Thursday, October 9, 2014

Good Things and Bad Things

Life is full of good things.  This time of year is always very busy for me.  And I should say, very good.  Getting ready for Market and planning new ways to present my designs is just as much fun for me as designing the fabric or quilts.

So you can imagine how disappointing it has been, when after being at 15 Markets in a row, I will have to miss this year's Fall Market.  This is a bad thing.  I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  My treatments start right away, so the timing was not exactly optimum for attending Market.  Medical issues tend to not be very convenient!

Of course, my business is not that important, and the very most important things in my life are my family, friends, and my faith.  But it is a big part of who I am and how I find joy and use my talents.

So I will continue to create.  I just won't have any deadlines.  Real or imposed.  I plan to quilt when I feel like it, and design at my pace until I get this thing whipped! (A Good Thing)

Jillily Studio will remain open and vibrant--with new fabrics, kits, orders and all the regular happenings.  I will just be a bit more slow for a while, and maybe in the background when I need to be.  I may have to pass the buck to my helpful workers as needed.  (It is a blessing to have a large family--another Good Thing.)

This year I had a whole lot of stuff planned for Market--we have a new book release, a new thread collection with Aurifil, new winter collection of fabric, and new patterns.  It will have to go on without me this time so that I can be back for Spring Market!

I want my customers to stop by the Henry Glass booth in #608 and check out my new stuff.  Say hello to my wonderful HG family.  They are all so awesome.

I have been designing the HG booth as usual and I sent it all off today in a crate.   I won't get to see it, so you will have to let me know how it turned out!!  I am counting on you!  Make sure you get your "cowboy on" and take some pics to share.  Yee Haw!  (Good Thing)

Here is a pic of our new book.  The HG designers will be doing a book signing at Market, so stop by and get your copy.  I am so proud of this project.  It is a big job to get this whole herd of designers doing something together, so thank you, Linda Lum DeBono!  Good job!  (Good Thing)

My project from the book: ( More about this later.  We are planning a blog hop with prizes, so stay tuned.)

And this is my new thread collection for Aurifil.  I am really excited about this one!  The "Sunday Best" colors are perfect shades to use in piecing and quilting.  Together with my "Everyday Colors" these two collections will give any quilter a great selection of colors for piecing, appliqué, quilting, and binding.

Sunday Best features white, creams, grays, taupes, tans and basic black, red, green and blue. (Good Thing)

OK.  So that's the Market run down.  Quite a bit earlier than usual, so that's one good thing.

Speaking of good things. . .  I tend to be a positive person, so I will be watching and noticing all the good things that come my way.  I am a person of faith, and I believe in the power of prayer.  I know that God has a plan for me, and that He loves me.  I am grateful for this challenge, because I am certain that it will bring me and my family closer to Him.

I wish you all the best in your life, too.  Now go look for some more Good Things!


Toni said...

Jill I am sorry to hear this news. I wish there is something I could do for you. I know how hard yet rewarding market is but there will be others. You sound like you have a great attitude. I will continue to pray for you and your large wonderful family.

Susan Lawson said...

Jill, I am so sorry to hear your news and (as an oncology nurse)know how devastating it can be...but it sounds like you have a wonderful support system and a positive attitude! which means a lot. I wish you and your family the best during this time.

PamKittyMorning said...

Sending my love and will be thinking of you. xopam

Melissa said...

So, so sorry to hear that diagnosis! I hope you respond quickly to your treatments and feel well enough to do all you want to. Faith, family and a positive attitude really do make a differerence. Thanks for sharing. Hugs!

KaHolly said...

You'll remain in my thoughts.

Dorian said...

Many thoughts and prayers going out to you and yours. Take care.

Stitchin At Home said...

As a breast cancer survivor(8 years) I know you can be a survivor also. Some days will be easier than others, but with your positive attitude and the support of your family, you can get through it. I am sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

Jacqueline said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you. As a 4 year cancer survivor I will tell you that you can get thru it. Life is good. Put all your fears into God's hands and it will be easier for you.

Laura said...

My oncologist says this is the best time in history to get breast cancer. They know so much more than they used to and can tailor your treatments to target your type of BC. I am an eight year survivor so far. Hang in there! Sending lots of hugs and positive energy for your complete recovery!

StitchinByTheLake said...

God is surely in control of your life as He has been since your conception.....I pray that He will continue to give you strength and peace and that His grace will surround you every moment. I'm totally in love with that quilt! :) blessings, marlene

JudyCinNC said...

Sending you armfuls of positive thoughts interlaced with huge virtual hugs and a ton of prayers for a successful outcome to this temporary freckle in the constant balance of everyday life in which we seem to have little control over. Judy C

Deonn said...

Oh, Jill - I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. You'll be in my prayers. I'll stop by to check out your wonderful touch at Quilt Market - I'm happy for all the success and good things happening despite this news, and will be cheering you along. Bless your heart.

Unknown said...

Just said a prayer for you and sending you lots of love and encouragement for your journey ahead. I'm a cancer survivor too (uterine) and my faith in God was instrumental helping me through the treatment.
Love your designs, your sweet personality and your positive attitude!

Susan P said...

You will be in my daily prayers. xo

Unknown said...

Jill, you're amazing. Working with you these past weeks has just cemented this description in my mind. Your positive attitude, your creative gifts and how you magnify them, your verve for life and family and your deep faith in God and his eternal plan for you,are just a few of your gifts. You use them well, and they, in turn are blessing you. You're in my prayers. Put your boxing gloves on, the crowd is on their knees for you, you can't help but win this match. You go girl!

DuAnne said...

Saddened to hear the news. Positive goes a long way to keep you strong during this time. God Bless you and your family.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Absolutely take the time to focus on yourself! You have a great outlook and to be surrounded by family is paramount. I hope you have a quick recovery and will be back to doing the things you enjoy soon--sending cyber hugs!

Tammy said...

I am sorry to hear of your Breast Cancer diagnosis. I was diagnosed in early 2013 myself. And it was a heck of a year. You definitely need to stay positive and upbeat. It makes such a difference. And if you ever need to talk please feel free to email me.

Judy said...

Jill, I will be praying for you through your treatments. Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, that you may be filled with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Rae Ann said...

2720Jill... I am so sorry to hear this! I will be praying for you my friend. I hope that your treatments will go well and you will have a remarkable recovery. Love you!

Heidi Pridemore said...

Jill I will keep you in my thoughts and I know you will fight this battle with strength and love. Miss seeing you at market.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,

I met you in Chicago and we talked about good pizza places! I work in a Catholic School here and we are going to keep you in our prayers! You are amazing and I know you will beat this thing! Know that there are a lot of us in Chicago praying for you!

Aunti"M" said...

I stood in your shoes 8 years ago this month, and am here to tell you with your positive attitude, faith, love and support of family/friends you will sail on thru this and find out things about yourself you never knew. Be well and prayers for fast recovery!!!

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Sorry to hear your news. I will keep you in my thoughts. Take things easy and get well soon!

KMSC said...

Your great attitude, help from your family and friends and your deep faith will see you through this life challenge! My thoughts are with you.

Vicki H said...

Prayer and best wishes are being sent to you. I have many friends who are survivors and you will be too. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hello, just trust in Him and He will help you at every turn! My sister went through this with flying colors+I'm praying that you will too ♥

Melanie said...

God bless and be strong.

Village_Quilts said...

Prayers are lifted up for you from your friends in Ohio. We'll miss you at Market. All of the good things in your life will surely outweigh the not so good. Stay strong! We'll see you in the Spring! Betty, Clare, Kelly and Catherine.

celkalee said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know that if you approach this diagnosis and treatment with your customary insight you will do well. Make no mistake, this can be difficult under the best of circumstances but know that all of us out here are rooting for you and will look forward to your Spring Market posts!

JEllen said...

I know the treatments for breast cancer have progressed so in the past few years, still I am so sorry and heartbroken to read this. No matter your plan, I know God has you in his hands and you have a wonderful family to support you. Sarah and I will be praying for your strength and a quick and complete recovery.

ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Jill, I am so sorry to read this news. My heart goes out to you and your family. You are such a wonderfully talented lady, and I am sure when you put all that energy into fighting this, you will overcome. You are one of the strongest ladies I know, in heart, mind, and faith. It shows in everything you do. Best of wishes to you Jill, I will look forward to see your inspiring journey through it. You will be missed for the time being, but we will be here waiting for your quick recovery. xx Cori

Lee said...

Loads of Prayers for you!!

LJ said...

Thinking of you and praying that all goes well with your treatments.

Susan said...

So sorry to hear of your misfortune. I also am a believer in the power of prayer. I immediately said one and will continue to do so. Sending you positive energy!

Sherri said...

You are such an inspiration! I know with your faith and prayer and family you will be able to get on with the good things in your life!

Motherdragon's Musings said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Rebecca Grace said...

Jill, your attitude is truly inspirational and a testament to your faith. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Also, I LOVE your project in the book. Be well!

Sharon said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time -- two of my coworkers were diagnosed last year and are truly amazing women who continue to thrive in spite of this dreaded diagnosis. Keep the faith and I know that all your 'followers' will be doing so on your behalf.

Beth said...

While I am so sorry to hear that you'll be going through this challenge, I know your heart will be attuned to the tender mercies you'll find along the way. I hope the love and support you feel from the quilting community will be a blessing to you and your family. We will be looking forward to more good things and good news.

Dawn Heese said...

I will be thinking of you Jill. Heal fast.

Sparky said...

Oh sweet heavens Jill, i am sorry to hear this sad news....but I do know the power of prayer and family and friends, and together the healing from our mind and souls will surely help...they just have to.

Pam in IL said...

So sorry to hear this news. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Helen L said...

Dear Jill, I was so sad to hear your news (bad thing), but you have been in my prayers since I read your post last night (good thing). Just know that I am rooting for you and that you will be in my prayers. Hugs to you, your friend in Healdsburg, Ca, Helen

Unknown said...

You hang in there and be strong!! I am also in the pink club (a breast cancer survivor of 7 years). After beating it, I am empowered and since then have started following my dreams... I now design quilt patterns. The pink club changes a girl... You will be amazed how strong you are and how much stronger you will become!! I will be at Market having a booth and will make sure to stop by your booth, photo-bomb it, and post it on my FB page.

You go girl!!!

Susan Blair said...

Jill- I am so sorry to hear of this news. You probably don't remember meeting me at the Chicago show in 2013- you meet so many people. You were so kind and took the time to talk with me about possibly coming to our guild. You clearly have a wonderful family and support system, and I am sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way. I am sure you will beat this. Your attitude is absolutely inspiring, I wish you nothing but the best-- we will all be envious for whatever new designs you have, whenever you are ready to share them. Take care, hugs!

Susan Blair said...

Oh my goodness- autocorrect- excited- not envious!

Melissa Jordan said...

Best wishes to you. You are in my thought and prayers and wishing for the absolute best for you.

kshackabq said...

So very sorry, Jill, that you need to take this journey. I've been on it myself. Stay very positive, but also be sure to let yourself feel all you need to as you move along. Mostly, may you always feel God's presence with you, on the good days and the not-so-good days. He gives such gentle reminders He's there always. Blessings to you!

Debra G said...

Prayers for strength for this battle. I'm a 10 year breast cancer survivor. I'll pass along two pieces of advice. All you have to do is get thru today. You can do that. And second, be kind to yourself, take a nap, let others do for you. We'll be waiting for you when you're cancer free and in good health!

Judy1522 said...

I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I will keep you in my prayers.

Margo said...

Another BC survivor wishing you a speedy recovery.

sand said...

Jill I'm a bcs of 8 years and I was told in the beginning that this is a journey some journey but it was. Your a strong person we talk once on the phone. With your faith it's in God's hands(that's how I felt} family and friends you can and will come thur this and you'll look at things differently. I send prayers and strength for you - one step,one day at a time. Debbie

Moose on the Porch Quilts said...

How dare it stop you from going to Market! Seriously though, I am sorry that you are having to go through this, and I pray that you and your family will have the strength you need during this time. I hope it won't be too long before we see you back as a survivor!

Nrhaller said...

Jill, it is apparent while reading your blog post that you will come through this challenge and be better for it. This was an inspirational post for those of us reading it. Just hearing your attitude towards this challenge, and knowing of your faith, and loving support shows us all the strength and character you possess. God will see you through all of this. I'm sure all of your blog friends will keep you in prayers, and be right here whenever you can be too. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Hello Jill,

I will be praying for you during this time for strenght and the power of healing that our "Lord" can and does do!

My name is Julie Beard and I am from Australia, Adelaide in particular. It is one of Australia's southern cities with a slightly smaller population than most. My reason for contacting you is that I was watching a You Tube video from the FQS for the first time just a few days ago. I did not even know yours or the video's hosts name but I fell in love with serenity and I am about to buy the pattern from you.

For some reason I felt driven to read your blog to get to know you a little bit when I found another stunning quilt that one day I would like to make! Well know that I know that your new book is coming out soon I will have to wait for the instructions on how to make it as well when I buy your book too!

In the meantime will pray that market goes all smoothly for you your family and friends and that you have a stress free time during this time coming. I am very happy that the FQS provided me a link to your website. In the name of Jesus I pray that you will be healed and comforted. God Bless Amen. Julie Beard

betty boop said...

7715Prayers are coming your way for a speedy recuperation. Keep that pad of paper next to you for all your new inspirations.
... Elizabeth

Maxine said...

Sorry to hear the news Jill. Sending my love and will be thinking of you.