The Fight

Thursday, February 24, 2011

No Place Like Home

       Madame Samm at Stash Manicure made this name tag for me.  Isn't it cute?!  I like it a lot, but I'm not sure when I should wear it, so if you see me at the grocery store wearing a name tag, you will know why.
(Editorial comment:  Wouldn't it be nice if people wore name tags?  We would never wonder who we were talking to, and we could call everyone by name.  I bet people would be nicer to each other if they knew their names.)

They are having a drawing over at the STASH for some of my fabric.  Check it out because you could win!  And it includes one of my patterns.

I feel like I have been gone a lot lately.  I need to get back to my regular routine.  (Someone sure needs to clean this kitchen, anyway.)  It is nice to just do all the everyday things.  The mundane, seemingly insignificant  things we do is what life is made of.  It's true, isn't it.  There really is no place like home. Just being in your own space with all your loved ones around you and your stuff so you can do what you like and what you need to.  Sigh.  I'll get back to it soon.

The other day I gave a trunk show in Alpine, Utah.  We had so much fun.  My sister and a few of my nieces gave me some of their quilts (well, loaned me..) to show along with mine.  That always makes it so fun.  I wish I had taken some pictures, but I was busy talking.  I talked a little bit about my family quilt retreat, and some of the quilts we have made, including the round robin groups that we have.  (I will have to do a tutorial post on Round Robins sometime.)  That is so much fun!!!  Here's an example of a round robin quilt.  I started with the center block and sent it on to the next person, she set it on point and sent it on, etc, etc.  Then at the end of the year we each get a quilt back.  I LOVE the quilt I got back.  And it has been worked on by some of my favorite people!

Next time I do a trunk show you will have to come see the rest of these beautiful quilts.  (If you live nearby, of course.)
Well, I have a few mundane things to do, so I better go.


  1. I would love to see a post about the round robins you have participated in. I have never been in one, guess I am not confident enough or something, but I sure like to admire them. I signed up over at Stash and sure hope I can win that fabric. Judy C

  2. I just came over from Stash Manicure and viewed your videos. OMG they are hilarious. Good job Jill. I've never been on your blog before but I like what I've seen so far. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Mary Ann

  3. Oh that house is SO cute! There really is no place like home, but friends on the blogs sure are nice too!

  4. I certainly love your house quilt and agree that just getting back into the "routine" of things sure helps to settle a person ... even if that includes a bit of cleaning now and then, darn it all! Your name tag is wonderful and I do think it would be a nice world if we could cordially address each other by name ... so Jill, have a super day!! Thank you for sharing your awesome blog :)

  5. Both the quilts shown are beautiful, I particularly like the round robin one.

  6. Cute nametag! I had a pretty silver necklace with my name on it once. Maybe they should come back inot fashion?

  7. I LOVE your name tag! And the quilts too! That sure is some pretty fabric in the giveaway :) Thanks sew much :)

  8. My Family Pieces Round Robins are my absolute most favorite quilts of all time!! We are awesome! Love your name tag too!

  9. I too, just came over froom Stash Manicure to see your videos and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I hope its OK, I'm going to direct my newsletter readers to see these next month (among other things!) I know they will LOVE them.
