The Fight

Monday, August 10, 2009

I was just working on my new fabric line which will come out next spring.  I am using a wonderful hand written letter from my Great-Grandmother to my grandmother as one of the design elements.  It was a farewell letter written to her daughter when she left Switzerland to immigrate to America  at age 18.  It is a sweet tender letter, and the penmanship is beautiful.  Anyway, I was thinking about how we don’t write anything anymore.  In just a few generations that has basically been lost.  I did save one note my mom wrote to me when I was a little girl...

“Dear Miss Jill, When I send word for you to come home, young lady, I mean it....”

It was hand delivered to me by my younger brother while I was playing in the neighbor’s  yard.  Somehow I don’t think it rises to the level of a family heirloom.  

Things I write to my kids are usually done on a white board or on the back of an envelope as I run out the door.  Part of it is that I am not sure that I want anything that I might write down saved for generations to come.  It is a little intimidating.  Maybe that is why I have a hard time writing in a journal.  (I say as I post this blog for the whole world to see...)


  1. I'm so excited for this fabric in the Spring. I may just be placing an order for a whole bolt... or two!

  2. Jill, that is the best post ever! I loved your mom. What a great lady. Congrats on your fabric line, can't wait to see it. You too busy for a quick lunch?

  3. Hahaha -- I absolutely think your mother's little note rises to the level of a family heirloom! Just think how your g-g-g-grandchildren will laugh to know that you loved to play -- even if it meant getting it t-r-o-u-b-l-e!
