The Fight

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I lost two quilts this week.  Not surprising with all that has been going on.  Thankfully, someone picked them up for me at the retreat and brought them home.  I went to Bonnie's house today to get them.  "Carousel" and "Wildflower Melody" were neatly folded and ready to come home, along with a sewing machine cord that my sister left.  (You'd think we were related or something.)

I can't believe I forgot them!  They were hanging up in a vendors booth, and I left before she did, so I completely spaced it.  All's well that ends well.  They are back home again.

And, there was a bonus--
while I was at Bonnie's, I noticed this hanging on the wall...

 Isn't that the cutest bunch of buttons you have ever seen?  Each button is sewn onto two small pieces of wool.  Just imagine using some of the buttons from your mother's button jar, or some from your children's clothing.  While we're at it, lets use wool from dad's suits and bits from that Sunday coat your mom made every year.  (As if we had any of those things any more.  But after all, we are imagining!)  We could even use cotton of course, but the wool is so textural, and you can see the fibers.  Well anyway, I just loved this and thought you might like to see it.

**Now leaving the imagination and back to reality**

This has been my reality this week.  I have been a kit machine!  I had so many orders for the Around the Town Kit in American Patchwork and Quilting, and I thought I was all ready, but alas.  I was short on a couple of fabrics.  I had planned to substitute a different fabric, but everyone who ordered wanted it "just like in the magazine."

So I searched and found,
ordered and waited,
for fabric.

When it finally came, I was gone...first to the retreat, and then to visit my new grandson and his family.
So now that I am back to reality, I have been cutting and shipping like crazy.  (Incidently, if you are one who is waiting, thank you so much for your patience!)

These kits are just too cute!  They look good enough to just leave as is--you won't even have to sew this kit up to enjoy it!  Perhaps I have been looking at these too long, but I think they are just darling!

 Especially when they are all tied up and ready to go. 

On another note, I want to say THANK YOU to all of my readers!  I so appreciate you taking the time to visit with me here and especially when you leave a comment.  I received so many kind words over on the Stash Manicure post, and it really means a lot to me.  Please let me know if you ever have any quilty questions or ideas.  I would welcome the input.
Remember, the prize drawing is tomorrow at NOON.  Enter on the previous post.
Talk to you later- 


  1. That framed button collection is just the cutest! Thanks for taking the time to share it with us Jill!

  2. Thanks for showing the button collection. I have my own collection along with my mom's and my friend gave me hers a while ago so I appreciate this bit of inspiration. Now I know what to do with those buttons that I only have one or two of.
    Wonderful fabrics.

  3. Congrats on selling so many kits!!! That is awesome and proves that your designs are so wonderful that everyone simply MUST have them!

  4. Hi Jill,

    I am very interested in purchasing one of these kits. Can you please e-mail me at

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.


  5. So glad you got those gorgeous quilts back!!

  6. Bonnie is a sweetheart. And I love her button collection idea!

  7. Wow, I would be completely distraught if I lost a quilt.. I am so glad you got yours back!

  8. Wow, I would be completely distraught if I lost a quilt.. I am so glad you got yours back!

  9. Love the buttons. My mother-in-law
    has jars of buttons that are 50 years old. I'll have to see if she will part with some of them.
    Congratulations on your great success
    with your Around the Town quilt.
    It is simply charming.

  10. Oh my... the framed buttons is just the greatest idea ever! I have buttons from both grandmothers and I can see this happening... how nice it would look on the wall in my sewing room...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. your kit is totally adorable!
    and I love that button display - might have to make that up!

  13. SO glad you found your quilts!! And the button collection is adorable!
