The Fight

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

To Market to Market...

Well we are off to Market again. This time it is in Minneapolis. I am busy getting everything ready. I have my new book to show and two new quilts. Here is a close up of "Woodland Walk."

The second new quilt is still at the quilter's so I can't show you a photo yet. I will get it back tonight and sew on the binding (to be finished on the plane, as usual.) It is soooo cute! You will love "Cabin Fever." (It seemed appropriate since it has been snowing all spring!)
You will have to wait for a picture.

Now here is another food photo. (That seems to have been a common theme lately.) We have been busy making hundreds of Candied Pretzels to give away at Market. A quilt by the same name is in my new book, and so is the recipe.

Freshly painted shelves await their place in my booth. (The flowers are leftovers from a wedding bouquet I made. My son is getting married next month and there was a photo shoot of the bride and groom yesterday.) So many things to do.....


  1. I am so glad about your book debut! I had seen you at Road to Calif. and love all of your wonderful patterns... I still need to get the book:) I have a son getting married next month also... so I might have to get it for the pretzel recipe alone!!!

  2. Well, now I know which booth I'm going to visit first!!!

  3. Just ordered your book. Can't wait to get it. Remember to check RJR booth for my quilt/accessories! Thanks. I'm wishing I was there with you.
