The Fight

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Remembering how much fun we had at quilt Retreat this year,
I have decided to give away a FREE signed copy of

"Stitched Together"

as the prize for the August drawing. (The book is about retreat, after all.)
Here are TWO quilts made from one of the patterns in the book. Above is my neice, Andrea with her finished version of "Candied Pretzels."
And, my sister, Jane, with her "Candied Pretzels:"

As I was finding these photos, I was reminded of how much fun we had a quilt retreat this year! We are a bunch of funny women.
(THIRTY of us this year.)
I know I posted some of the photos of the truck show evening, but since my book is all about RETREATS, allow me to put a few of just how much fun a quilt retreat can be.

Judy and Margaret working on the applique row, (with that wonderful product, Appli-Glue.) and having a great time.
(By the way, Judy had a kidney transplant last week, and she is doing quite well, home and feeling better already. That in itself is a miracle, thank you to everyone for your prayers. It also meant that my kidney, which I donated to her 15 years ago was just plain done, so her son, Michael is still recovering, ONE kidney shy, and now Judy has FOUR!! Here's to many more years of quilt retreat with Judy!)

THREE nieces, McKelle, Melissa and Kaitlyn. Part of the "Young" table.

Sometimes a quilting mistake can be very useful. Notice our faceless (and nameless) model showing our newest quilt design, a special nursing quilt.
Maybe you had to be there, but I am laughing my head off just remembering.
Amy, How many gum balls DID you eat?????

So that sums it up, a Free Book, a few versions of "Candied Pretzels," fun at the retreat, a kidney transplant, a special quilt designed for new moms, and Gum balls. I think it all hangs together very well. Don't you?
Remember to sign up to WIN!


  1. I'd love to win a copy of your book. I'm going on 2 retreats this fall and it would be so much fun to do a retreat quilt.

  2. I love quilt retreats too! I'd love to have a chance in the giveaway. Our guild's retreat is coming up August 19th and this would make a great door prize!

  3. Were you serious about the kidney story? Love the patterns and wish I could go on a retreat!!

  4. Yes, I'm first to comment. I would love to wina boook about retreats. But at ours this year they said "what happens at retreat stays at retreat" Sound like your mom blanket story, I can imagine...

  5. I already own a book but, I just wanted to second how fun and funny that was!! Counting down the days to april.

  6. I had forgotten about the nursing quilt! Thanks for the laugh today! And...I must have copies of those pictures!

  7. I love your book Jill. Simply FABULOUS! I don't need to win, but I would have you sign my copy if you will. I am going to run a post today about your giveaway because everyone needs to know about this GREAT book!

  8. Your retreat looks like so much fun. It is nice to be around others who share the same passion, isn't it?
    Thanks for offering your book as a giveaway!

  9. This Book sounds great!
    Love to have a copy!
    Thanks for sharing,love,Linda

  10. Rae Ann sent me. Please sign me up for the give away.

  11. Is this what you mean by signing up to win? I hope so, I would love to win the book! What a crazy bunch you all are! Retreats are my reward for being such a workaholic! Love them. Thanks for the great giveaway. Sincerely, Corky from

  12. I would love to win the copy of your book!! I have never been to a retreat - someday perhaps. I would mean a lot to me to read all about it. What a great idea for a book! PS I read about your giveaway on Rae Ann's blog this morning. Aren't blogettes wonderful!

  13. Rae Ann sent me over. I'm going on my first retreat next month. It looks like you all had so much fun. Would love to win the book! Thanks.

  14. I would absolutely love to win a copy of your book...Rae Ann told me it was amazing! I was in Utah a couple of weeks ago and checked 4 different shops but couldn't find this would be wonderful!

  15. I love quilt retreats!! And would love to read your book!

  16. Jill,
    I would love to have your book.....and a seat in the corner at your retreat would have gone for a premium I bet!!!What a wonderful time.
    Rae Ann said that your site and your book were a must and she was right!!!
    Have a great week,

  17. I would love to win a copy of this book. Such great projects and pictures. I love retreats.

  18. Hello from Washington Dc area...What a great post. I'm reading your post during my 2year old's nap, and tearing up over the woman with 4 kidneys, one of which is from you, and then you have me laughing at the nursing quilt. You're like Erma Bombeck and Betty White on a rollercoaster! Fun! Fun! Thank you for the generous giveaway!

  19. I am happy to find your blog after reading Rae Ann's today. I would be a lucky woman to win a copy of your book.

  20. Looks like you had a great time! Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  21. I too would love a copy of your book, the quilts are just lovely. What fun everyone had and had very compasionate and generous you were to give your kidney to someone...that is so amazing and selfless.....thanks for the inspiration.

  22. Rae Ann sent me over. Retreats are lifetime memories and always good ones. It seems any oddity possible always happens during a weekend getaway. I would love to win this book.

  23. Hello Jill, found you via Rae Ann. My friend Kate is in the process of redesigning her home to turn into a quilting retreat. We her bestest friends are hoping for Mates Rates, hoping for as much fun as yours sound.

  24. WOW that looks like SO much fun! One day I will get to attend a quilt retreat...until then I would love to read your book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  25. I have started a quilt club at our local library recently. I have a retreat in early planning too. I would love to win your book.

  26. Hi, found out about your giveaway on Rae Ann's blog. I'd love to win the book! Please count me in.

  27. I would love to win a copy of your book. There are many quilts that look like fun to make.

  28. Sign me up please. I have been on the retreat committee for 4 years running. i sure could use some fresh new ideas!

  29. Your book likes great! I was just thinking that I need another retreat. My LQS had a retreat in January - that's about right, isn't it? - every 6 months!

  30. I would love to win your book. It look just fabulous!
    Hugs Ullis in Sweden

  31. The book sounds brilliant. Would love to win it!

  32. What a retreat!!! I want to go to the next one...too much fun! I'd love to win your new book!! LOoks like your retreat~ too good to be true!! And too many lovely quilts!
    Take care and thanks for the chance to win it!!

  33. Oh I hope I win! Would love to have this fabulous book to help me put a retreat on for young mothers just starting out in this wonderful adventure of Quilting!

  34. Quilt retreats are so much fun, and it certainly looks like everyone is enjoying themselves.Thanks to Rae Anne for sending me over, and it doesn't hurt that there just might be a prize for reading about all the fun.

  35. I would love a copy of your book. I love retreats. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  36. I would love your book. I love the "Candied Pritzels" quilts. They look so different. I am sorry and happy for your friend. Sorr she has not been well and happy she will be getting better. And teenagers can eat A LOT of gum balls, LOL! I am a follower of Rae Ann's blog and she sent me over here to yours. I love your blog. Thank you!

  37. I would love to win a copy of your book. Some day I hope to attend a quilt retreat I know it would be fun, inspiring and stress relieving.

  38. What a fun idea! I put on a retreat annually-- I would love to win a copy (signed) of your delicious book! Good luck to all who enter:)

  39. I would love to win a copy of your book! The pinwheel quilt in the background of your pictures is beautiful!

  40. I would love to win a copy of your book. Thanks for the chance. Rae Ann sent me over.

  41. I'd love to win a copy of your book. It's on my wish list!!

  42. I would love to win a copy of your new book. Would be fun to share with my group.

  43. I love retreats!
    I want to sign up for the book give away drawing!
    My sister and I love to quilt and it looks so great!

  44. I just had to say I already bought your book and I love it!! This is one of my favorites. It makes me want to drag my cousins out and have a retreat. I love the recipes and the quilts are all beautiful...I am waiting for book two.

  45. I'd love to win a copy of your book! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  46. The book looks great, so I would love to be the winner :-)
    Thanks for giving me the chance.

  47. I would love to win your new book!

  48. It looks like the retreat was an absolute blast! Those are some beautiful quilts :)

  49. Rae Ann sent me over for a chance to win this book. I'd love to find a great group of gals to retreat with. I'm so envious of Rae Ann and friends!

  50. Have never been on a quilt retreat. However, perhaps my mother, aunt, and I can do a mini-retreat and sew together. Please enter me into your drawing.

  51. The google follow section did not show up even with refresh and reloads. So, I follow you now through blogger reader (the follow button on the header). Hope that works for you.

  52. The book looks fabulous and the retreat must have been a blast. I would love to win the book. Thanks for the giveaway

  53. Rae Ann sent me! Looks like a very fun book! Thanks for the chance to win o:)

  54. Congratulations on your new book. Awesome. I am here via Rae Ann and I just became a follower. Good luck on the sale of your book.

  55. I would love to win a copy of your book. I just became a follower of your blog. Rae Ann sent me

  56. Somehow everything seems funnier at 1 in the morning! I must have gone to bed when Jenn revealed her nursing quilt. What a shame!! The photos are priceless! No need to worry, I'll be sure to bring more gum balls :) Love you!! Love your book!! It really is a privilege to be a member of such a marvelous family! You are simply amazing!!

  57. I'd love to win a copy of your book. It looks so fun!! Thanks for the chance!

  58. What a fabulous, generous giveaway! Thanks so much for offering this chance to win your looks great! I am going on my very first retreat this Nov, and I can't wait!!

  59. Your story about the retreat really touched me for some reason; I can feel how much fun you all had!
    The pretzel quilts are just the kind I am turning to now. THanks for your giveaway and I'll be back to visit more.

  60. I just finished a quilting retreat. We had 30 plus ladies sewing for 6 days. Fabulous Fun! I'd love to win a copy of your book for my swap group. Thanks for the chance!

    I am a new follower:)

  61. I really like your blog. Sign me up to win a book.
