The Fight

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Busy Week

I haven't been blogging for a while, but I have been busy. And I know this is a quilt blog, but a wedding is a big deal, so I thought I would show you what I have been up to.

This cute couple is my son and his new bride, Caitie. She is so beautiful, inside and out and we are so pleased to welcome her into our family! I haven't got any of the professional photos back yet, so this is one of the only shots I have for now, right after the ceremony.

We had a lot of fun for several days with the wedding dinner,
(Aren't they cute together?)

and a shower
(Ala Project Runway--see it is sewing related after all! )
and then the reception. I will post a family photo later when I get them back.

So after the wedding, I had to hurry and pack up to go over to Reno (7 1/2 hours of driving by myself) for a quilt show there. Here is my booth space. (Side bar: Don't you get tired of seeing these endless booths? "Is that ALL Jill ever does?" I heaar you.) Anyway, I had to show you this one because the carpet in this hotel is just so outstanding. AND it really complements my decor as well! (use a sarcastic tone here.)
Not such a great booth design, but the best I could do all by myself. Set up was hard, but it did get better when the show opened! I met many wonderful quilters, and had a good time showing my applique demo. It is so rewarding when I see the light go on in someone's head.
This is Linda. I think. I wrote down her name, and now I can't find it but I really think that it IS Linda. Anyway, I took a picture of her because I showed her how to applique in my booth one day, and the next day she came back with a bunch of blocks all ready started using my method. She had just whipped them up in her hotel room that evening, and was so excited that they turned out so well. That is one happy quilter! I bet she has the whole quilt done by now! Linda, if you are reading this, show us the finished project!

I know you are all waiting on pins and needles (just a figure of speech) to hear if I got the wedding quilt done. Well, the answer is yes, and no. I did get it pieced together, and the applique all basted on, and the quilting was done by my long arm genius friend, Virginia, and then I presented it to them at the wedding dinner. (Strategically folded so as to not reveal the un-bound edges and un-stitched applique.) Then while they were on their honeymoon, I stole it back and have almost finished up everything. I will take a good photo soon and let you see how it turned out.
That's all for now. It's good to be back talking to you!

1 comment:

  1. Jill ~ What a fabulous post and CONGRATUlATIONS to the darling couple. You son looks like he knew what he was doing when it came to choosing a wife... simply adorable!
    I love your booth and the way that you have it set up. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.
