The Fight

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And the WINNER IS.....

OK, I didn't get this posted when I said I would, but Thanksgiving got in the way, and I was out of town, etc, etc. So this morning, we held our first prize drawing. The winner is....Beana. So Beana, if you are out there, email me your name and address so I can send this prize on to you!

The bag is stuffed with notions and patterns so you should have a fun time sewing up a storm. (It is the season for storms, after all.)

I would love to stay and chat, but I am still busy finishing my book. (Technically the deadline had past, so I really do need to get done!)

Have a great week everyone--stay tuned, we will do another drawing soon.


  1. Oh fun! Congrats to Beana! :)
    Good luck with the book!! :)

  2. Maybe I'm missing it...but I don't see your email address on your page!

