The Fight

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Round Robbin

I got out my sewing machine this weekend, and luckily, I hadn't forgotten how to use it.  I thought that might happen, because it has been soooo long since I sewed anything.  At least by machine.  I have been doing a lot of applique lately, mostly demonstrations.  And I have been busy filling orders and labeling glue bottles.

Anyway, it was great just to work on a quilt for fun.  My family does a "Round Robbin" every year.  We each start a quilt by making a center block, and then we all send them on to the next person on the list. This weekend I was working on my niece Maika's quilt.  I was doing the applique row, which actually was due several months ago, but I am running a little behind. (Understatement) Here is a peek at what the center block looked like.  I am adding the applique border.  In between is another rotation which set the block on point, and it is beautiful!  April, another neice did that row.  I can't show you the whole thing because it is a surprise, and we don't reveal until quilt retreat in April.  There is a chance that someone in my family might read this and see the surprise.  
Now I can start working on Christine's, another neice, to which I am supposed to add a border using squares.  I already have a plan for that.  I am late on that quilt also. . (shock) I am so excited for her to see the finished quilt because she will love it!  It is darling.  

Fortunately for me, (actually, it is planned this way) my sister Margaret follows me in the rotation, so she is able to make up for my extreme tardiness.  She can whip up a quilt in no time.  I think she actually has cruise control on her machine, which must be a
I find that the hardest part for me is getting started. Once I get going, I usually keep going, but there is always something else that seems to be more urgent.  I am just going to have to actually schedule time for sewing so that I can get to all the fun things I have planned.  Well, hope you have a great week.  Start something!


  1. Just saw your glue in Keepsake Quilting. Awesome! Happy that I could be a recommender (is that a word?) Must be that uber-cool video, which by the way we need to reconfigure. Got input from an expert. Yay! Tell Sarah we love her and we're thinking of her. Love you guys!

  2. Ok, now I really can't wait for quilt retreat, and for the SURPRISE!! Maika's work is AWESOME!! and I am sure yours is too...especially since you were using your super fabulous new glue!!

  3. I am super excited about the round robin surprises... I always love your borders!!

    So, no pressure or anything, but do you know that you also still have my round robin from two years ago? Just a friendly reminder... hehe.

  4. Christine, I have not forgotten! It has been haunting me! In fact, that is why I am behind yet again--I told myself that I couldn't work on the new round robbins until I finished yours. Well, when I was several months behind I finally had to change the rules so I could get started. It will be fun this way, though, you will get two surprises this year! (Nice try, Jill)
