The Fight

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Letters are Here!

Look what was on my front porch yesterday!

 Six boxed of Letters.  See, I peeked:
I have been waiting and talking about this line for so long that it seems like I have already had all this fabric, and used it up!  But this is the first look I have at actual BOLTS of fabric.  I guess it has started arriving in the stores as well because I had a call today from a shop in Maryland needing to order patterns to go in their kits.  What fun!  It is still shocking to me to go into a store and see MY designs sitting right there on their shelves.  I have to pinch myself.

As  you know, this line is particularly special to me because it features the letter from my Great Grandmother to my Grandmother.  I bet she had no idea when she penned that note in 1898 that it would someday go around the world and be seen and admired by so many women! Just in case you want to see the original letter, I am copying a previous post I wrote about the line:

I was just working on my new fabric line which will come out next spring.  I am using a wonderful hand written letter from my Great-Grandmother to my grandmother as one of the design elements.  It was a farewell letter written to her daughter when she left Switzerland to immigrate to America  at age 18.  It is a sweet tender letter, and the penmanship is beautiful.  Anyway, I was thinking about how we don’t write anything anymore.  In just a few generations that has basically been lost.  I did save one note my mom wrote to me when I was a little girl...
“Dear Miss Jill, When I send word for you to come home, young lady, I mean it....”
It was hand delivered to me by my younger brother while I was playing in the neighbor’s  yard.  Somehow I don’t think it rises to the level of a family heirloom.  
Things I write to my kids are usually done on a white board or on the back of an envelope as I run out the door.  Part of it is that I am not sure that I want anything that I might write down saved for generations to come.  It is a little intimidating.  Maybe that is why I have a hard time writing in a journal.  (I say as I post this blog for the whole world to see...)

Sorry for repeating that but I have a lot of new readers, so they might not know the story behind this fabric line.
Anyway, I will post more photos when I get these boxes opened up and find a place for all of that fabric.  My sewing room will have to be REORGANIZED!


  1. Oh what a fabulous story. I agree we have lost the art or letter writing. When my Mother died and we were clearing out the house we found 2 letters to her from my Dad whilst he was in the Second World War. Those letters mean more to me than anything, my Brother has one and I have one and I treasure it. It was such a surprise to find them as my Mum was not sentimental in anyway shape or form, why she kept these two and only these two we have no idea....but I am very glad she did. Linda

  2. Oh I can't wait to see more peaks at this fabulous line of fabric. It is such a wonderful story behind the design and i will probably have to add to my stash (shock horror).

  3. Wonderful! I can barely wait to see the fabric in the store. And the story of the letter is so beautiful. Thanks.

  4. Fabulous! Can't wait to touch and feel! Love all that you do and the fact that you are a local gal, to me, is even better!


  5. Very touching story. Can't wait to see the fabric - congratulations.

  6. I love it! I love it all: the letter, the story behind it all, the fabric, that you've designed it this way, the colors, everything, AND I would so love to have fabric show up on my porch!:)mmmm I hope some of it ends up in the stores here in Idaho!

  7. Love it Jill! So exciting. I am reorganizing my sewing room too! I can't wait.

  8. Congrats, Jill! This fabric is going to be super popular with everyone! It's just gorgeous~

  9. Congrats, Jill! This fabric is going to be super popular with everyone! It's just gorgeous~
