The Fight

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well the only sewing I have done today involved a scout shirt and some badges. Good sewing to be sure, but not exactly what I needed to get done.

The last of my seven children is a senior this year, and so things are gradually winding down. Schuyler has earned his Eagle Scout award and tonight is his Eagle Board of Review. I would not usually bore you with my family details, but I am very proud of him and want to give him a shout out. Besides that, this is just one more time that I am glad I know how to use a sewing machine! I told my daughters they would need to learn to sew for just such an occasion.

I haven't been working much this week, but it is time to get back to it. There are so many good projects in my head, I can't wait to get to them. They keep me up at night. Do you ever get something in your head and you can't sleep?


  1. All the time! I read once that if you want to fall asleep you should right down what's in your head, so you can stop thinking about it and let your mind rest... I've never done it, but it sounds like it would work. :)

  2. Congrats on a job well done (raising a son who made Eagle Scout)! That's quite an accomplishment that speaks to the whole family as well.

  3. COngratulations on your son making Eagle Scout! I'm sure he's learned a lot of valuable life skills throughout it.
