The Fight

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Can you believe I am still working on my book!? I really should be done by now, and I mostly am, but I have just let a few things drag out till the last (or way past last) minute. I think I have had a mental block about getting that last pattern written. I let it go too long, then it wasn't retrievable any more, (in the vast abyss that is my mind) so it was more work than it should have been, had I done it in a timely manner. But, almost nothing around here gets done in a "timely manner." Unfortunately.
That should be my New Years Resolution--not procrastinating! At least not so much. But since it is already January 6, that may even be a little ironic. Maybe next year....

So, to change the focus a little...(Hey Nonny, Nonny) the projects for the book turned out so great. I am really pleased. I just want to share one little sneak peak at one...this is a notebook cover, "Happy Endings" made of fabric selvages! (Get it?) It is so cute and so much fun just to look at. I made one for the book and liked it so much that I made 6 more for Christmas gifts. The pattern will of course be in the book, so now you have something to look forward to. Start saving your selvages!


  1. Could you be any more clever?

    I submit that you could not!

  2. You might not be "timely," but you are FABULOUS!! I love it! I'm a little envious that I wasn't one of your recipients though :)

  3. Jill you're amazing! Hope you can come to guild now that your book is done. I miss you!! Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions! I need a lot of help with mine!

  4. LOVE THIS COVER... I would have 1 in my bag & at my bed side.
