Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jolly Holiday Feast

Each day of this Jolly Holiday Blog Party, I have given  you the links to visit the Henry Glass designers.  Scroll back through my posts for the past week and visit the ones you missed.  Get to know the designers and collect the secret words.  Then enter to win.

You know that I really want one of my followers to win the GRAND PRIZE at the Henry Glass blog hop, so here's a little song I wrote to expressing my feelings.  (Some secrets are better when shared!)  Oh, and you have to sing along. . .

Jolly Holiday Feast  (Sung to the tune of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas")

We wish you a  roasted turkey
Apple cider and Christmas pudding.
We wish that you’ll have some egg nog
And a happy cured ham.

Good tidings to you, with hot chocolate sweet.
We wish you some Christmas cookies
And gingerbread to eat.

Now bring us some pie, for my sake,
(But don’t bother with the fruitcake.)
A hot buttered rum sounds toasty
To warm you right up!

We won’t go without our candy canes,
Cranberry sauce and stuffing,
Butter tarts and mashed potatoes
Now that will be yumm!

We wish you a Jolly Holiday
From the Henry Glass designers.
We wish you a tasty dinner
And we hope you WIN!

Now, you know what to do with all those secret words.... and here's the link  to the Henry Glass site.  You have until November 26 to leave your comment (with all those words in it) to win the GRAND PRIZE.

But here on my site, you can win right away! 
See that bundle of yummy "Sorbet Garden" fat quarters?  That can be yours, and you have TWO chances to win:

1.  Sign up to "follow" my blog, and make a comment on Jolly Holiday -Day 1.
2.  Go to the Jillily Studio page on Facebook, and "like"  Jillily Studio.

In both places you have a good chance to win!  And then you will be all signed up for the next time I have a prize drawing.


Mary said...

I already am a follower and like you on FB. I commented on as many of the Blog Hop posts I could. Hope to be a winner of something! Thanks for the Song!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I am confused where we send our list of clues for the Holiday Hop. Is there a special place on HG site?

Material Girl said...

I am a follower of your blog, just found it since I started the Henry Glass Blog Hop, and I am also a fan on Facebook. Love the fabrics, and your pillow pattern it so cute!!

Shirley in Canada said...

Thank you for the fun!!!

Vickie said...

This was fun!! Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fun, I've been a follower for some time.

Jill Finley said...

Vrooman's Quilts:
Just click on the link I gave you or go to the Henry Glass BLOG to leave a comment there. They will probably have a post there with instructions. Type in your list of words in a comment. I will make sure you are entered!

Tam said...

Thank you for all the entertainment you provided--the Blog Hop has been fun! I'm a follower ever since I discovered your bright, cheerful patterns and blog--even your masthead makes me smile.

Robyn said...

I have added you to my google reader. I've actually already had you there for awhile. :)

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

LOL Thank you! Your little song is playing in my head now. :-)
Have a happy day!

ritainalaska said...

i'm your follower and fan! thanx for all the fun this last week.

Judy1522 said...

Your fabric is so beautiful. I have really been enjoying this blog hop and am now following several new blogs.

Caroline said...

love your little song, was a little worried I had missed some clues.... but all okay :) I am a Follower of yours and am enjoying all your delicious posts... both food and fabric LOL

Christine M said...

I'm already a follower. I love the colours of those fabrics. So cheery! Thanks for the chance.

evelyn said...

Thanks for being part of such a fun week.

Becky said...

I am a blog follower! Love the colors in your fabric!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Marcia W. said...

Thanks for the time you spent on providing us with the lovely pattern and the Song. I enjoyed this HG jolly holiday blog hop, and follow you both on your blog and FB. Happy Holidays!

VickiT said...

I was already a follower and have now 'liked' you on FB as well. I've got my fingers all crossed.

Share Knowledges said...

One of the follower of your blog and got the idea of ordering a unique patterns. I stumbled here from my one of the facebook friend. That song is too good.
rc truck

Peggy said...

I have a question. Are we supposed to post a comment on the blog as you said or send an email which the blog says?...or both ;o)

gymo said...

Already a follower and just LIKED you on FB. Thanks for the chance to win :-)

Lee said...

Thank you for the lovely giveaway. I am a follower of your blog and made a comment on day one! no fb for me. thanks for the inspiration!

Carrie P. said...

Cute song. You are so talented.
I am a follower. And have signed up on day 1

Jill Finley said...

Well, I thought it was to leave a comment, but they decided it was best to comment by email. So that's what you should do.