fast) and I could do major damamge!

  8. Doesn't everyone strap in their machine when traveling???

  9. I wedge mine on the floor behind the driver's seat and the back seat. If it wasn't a tight fit I would strap it in.

  10. Of course I strap it in unless it is in the suitcase on wheels that fits behind my car seat. I could just see that thing landing on the floor while stopping quickly or swerving to miss something. HORRORS!!

  11. I always strap mine in. Just think a tiny fender bender could have it flying all over the trunk and destroy it! I also strap in anything else that could potentially break! No quilter or seamstress in the world would think you were strange for doing that!

  12. Always strap mine in! Not only the safety of the machine, but also all in the car. That baby goes flying, my goodness it's gonna hurt a person real bad! Clunk click every trip!

  13. I took my machine into my repair place in October and I buckled it in. It even sat in the back. LOL!!

  14. i learned the hard way some years ago, (probably before seatbelts were compulsory for people. My beautiful Elna rolled off the backseat and shattered the stitch selection dial.

  15. I always make sure to travel with mine in it's case, in the trunk of my car, with stuff piled around it so it won't move. I chose the trunk because I fear if I stop and leave my machine in the car and someone sees it, they may smash the window and take it. Oops. Reality check here. Thieves would probably break a window for my GPS, not my sewing machine. lol

  16. I either strap mine in or make sure it is behind the passenger seat, with the seat pushed way back to keep the machine in place. So glad to hear I am not the only one.

  17. I always strap my sewing machine in and I wrap a quilt around it for extra protection! Lol
