The Fight

Friday, June 5, 2009


Good Morning Quilters!
It is June, and summer is here.  Isn't it great to see all the beautiful flowers and people out working in their yards..the neighborhood seems to become a community again.  Yesterday I went to my quilt guild meeting.  I haven't been for a few months because of show/presentation conflicts, so it was good to see everyone again.  I am so inspired by all the great work they do-- both in humanitarian service and in the wonderful quilting.  You can get so many ideas just by going to "Show and Tell."

So many times I get stuck in my sewing room, working away day after day, and I just need to visit a shop or a quilting friend for a little inspiration.  If nothing else, it just makes you happy, and happy is good!

Are you in a quilt guild?  Or do you like to quilt with a friend?  How does it help you in your quilting?  Post your comments, I would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. Quilting with friends (or family!) is much more exciting and entertaining, than quilting alone.

    Although, once in a while it's nice to find a peaceful quiet moment alone where you can create:)

    I guess no matter what you're quilting, so that pretty much rocks!
